List of battleships

The list of battleships includes all battleships built between 1859 and 1946, listed alphabetically.

The boundary between ironclads and the first battleships, the so-called 'pre-dreadnought battleship', is not obvious, as the characteristics of the pre-dreadnought evolved in the period from 1875 to 1895.

As they can be considered as reduced versions of battleships, coastal defence ships (sometimes also referred to as coastal defence battleships) are included in the list.

Name Launched Class Type Operator Notes
Abyssinia 1870-02-19 Breastwork monitor  Royal Indian Navy For harbour defence of Bombay
Achilles 1863-12-23 Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Admiral Chichagov 1868-10-13 Admiral Spiridov class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Admiral Greig 1867-10-30 Admiral Lazarev class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Admiral Lazarev 1867-09-21 Admiral Lazarev class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Admiral Spiridov 1868-08-28 Admiral Spiridov class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Affondatore 1865-11-03  Regia Marina
Agamemnon (1879) 1879-09-17 Ajax class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Agincourt (1865) 1865-03-27 Minotaur class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Ex-Captain
Ajax (1880) 1880-03-10 Ajax class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Alexandra 1875-04-07 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Ex-Superb
Almirante Brown 1880-10-06 Central battery ironclad  Argentine Navy
Almirante Cochrane 1874-01-23 Almirante Cochrane class Central battery ironclad  Chilean Navy
Amiral Baudin 1883-06-05 Amiral Baudin class  French Navy
Amiral Duperré 1879-09.11  French Navy
Ancona 1864-10-17 Regina Maria Pia class  Regia Marina
Andrea Doria 1885-11-21 Ruggiero di Lauria class  Regia Marina
Anson (1886) 1886-02-17 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy
Arapiles 1864-10-17 Broadside ironclad  Spanish Navy
Arminius 1864-08-20  Imperial German Navy
Atahualpa 1864-04-13 Canonicus class Monitor  Peruvian Navy Ex-USS Catawba, purchased 1868 – scuttled, 16 Jan 1881, salvaged and used as a storage hulk
Audacious (1869) 1869-02-27 Audacious class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Baden (1880) 1880-07-28 Sachsen class  Imperial German Navy
Bayern (1878) 1878-05-13 Sachsen class  Imperial German Navy
Belleisle 1876-02-12 Belleisle class Ironclad ram  Royal Navy Ex-Ottoman Peyk-i Şeref, purchased 1878
Bellerophon (1865) 1865-05-26 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Belliqueuse 1865-09-06  French Navy
Benbow (1885) 1885-06-15 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy
Black Prince 1861-02-27 Warrior class Broadside ironclad  Royal Navy Ex-Invincible
Blanco Encalada 1875-05-08 Almirante Cochrane class Central battery ironclad  Chilean Navy Ex-Valparaiso – torpedoed by torpedo gunboat Almirante Lynch in Caldera Bay, 23 Apr 1891, during 1891 Chilean Civil War
Bronenosets 1864-03-24 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Buffel 1868-03-10 Buffel class  Royal Netherlands Navy
Büruç-u Zafer 1879-01-23 Belleisle class  Ottoman Navy Later HMS Orion
Caïman 1885 Terrible class  French Navy
Duilio (1876) 1876-05-08 Duilio class  Regia Marina
Caledonia (1862) 1862-10-24 Prince Consort class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Ex-Triumph, converted Bulwark class two-decker
Camperdown 1885-11-24 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy
Captain 1869-03-27 Masted turret ship  Royal Navy Sank in a storm off Cape Finisterre, 6 Sep 1870
Castelfidardo 1863-08-01 Regina Maria Pia class  Regia Marina
Cerberus 1868-12-02 Cerberus class Breastwork monitor Victoria (state) Victorian Navy For harbour defence of Melbourne, sunk as breakwater, 2 Sep 1926
Charodeika 1867-09-12 Charodeika class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Chesma 1886-05-18 Ekaterina II class Barbette ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Colbert 1875-09-15 Colbert class  French Navy
Collingwood (1882) 1882-11-22 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy
Colossus (1882) 1882-03-21 Colossus class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Conqueror (1881) 1881-09-08 Conqueror class Turret ram  Royal Navy
Conte Verde 1867-07-29 Principe di Carignano class  Regia Marina
Courbet (1882) 1882-04.27 Dévastation class  French Navy
Couronne 1861-03-28 Broadside ironclad
 French Navy
Custoza 1872-08-20  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Cyclops 1871-07-18 Cyclops class Breastwork monitor  Royal Navy
Danmark 1864-02-23  Royal Danish Navy
Dannebrog 1864-03-30  Royal Danish Navy
Defence 1861-04-24 Defence class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Deutschland (1874) 1874-09-12 Kaiser class  Imperial German Navy
Dévastation 1879-08-19 Dévastation class  French Navy
Devastation (1871) 1871-07-12 Devastation class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Dingyuan 1881-12-28 Dingyuan class Turret ship  Imperial Chinese Navy Scuttled during the Battle of Weihaiwei, 10 Feb 1895
Don Juan d'Austria (1862) 1862-07-26 Kaiser Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Don Juan d'Austria (1875) 1875-10-25 Kaiser Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Drache 1861-09-09 Drache class Broadside ironclad  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Dreadnought (1875) 1875-03-08 Turret ship  Royal Navy
Dunderberg 1865-07-22  United States
Duque de Tetuán 1874 Floating Battery  Spanish Navy
Edinburgh 1882-03-18 Colossus class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Edinorog 1864-06-02 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Ekaterina II 1886-05-20 Ekaterina II class Barbette ship  Imperial Russian Navy
El Plata 1874-08-29 El Plata class Monitor  Argentine Navy
Enrico Dandolo 1878 Duilio class  Regia Marina
Enterprise 1864-02-09 Central battery ironclad
(armoured sloop)
 Royal Navy Ex-Circassian, converted Camelion class sloop
Erzherzog Albrecht 1872-04-24  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Erzherzog Ferdinand Max (1865) 1865-05-24 Erzherzog Ferdinand Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Favorite 1864-07-05 Central battery ironclad
(armoured corvette)
 Royal Navy
Flandre 1864-06-12 Provence class  French Navy
Formidabile 1861-10-01 Formidabile class  Regia Marina
