1948 in fine arts of the Soviet Union

The year 1948 was marked by many events that left an imprint on the history of Soviet and Russian fine arts.



  • February 26 — Lev Bruny (Russian: Бруни Лев Александрович), Russian soviet artist (born 1894).
  • May 1 — David Shterenberg (Russian: Штеренберг Давид Петрович), Russian soviet painter and graphic artist (born 1881).
  • November 15 — Nikolai Ionin (Russian: Ионин Николай Александровичч), Russian soviet painter and graphic artist (born 1890).

See also


  1. ^ Юбилейный Справочник выпускников Санкт-Петербургского академического института живописи, скульптуры и архитектуры имени И. Е. Репина Российской Академии художеств. 1915—2005. СПб., Первоцвет, 2007. С.58-60.
  2. ^ Художественная выставка «30 лет Советских Вооруженных сил. 1918-1948». Живопись. Скульптура. Графика. Каталог выставки. М., 1948.
  3. ^ Романычева И. Академическая дача. История и традиции. СПб., Петрополь, 2009. С.14.


  • Всесоюзная выставка работ молодых художников, посвященная 30-летию ВЛКСМ. Живопись. Скульптура. Графика. Каталог. М-Л., Искусство, 1948.
  • Художественная выставка "30 лет Советских Вооруженных сил. 1918-1948. Живопись. Скульптура. Графика. Каталог выставки. М., 1948.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 1. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1970.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 2. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1972.
  • Directory of Members of Union of Artists of USSR. Volume 1,2. Moscow, Soviet Artist Edition, 1979.
  • Directory of Members of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists of Russian Federation. Leningrad, Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1980.
  • Artists of Peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 4 Book 1. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1983.
  • Directory of Members of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Artists of Russian Federation. - Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1987.
  • Artists of peoples of the USSR. Biography Dictionary. Vol. 4 Book 2. - Saint Petersburg: Academic project humanitarian agency, 1995.
  • Link of Times: 1932 - 1997. Artists - Members of Saint Petersburg Union of Artists of Russia. Exhibition catalogue. - Saint Petersburg: Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, 1997.
  • Matthew C. Bown. Dictionary of 20th Century Russian and Soviet Painters 1900-1980s. - London: Izomar, 1998.
  • Vern G. Swanson. Soviet Impressionism. - Woodbridge, England: Antique Collectors' Club, 2001.
  • Время перемен. Искусство 1960—1985 в Советском Союзе. СПб., Государственный Русский музей, 2006.
  • Sergei V. Ivanov. Unknown Socialist Realism. The Leningrad School. - Saint-Petersburg: NP-Print Edition, 2007. - ISBN 5-901724-21-6, ISBN 978-5-901724-21-7.
  • Anniversary Directory graduates of Saint Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture named after Ilya Repin, Russian Academy of Arts. 1915 - 2005. - Saint Petersburg: Pervotsvet Publishing House, 2007.