Formidable 1885 Amiral Baudin class  French Navy
Francesco Morosini 1885 Ruggiero di Lauria class  Regia Marina
Friedland 1873-10-25  French Navy
Friedrich Carl 1867-01-16  Imperial German Navy
Friedrich der Grosse (1874) 1874-09-20 Preussen class  Imperial German Navy
Gauloise 1865-04-26 Provence class  French Navy
Georgii Pobedonosets 1892-03-09 Ekaterina II class Barbette ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Glatton 1871-03-08 Breastwork monitor  Royal Navy
Gloire 1859-11-24 Gloire class Broadside ironclad  French Navy First ironclad laid down as such
Gorgon 1871-10-14 Cyclops class Breastwork monitor  Royal Navy
Gorm 1870-05-17  Royal Danish Navy
Grosser Kurfürst (1875) 1875-09-17 Preussen class  Imperial German Navy
Guinea 1870-05-05 Buffel class  Royal Netherlands Navy
Guyenne 1865.09.06 Provence class  French Navy
Habsburg (1865) 1865-06-24 Erzherzog Ferdinand Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Hamidieh 1875-11-16 Superb class  Ottoman Navy Ex-HMS Superb
Hansa 1872-10-26  Imperial German Navy
Hecate 1871-09-30 Cyclops class Breastwork monitor  Royal Navy
Hector 1862-09-26 Hector class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Helgoland 1878-05-09  Royal Danish Navy
Hercules (1868) 1868-02-10 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Hero 1885-10-27 Conqueror class Turret ram  Royal Navy Sunk as gunnery target off Kentish Knock, 18 Feb 1908, raised and scrapped
Héroïne 1863-12-10 Provence class  French Navy
Hoche 1886  French Navy
Hotspur 1870-03-19 Ironclad ram  Royal Navy
Howe (1885) 1885-04-28 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy Scrapped at Inverkeithing in 1958
Huáscar 1865-10-06 Turret ship  Peruvian Navy Captured by the Chilean Navy at the Battle of Angamos, 8 Oct 1879
Huáscar 1865-10-06 Turret ship  Chilean Navy Ex-Peruvian, captured at the Battle of Angamos, 8 Oct 1879 – various subsequent uses, now a museum ship in Talcahuano
Hydra 1871-12-28 Cyclops class Breastwork monitor  Royal Navy
Hydra 1889-05-15 Hydra class Coastal defence barbette/turret ship  Royal Hellenic Navy
Imperator Aleksandr II 1887 Imperator Aleksandr II class Barbette ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Imperator Nikolai I 1889 Imperator Aleksandr II class Turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy Later Japanese Iki
Independencia 1865-08-08 Broadside ironclad  Peruvian Navy Destroyed after grounding during the Battle of Punta Gruesa, 21 May 1879
Indomptable 1883 Terrible class  French Navy
Inflexible 1876-04-27 Masted turret ship  Royal Navy
Invincible 1861-04-04 Gloire class  French Navy
Invincible 1869-05-29 Audacious class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Sank in storm off Portland Bill, 17 Sep 1914
Iron Duke (1870) 1870.03.01 Audacious class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Italia 1880 Italia class  Regia Marina
Kaiser (1858) 1871  Austro-Hungarian Navy Re-launched as central battery ironclad
Kaiser (1874) 1874-03-19 Kaiser class  Imperial German Navy
Kaiser Max (1862) 1862-03-14 Kaiser Max class Broadside ironclad  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Kaiser Max (1875) 1875-12-28 Kaiser Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Kniaz Pozharsky 1867-09-12 Central battery ironclad  Imperial Russian Navy
Koldun 1864-05-08 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
König Wilhelm 1868-04-25  Imperial German Navy
Koning der Nederlanden 1874-10-28  Royal Netherlands Navy
Kreml 1865-08-26 Pervenets class Broadside ironclad
 Imperial Russian Navy
Kronprinz 1867-05-06  Imperial German Navy
Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf 1887-06-06  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Kronprinzessin Erzherzogin Stephanie 1887-04-14  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Latnik 1864-03-22 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Lava 1864-06-08 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Lepanto 1883 Italia class  Regia Marina
Lindormen 1868-08-08  Royal Danish Navy
Lissa 1869-02-25 Central battery ironclad  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Lord Clyde 1864-10-13 Lord Clyde class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Lord Warden 1865-03-27 Lord Clyde class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Los Andes 1874-10-29 El Plata class Monitor  Argentine Navy
Magdala 1870-03-02 Cerberus class Breastwork monitor  Royal Indian Navy For harbour defence of Bombay
Magenta (1861) 1861-06-22 Magenta class Broadside ironclad  French Navy
Magenta (1890) 1890 Marceau class  French Navy
Magnanime 1864-08-19 Provence class  French Navy
Manco Cápac 1864-05-21 Canonicus class Monitor  Peruvian Navy Ex-USS Oneota, purchased 1868 – scuttled at Arica, 7 June 1880
Marceau 1887 Marceau class  French Navy
Marengo 1869-12-04 Océan class  French Navy
Méndez Núñez 1861-09-16 Central battery ironclad  Spanish Navy Rebuilt from screw frigate Resolución 1867–70
Messina 1864-12-20 Principe di Carignano class  Regia Marina
Mesûdiye 1874-10-28 Superb class  Ottoman Navy
Minotaur 1863-12-12 Minotaur class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Ex-Elephant
Monarch (1868) 1868-05-25 Masted turret ship  Royal Navy
Monitor 1862-01-30 Monitor  United States First monitor, eponym of the type
Ne Tron Menia 1864-06-23 Pervenets class Broadside ironclad
 Imperial Russian Navy
Neptune (1887) 1887 Marceau class  French Navy
Neptune (1874) 1874-09-10 Masted turret ship  Royal Navy Ex-Brazilian Independencia, purchased 1878
Nile 1888-03-27 Trafalgar class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Normandie (1860) 1860-03-10 Gloire class  French Navy
Northumberland 1866-04-17 Minotaur class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Novgorod 1873-06-02 Circular ironclad (Popovka)  Imperial Russian Navy
Numancia 1863-11-19 Broadside ironclad  Spanish Navy Completely rebuilt 1897–98
Océan 1868-10-15 Océan class  French Navy
Ocean (1863) 1863-03-19 Prince Consort class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Converted Bulwark class two-decker
Odin 1872-12-12  Royal Danish Navy
Oldenburg (1884) 1884-12-20  Imperial German Navy
Orion (1879) 1879-01-23 Belleisle class Ironclad ram  Royal Navy Ex-Ottoman Büruç-u Zafer, purchased 1878
Palestro 1871-10-02 Principe Amedeo class  Regia Marina
Pallas 1865-03-14 Central battery ironclad
(armoured corvette)
 Royal Navy
Peder Skram 1864-10-18  Royal Danish Navy
Pelayo 1887-02-05 Barbette ship  Spanish Navy
Penelope 1867-06-18 Central battery ironclad
(armoured corvette)
 Royal Navy
Perun 1864-06-30 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Pervenets 1863-05-18 Pervenets class Broadside ironclad
 Imperial Russian Navy
Petr Veliky 1872-08-27 Turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Petropavlovsk (1865) 1865-08-15 Broadside ironclad
 Imperial Russian Navy
Peyk-i Şeref 1876-02-12 Belleisle class  Ottoman Navy Later HMS Belleisle
Preussen (1873) 1873-11-22 Preussen class  Imperial German Navy
Prince Albert 1864-05-23 Coastal defence turret ship  Royal Navy
Prince Consort 1862-06-26 Prince Consort class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Ex-Triumph, converted Bulwark class two-decker
Principe Amedeo 1872-01-15 Principe Amedeo class  Regia Marina
Principe di Carignano 1863-09-15 Principe di Carignano class  Regia Marina
Prins Hendrik der Nederlanden 1866-10-09 Turret ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Prinz Adalbert 1864-06-00  Imperial German Navy
Prinz Eugen (1862) 1862-06-14 Kaiser Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Prinz Eugen (1877) 1879-09-07 Kaiser Max class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Provence (1863) 1863-10-29 Provence class  French Navy
Psara 1890-02-20 Hydra class Coastal defence barbette/turret ship  Royal Hellenic Navy
Puigcerdá 1874-11-19 Monitor  Spanish Navy
Re d'Italia 1863-04-18 Re d'Italia class Broadside ironclad  Regia Marina
Re di Portogallo 1863-08-29 Re d'Italia class Broadside ironclad  Regia Marina
Re Umberto 1888 Re Umberto class Barbette ship  Regia Marina
Redoutable (1876) 1876-09.18  French Navy
Regina Maria Pia 1863-04-28 Regina Maria Pia class  Regia Marina
Requin 1885 Terrible class  French Navy
Resistance 1861-04-11 Defence class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Research 1863-08-15 Central battery ironclad
(armoured sloop)
 Royal Navy Ex-Trent, converted Camelion class sloop
Repulse 1868-04-25 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Converted Bulwark class two-decker
Revanche 1865-12-28 Provence class  French Navy
Richelieu (1873) 1873-12-03  French Navy
Rodney (1884) 1884-10-08 Admiral class Barbette ship  Royal Navy
Rolf Krake 1863-05-06  Royal Danish Navy
Roma (1865) 1865-12-18 Roma class  Regia Marina
Royal Alfred 1864-10-15 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Converted Bulwark class two-decker
Royal Oak (1862) 1862-09-10 Prince Consort class (modified) Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Converted Bulwark class two-decker
Royal Sovereign (1857) 1857-04-25 Coastal defence turret ship  Royal Navy Converted Duke of Wellington class three-decker
Ruggiero di Lauria 1884 Ruggiero di Lauria class  Regia Marina
Rupert 1872-03-12 Ironclad ram  Royal Navy
Rusalka 1867-09-12 Charodeika class Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Sachsen (1877) 1877-07-21 Sachsen class  Imperial German Navy
Sagunto 1869-04-26 Central battery ironclad  Spanish Navy
Salamander 1861-08-22 Drache class  Austro-Hungarian Navy
San Martino 1863-09-21 Regina Maria Pia class  Regia Marina
Sans Pareil 1887-05-09 Victoria class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Sardegna 1890 Re Umberto class Barbette ship  Regia Marina
Savoie 1863-09-29 Provence class  French Navy
Schorpioen 1868-01-18 Schorpioen class  Royal Netherlands Navy
Scorpion 1863-07-04 Scorpion class Masted turret ship  Royal Navy Ex-Confederate order North Carolina alias El Tousson, seized 1863
Sevastopol (1864) 1864-08-12 Broadside ironclad
 Imperial Russian Navy
Sicilia 1891 Re Umberto class Barbette ship  Regia Marina
Sinop 1887-06-01 Ekaterina II class Barbette ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Smerch 1864-06-23 Coastal defence turret ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Solferino 1861-06-24 Magenta class  French Navy
Spetsai 1889-10-26 Hydra class Coastal defence barbette/turret ship  Royal Hellenic Navy
Stier 1868-04-05 Schorpioen class  Royal Netherlands Navy
Strelets 1864-06-02 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Suffren (1870) 1870-12-26 Océan class  French Navy
Superb (1875) 1875-11-16 Mesudiye class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Ex-Ottoman ironclad Hamidiye, purchased 1878
Sultan 1870-05-31 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Surveillante 1864-08-18 Provence class  French Navy
Swiftsure (1870) 1870-06-15 Swiftsure class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Tegetthoff (1878) 1878-10-18  Austro-Hungarian Navy
Temeraire (1876) 1876-05-09 Central battery/barbette ship  Royal Navy
Terribile 1861-02-16 Formidabile class  Regia Marina
Terrible 1881 Terrible class  French Navy
Tetuán 1863-03-19 Broadside ironclad  Spanish Navy Destroyed by fire, 30 Dec 1873, during Third Carlist War
Thunderer (1872) 1872-03-25 Devastation class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Tifon 1864-06-27 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Tordenskjold 1880-09-30  Royal Danish Navy
Trafalgar 1887-09-20 Trafalgar class Turret ship  Royal Navy
Trident 1876-11-09 Colbert class  French Navy
Triumph 1870-09-27 Swiftsure class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy
Uragan 1864-05-27 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Valeureuse 1864-08-18 Provence class  French Navy
Valiant (1863) 1863-10-14 Hector class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy
Vanguard (1870) 1870-01-03 Audacious class Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Sunk in collision with Iron Duke in Irish Sea, 1 Sep 1875
Vasco da Gama 1876-12-01 Central battery ironclad  Portuguese Navy Rebuilt and heavily modernized 1901–03
Vasilefs Georgios 1867-12-28 Central battery ironclad  Royal Hellenic Navy
Vasilissa Olga 1870-01-18 Broadside ironclad  Royal Hellenic Navy
Venezia 1869-01-21 Roma class  Regia Marina
Veschun 1864-05-08 Uragan class Monitor  Imperial Russian Navy
Victoria 1887-04-09 Victoria class Turret ship  Royal Navy Ex-Renown – accidentally rammed and sunk by Camperdown off Tripoli, Lebanon, 22 June 1893
Vitoria 1865-11-04 Broadside ironclad  Spanish Navy Reconstructed 1897–98
Vitse-admiral Popov 1875-10-07 Circular ironclad (Popovka)  Imperial Russian Navy
Warrior 1860-12-29 Warrior class Broadside ironclad
 Royal Navy Museum ship in Portsmouth
Wivern 1863-08-29 Scorpion class Masted turret ship  Royal Navy Ex-Confederate order Mississippi alias El Monnassir, seized 1863
Württemberg (1878) 1878-11-09 Sachsen class  Imperial German Navy
Zaragoza 1867-02-06 Central battery ironclad  Spanish Navy
Zealous 1864-03-07 Central battery ironclad  Royal Navy Converted Bulwark class two-decker
Zhenyuan 1882-11-28 Dingyuan class Turret ship  Imperial Chinese Navy Captured by the Japanese Navy after the Battle of Weihaiwei, 17 Feb 1895, renamed Chin'en, sold for scrap in 1912
Admiral Seniavin 1894-08-22 Admiral Ushakov class Coastal defence ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Admiral Ushakov 1893-11-01 Admiral Ushakov class Coastal defence ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Africa 1904-05-20 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Agamemnon (1906) 1906-06-23 Lord Nelson class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Agincourt (1913) 1913-01-22 Dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Ottoman Sultân Osmân-ı Evvel, former Brazilian Rio de Janeiro, seized near completion, 31 July 1914
Ägir 1895-04-03 Odin class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy Rebuilt as locomotive transporter 1922, beached off Gotland, 8 Dec 1929
Ajax (1912) 1912-03-21 King George V class (1911) Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Aki 1907-04-14 Satsuma class Semi-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Sunk as target in Tokyo Bay, 2 Sep 1924
Alabama (BB-8) 1898-05-18 Illinois class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Alabama (BB-60) 1942-02-16 South Dakota class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship at Battleship Memorial Park in Mobile Bay
Albemarle 1901-03-05 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Albion 1898-06-21 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Alfonso XIII 1913-05-07 España class Dreadnought  Spanish Navy Renamed España 1931 – mined off Santander, 30 Apr 1937
Almirante Cochrane 1918-06-08 Almirante Latorre class Super-dreadnought  Chilean Navy Sold incomplete to UK, 18 Feb 1918, converted to aircraft carrier Eagle
Almirante Latorre 1913-11-27 Almirante Latorre class Super-dreadnought  Chilean Navy Sold incomplete to UK, 9 Sep 1914, renamed Canada, repurchased under old Name, 27 Nov 1920
Ammiraglio di Saint Bon 1897-04-29 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class Pre-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Anáhuac 1898-06-18 Deodoro class Coastal defence ship  Mexican Navy Ex-Brazilian Deodoro, purchased 19 Apr 1924
Andrea Doria (1913) 1913-03-30 Andrea Doria class Dreadnought  Regia Marina
Andrei Pervozvanny 1906-10-30 Andrei Pervozvanny class Semi-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Inoperative at Kronstadt 1919
Anson (79) 1940-02-24 King George V class (1939) Fast battleship  Royal Navy Ex-Jellicoe
Arizona (BB-39) 1915-06-19 Pennsylvania class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk at Pearl Harbor
Arkansas (BB-33) 1911-01-14 Wyoming class Dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk at Bikini Atoll in nuclear weapons test Operation Crossroads, 1946
Arkhangelsk 1915-04-29 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-British Royal Sovereign (05), transferred 1944–49
Árpád 1901-09-11 Habsburg class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Asahi 1899-03-13 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Torpedoed by USS Salmon southeast of Cape Padaran, 25/26 May 1942
Audacious (1912) 1912-09-14 King George V class (1911) Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Mined off Tory Island, 27 Oct 1914
Babenberg 1902-10-04 Habsburg class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Baden (1915) 1915-10-30 Bayern class Super-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Flagship of High Seas Fleet at the Battle of Jutlandbeached in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, sunk as target off Portsmouth, 16 Aug 1921
Barbaros Hayreddin 1891-06-30 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Ottoman Navy Ex-German Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm, purchased 12 Sep 1910
Barfleur 1892-08-10 Centurion class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Barham 1914-10-31 Queen Elizabeth class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Sunk by German U-331 off Egyptian coast, 25 Nov 1941– sinking was filmed
Bayern (1915) 1915-02-18 Bayern class Super-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1934
Béarn 1920-04-15 Normandie class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Converted to aircraft carrier
Bellerophon (1907) 1907-07-27 Bellerophon class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Benbow (1913) 1913-11-12 Iron Duke class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Benedetto Brin 1901 Regina Margherita class Pre-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Beowulf 1890-11-08 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy
Bismarck 1939-02-14 Bismarck class Fast battleship  Kriegsmarine Scuttled because of incapacitating battle damage in North Atlantic, 27 May 1941
Borodino 1901-09-08 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 27 May 1905
Bouvet 1896 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Brandenburg 1891-09-21 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Braunschweig 1902-12-20 Braunschweig class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Brennus 1891 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Bretagne 1913-04-21 Bretagne class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Sunk by British forces during the Attack on Mers-el-Kébir, 3 July 1940
Britannia 1904-12-10 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed by German UB-50 off Cape Trafalgar, 9 Nov 1918
Budapest 1896-04-27 Monarch class Coastal defence ship  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Bulwark 1899-10-18 London class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Blew up at Sheerness, 26 Nov 1914
Caesar 1896-09-02 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Duilio 1913 Andrea Doria class Dreadnought  Regia Marina
California (BB-44) 1919-11-20 Tennessee class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk during the Attack on Pearl Harbour, 7 Dec 1941, raised and rebuilt 1942–44
Canada 1913-11-27 Almirante Latorre class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Chilean Almirante Latorre, purchased 9 Sep 1914, resold to Chile, 27 Nov 1920
Canopus 1897-10-12 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Fired first shots at the Battle of the Falkland Islands, 8 Dec 1914
Capitán Prat 1890-12-20 Pre-dreadnought  Chilean Navy
Carnot 1894 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Centurion (1892) 1892-08-03 Centurion class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Centurion (1911) 1911-11-18 King George V class (1911) Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Scuttled as Mulberry harbour blockship off Normandy, 7 June 1944
Charlemagne 1895 Charlemagne class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Charles Martel 1893 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Clemenceau Cancelled Richelieu class Fast battleship  French Navy Laid down 17 Jan 1939, stopped after the Fall of France 1940
Collingwood (1908) 1908-11-07 St. Vincent class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Colorado (BB-45) 1921-03-22 Colorado class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Refitted 1941–42
Colossus (1910) 1910-04-09 Colossus class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Commonwealth 1903-05-13 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Condorcet 1909 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
Connecticut (BB-18) 1906 Connecticut class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Conqueror (1911) 1911-05-01 Orion class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Constitución 1903-01-12 Constitución class Pre-dreadnought  Chilean Navy Sold incomplete to UK, 3 Dec 1903, renamed Swiftsure
Conte di Cavour 1911 Conte di Cavour class Dreadnought  Regia Marina
Cornwallis 1901-07-13 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed by German U-32 east of Malta, 9 Jan 1917
Courbet 1911-09-23 Courbet class Dreadnought  French Navy Scuttled as breakwater off Sword beach, 9 June 1944, during Operation Neptune, scrapped in situ
Dante Alighieri 1910 Dreadnought  Regia Marina
Danton 1909 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
De Ruyter 1901-09-28 Koningin Regentes class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
De Zeven Provinciën 1909-03-15 Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy Renamed Soerabaja 1936 – sunk by Japanese bombers in Surabaya harbour, 18 Feb 1942, raised and sunk again by the Allies 1943
Delaware (BB-28) 1910 Delaware class Dreadnought  United States Navy
Démocratie 1904 Liberté class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Deodoro 1898-06-18 Deodoro class Coastal defence ship  Brazilian Navy Sold to Mexico, 19 Apr 1924, renamed Anáhuac
Deutschland (1904) 1904-11-19 Deutschland class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Diderot 1909 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
Dominion 1903-08-25 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Dreadnought (1906) 1906-02-10 Dreadnought  Royal Navy First dreadnought battleship, eponym of the type
Duke of York (17) 1940-02-28 King George V class (1939) Fast battleship  Royal Navy Ex-Anson, scrapped in 1957
Duncan 1901-03-21 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Dunkerque 1935-10-02 Dunkerque class Fast battleship  French Navy Scuttled at Toulon, 27 Nov 1942, sold for scrap 1958
Dvenadsat Apostolov 1890 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Elsass 1903-05-26 Braunschweig class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Emanuele Filiberto 1897 Ammiraglio di Saint Bon class Pre-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Emperor of India 1913-11-27 Iron Duke class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Delhi – sunk as gunnery target on Owers Bank, 10–11 June 1931, raised and scrapped
Empress of India 1891-05-07 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Renown – sunk as gunnery target off Portland, 4 Nov 1913
Erin 1913-09-03 Reşadiye class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Ottoman Reşadiye, seized near completion, 31 July 1914
Erzherzog Ferdinand Max 1905-05-21 Erzherzog Karl class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand 1908-09-30 Radetzky class Semi-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to Italy 1920, scrapped 1926
Erzherzog Friedrich 1904-04-30 Erzherzog Karl class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to France 1920, scrapped 1921
Erzherzog Karl 1903-10-04 Erzherzog Karl class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to France 1920, grounded in Bizerte, scrapped in situ
España 1912-02-05 España class Dreadnought  Spanish Navy Ran aground off Cape Tres Forcas, 26 Aug 1923, broken up in situ
Evertsen 1894-09-29 Evertsen class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Evstafi 1906-11-03 Evstafi class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet, renamed Revolyutsiya 1921 – dismantled by British forces at Sevastopol 1919
Exmouth 1901-08-31 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Fatih Sultan Mehmed Cancelled Reşadiye class Super-dreadnought  Ottoman Navy Laid down 11 June 1914, stopped by order of British Government
Flandre 1914-10-20 Normandie class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Cancelled after end of World War I
Floriano 1898-07-06 Deodoro class Coastal defence ship  Brazilian Navy
Florida (BB-30) 1911 Florida class Dreadnought  United States Navy
Formidable 1898-11-17 Formidable class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed by German U-24 off Portland, 1 Jan 1915
France 1912-11-07 Courbet class Dreadnought  French Navy Foundered in Quiberon Bay, 26 Aug 1922, broken up in situ 1935–58
Friedrich der Grosse (1911) 1911-06-10 Kaiser class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1936
Frithjof 1891-07-21 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy Rebuilt as merchant ship 1923
Frunze 1911-07-23 Gangut class Dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-Poltava, renamed 1926, inoperative since 1918
Fuji 1896-03-31 Fuji class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy
Fusō 1914-03-28 Fusō class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Sunk during the Battle of Surigao Strait, 25 Oct 1944
Gangut (1911) 1911-10-20 Gangut class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Gascogne 1914-09-20 Normandie class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Cancelled after end of World War I
Gaulois 1896 Charlemagne class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
General Admiral Graf Apraksin 1896-05-12 Admiral Ushakov class Coastal defence ship  Imperial Russian Navy
Georgia (BB-15) 1902 Virginia class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Giulio Cesare 1911 Conte di Cavour class Dreadnought  Regia Marina Later Soviet Novorossiysk
Glory 1899-03-11 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Gneisenau 1936-12-08 Scharnhorst class Fast battleship  Kriegsmarine Sunk as blockship at Gotenhafen, 23 Mar 1945, raised and scrapped 1952
Goliath 1898-03-23 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed in Morto Bay off Cape Helles by Ottoman destroyer Muâvenet-i Millîye, 12 May 1915
Grosser Kurfürst (1913) 1913-05-05 König class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1938
Habsburg 1900-09-09 Habsburg class Pre-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Hagen 1893-10-21 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy
Hannibal 1896-04-28 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Hannover 1905-09-29 Deutschland class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Hatsuse 1898-11-01 Shikishima class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Mined off Port Arthur, 15 May 1904
Heimdall 1892-07-27 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy
Helgoland 1909-09-25 Helgoland class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Henri IV 1899 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Hercules (1910) 1910-05-10 Colossus class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Hertog Hendrik 1902-06-07 Koningin Regentes class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Hessen 1903-09-18 Braunschweig class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Converted to radio-controlled target ship 1935–37 – ceded to Soviet Union 1946, renamed Tsel
Hibernia 1905-06-17 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Hildebrand 1892-08-06 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy Sunk en route to scrap off Dutch coast 1919, broken up in situ 1923
Hindustan 1903-12-19 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Hizen 1900-10-23 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Ex-Russian Retvizan, captured after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905 – sunk as target in Bungo Channel, 25 July 1924
Hood 1891-07-30 Royal Sovereign class (modified) Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy With turrets instead of barbettes – sunk as a blockship in Portland harbour, 4 Nov 1914
Howe (32) 1940-04-09 King George V class (1939) Fast battleship  Royal Navy Ex-Beatty
Hyūga 1917-01-27 Ise class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Converted to hybrid aircraft carrier 1943 – sunk by US air attack on Kure, 27 July 1945, raised and scrapped 1946–47
Idaho (BB-24) 1908 Mississippi class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Idaho (BB-42) 1917 New Mexico class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
Iéna 1898 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Illinois (BB-7) 1901 Illinois class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy Renamed Prairie State
Illinois (BB-65) Cancelled Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Laid down 6 Dec 1942, cancelled before launch
Illustrious 1896-09-17 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Ilmarinen 1931-07-09 Väinämöinen class Coastal defence ship  Finnish Navy Mined south of Utö, 13 Sep 1941
Imperatritsa Ekaterina Velikaya 1913 Imperatritsa Mariya class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Svobodnaya Rossiya
Imperatritsa Mariya 1913 Imperatritsa Mariya class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Imperator Aleksandr III (1901) 1902-08-03 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 27 May 1905
Imperator Aleksandr III (1914) 1914 Imperatritsa Mariya class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Volia
Imperator Pavel I 1907-09-07 Andrei Pervozvanny class Semi-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Renamed Respublika 1917, inoperative at Kronstadt 1918
Impero 1939-11-15 Littorio class Fast battleship  Regia Marina Not completed, hulk sunk in Trieste, 15 Feb 1945, raised and scrapped 1948
Implacable 1899-03-11 Formidable class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Independencia 1891-02-26 Libertad class Coastal defence ship  Argentine Navy
Indiana (BB-1) 1895 Indiana class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Indiana (BB-58) 1941-11-21 South Dakota class Fast battleship  United States Navy Broken up 1963, parts preserved in namesake state
Ioann Zlatoust 1906-05-13 Evstafi class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet – dismantled by British forces at Sevastopol 1919
Iowa (BB-4) 1897 Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Iowa (BB-61) 1942-08-27 Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship at the Pacific Battleship Center in the Port of Los Angeles
Iron Duke (1912) 1912-10-12 Iron Duke class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Flagship of Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland
Irresistible 1898-12-15 Formidable class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Mined at the Dardanelles, 18 Mar 1915
Ise 1916-11-12 Ise class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Converted to hybrid aircraft carrier 1943 – sunk by US air attack on Kure, 28 July 1945, scrapped in situ 1946–47
Iver Hvitfeldt 1886-04-14 Coastal defence ship  Royal Danish Navy
Iwami 1902-07-19 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Ex-Russian Oryol, captured after the Battle of Tsushima, 28 May 1905 – sunk as target west of Jōgashima, 10 July 1924
Jacob van Heemskerck 1906-09-22 Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Jaime I 1914-09-21 España class Dreadnought  Spanish Navy Wrecked by internal explosion at Cartagena, 17 June 1937, refloated, finally discarded 1939
Jauréguiberry 1893 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Jean Bart (1911) 1911-09-22 Courbet class Dreadnought  French Navy Renamed Océan 1937 – captured by Germany, 27 Nov 1942, sunk by Allied aircraft 1944, raised and scrapped 1945
Jean Bart (1940) 1940-03-06 Richelieu class Fast battleship  French Navy Last battleship completed 1955, scrapped in 1970
Jupiter 1895-11-18 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Justice 1904 Liberté class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Kaga 1921-11-17 Tosa class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Cancelled under terms of Washington Naval Treaty 1922 – converted to aircraft carrier
Kaiser (1911) 1911-03-22 Kaiser class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1929
Kaiser Barbarossa 1900-04-21 Kaiser Friedrich III class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Kaiser Friedrich III 1896-07-01 Kaiser Friedrich III class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Kaiser Karl der Grosse 1899-10-18 Kaiser Friedrich III class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Kaiser Wilhelm II 1897-09-14 Kaiser Friedrich III class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse 1899-06-01 Kaiser Friedrich III class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Kaiserin 1911-11-11 Kaiser class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1936
Kansas 1906 Connecticut class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Kashima 1905-03-22 Katori class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy
Katori 1905-07-04 Katori class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy
Kawachi 1910-10-15 Kawachi class Dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Blew up in Tokuyama Bay, 12 July 1918
Kearsarge (BB-5) 1900 Kearsarge class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Kentucky (BB-6) 1900 Kearsarge class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Kentucky (BB-66) Cancelled Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Laid down 7 Mar 1942, cancelled before launch
King Edward VII 1903-07-23 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy Mined off Cape Wrath, 6 January 1916
King George V (1911) 1911-10-09 King George V class (1911) Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Royal George
King George V (41) 1939-02-21 King George V class (1939) Fast battleship  Royal Navy Sold for scrap 1957
Potemkin 1900-10-09 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet, famous mutinity 1905, renamed Panteleimon 1905, Potjomkin-Tavricheskiy and Borets za Svobodu 1917 – dismantled by British forces at Sevastopol 1919
Knyaz Suvorov 1902-09-25 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 27 May 1905
König 1913-03-01 König class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919
König Albert 1912-04-27 Kaiser class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1935
Koningin Regentes 1900-04-24 Koningin Regentes class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Kortenaer 1894-10-27 Evertsen class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Kronprinz 1914-02-21 König class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Renamed Kronprinz Wilhelm 1918, scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919
Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm 1891-06-30 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Sold to Turkey, 12 Sep 1910, renamed Barbaros Hayreddin
Languedoc 1915-05-01 Normandie class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Cancelled after end of World War I
Leonardo da Vinci 1911 Conte di Cavour class Dreadnought  Regia Marina
Libertad 1890-12-11 Libertad class Coastal defence ship  Argentine Navy Ex-Nueve de Julio
Libertad 1903-01-15 Constitución class Pre-dreadnought  Chilean Navy Sold incomplete to UK, 3 Dec 1903, renamed Triumph
Liberté 1905 Liberté class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Littorio 1937-08-22 Littorio class Fast battleship  Regia Marina Renamed Italia 1943, as war prize to USA, scrapped 1952–54
London 1899-09-21 London class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Lord Nelson 1906-09-04 Lord Nelson class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Lorraine 1913-09-30 Bretagne class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Joined Free French Naval Forces 1942
Lothringen 1904-05-27 Braunschweig class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Louisiana (BB-19) 1906 Connecticut class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Magnificent 1894-12-19 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Maine (ACR-1) 1889-11-18 Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk by explosion in Havana Harbor, 15 Feb 1898, catalyst for the Spanish–American War
Maine (BB-10) 1902 Maine class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Majestic 1895-01-31 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed by German U-21 at the Dardanelles, 27 May 1915
Malaya 1915-03-18 Queen Elizabeth class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Marat 1911-09-22 Gangut class Dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-Petropavlovsk, renamed 1921, reconstructed 1928–31 – sunk at Leningrad by German Stukas, 23 Sep 1941,used as floating battery, regained old name 1943, renamed Volkhov 1950
Markgraf 1913-06-04 König class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919
Marlborough 1912-01-25 Iron Duke class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Mars 1896-03-30 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Marten Harpertszoon Tromp 1904-06-15 Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Maryland (BB-46) 1920-03-20 Colorado class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Lightly damaged during the Attack on Pearl Harbour, 7 Dec 1941, returned to duty as first battleship 1942
Massachusetts (BB-2) 1896 Indiana class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Massachusetts (BB-59) 1941-09-23 South Dakota class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship at Battleship Cove in Fall River, Massachusetts
Masséna 1895 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Mecklenburg 1901-11-09 Wittelsbach class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Michigan 1908 South Carolina class Dreadnought  United States Navy
Mikasa 1900-11-08 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Flagship of Admiral Togō in the Battle of Tsushima – museum ship at Mikasa Park in Yokosuka, only preserved pre-dreadnought
Minas Geraes 1908-09-10 Minas Geraes class Dreadnought  Brazilian Navy
Minnesota (BB-22) 1906 Connecticut class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Mirabeau 1909 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
Mississippi (BB-23) 1908 Mississippi class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Mississippi (BB-41) 1917 New Mexico class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
Missouri (BB-11) 1901 Maine class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Missouri (BB-63) 1944-01-29 Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Last battleship retired by the US Navy – museum ship at Pearl Harbor
Monarch 1895-05-09 Monarch class Coastal defence ship  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Monarch (1911) 1911-03-30 Orion class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Montagu 1901-03-05 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Wrecked on Lundy Island, 30 May 1906
Moreno 1911-09-23 Rivadavia class Dreadnought  Argentine Navy
Musashi 1940-11-01 Yamato class Fast battleship  Imperial Japanese Navy One of the two most powerful battleships in naval history – sunk by US air attacks during the Battle of Leyte Gulf, 24 Oct 1944
Mutsu 1920-05-31 Nagato class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Blew up at Hashirajima, 8 June 1943
Nagato 1919-11-09 Nagato class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Only Japanese battleship surviving World War II – sunk as target in Operation Crossroads at Bikini Atoll, 1946
Napoli 1905 Regina Elena class Semi-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Nassau 1908-03-07 Nassau class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to Japan 1920, scrapped 1921
Navarin 1891 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Nebraska (BB-14) 1902 Virginia class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Nelson (28) 1925-09-03 Nelson class Treaty battleship  Royal Navy scrapped in 1949
Neptune (1909) 1909-09-30 Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Nevada (BB-36) 1914 Nevada class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk at Bikini Atoll in nuclear weapons test Operation Crossroads, 1946
New Jersey (BB-16) 1902 Virginia class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
New Jersey (BB-62) 1942-12-07 Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship in Camden, New Jersey
New Mexico (BB-40) 1917 New Mexico class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
New York (BB-34) 1914 New York class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
New Zealand 1904-02-04 King Edward VII class Semi-dreadnought  Royal Navy Renamed Zealandia 1911
Normandie 1914-10-19 Normandie class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Cancelled after end of World War I
North Carolina (BB-55) 1940-06-13 North Carolina class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship in Wilmington, North Carolina
North Dakota (BB-29) 1910 Delaware class Dreadnought  United States Navy
Novorossiysk 1911-10-15 Conte di Cavour class Dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-Italian Giulio Cesare, ceded as war reparation 1949 – sunk by explosion at Sevastopol, 28/29 Oct 1955, raised and scrapped
Ocean (1898) 1898-07-05 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Mined in Morto Bay off Cape Helles, 18 Mar 1915
Odin 1894-11-03 Odin class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy Rebuilt as merchant ship 1922
Ohio (BB-12) 1904 Maine class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Oklahoma (BB-37) 1914 Nevada class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya 1911-10-20 Gangut class Dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-Gangut, renamed 1925, recommissioned 1926, reconstructed 1931–34
Oldenburg (1910) 1910-06-30 Helgoland class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to Japan 1920, scrapped 1921
Oregon (BB-3) 1896 Indiana class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Oryol 1902-07-19 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Surrendered to Japan after the Battle of Tsushima, 28 May 1905, renamed Iwami
Orion (1910) 1910-08-20 Orion class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Oslyabya 1898-11-08 Peresvet class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Sunk at the Battle of Tsushima, 27 May 1905
Ostfriesland 1909-09-30 Helgoland class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to USA 1920, sunk as a target by aircraft off Cape Henry, 21 July 1921
Paris 1912-09-28 Courbet class Dreadnought  French Navy Barracks ship of the Polish Navy at Plymouth 1940–45
Parizhskaya Kommuna 1911-07-10 Gangut class Dreadnought  Soviet Navy Ex-Sevastopol, renamed 1921, recommissioned 1925, transferred to Black Sea Fleet 1929, reconstructed 1938–40, regained old name 1943
Patrie 1903 République class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Pennsylvania (BB-38) 1915 Pennsylvania class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy
Peresvet 1898-05-19 Peresvet class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Lost to Japan after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905, renamed Sagami, sold back to Russia 1916 – mined off Port Said, 4 Jan 1917
Petropavlovsk (1894) 1894 Petropavlovsk class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Petropavlovsk (1911) 1911-09-22 Gangut class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Marat
Piet Hein 1894-08-16 Evertsen class Coastal defence ship  Royal Netherlands Navy
Pobeda 1900-05-10 Peresvet class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Lost to Japan after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905, renamed Suwo
Poltava (1894) 1894-11-06 Petropavlovsk class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Lost to Japan after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905, renamed Tango, sold back to Russia 1916, renamed Chesma
Poltava (1911) 1911-07-23 Gangut class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Frunze
Pommern 1905-12-02 Deutschland class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Torpedoed by British destroyers at the Battle of Jutland, 1 June 1916
Posen 1908-12-12 Nassau class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to UK 1920, scrapped 1922
Preussen (1903) 1903-10-30 Braunschweig class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Prince George 1894-09-10 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Foundered en route to Germany for break-up, 30 Dec 1921
Prince of Wales (1902) 1902-03-25 London class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Prince of Wales (53) 1939-05-03 King George V class (1939) Fast battleship  Royal Navy Sunk by Japanese torpedo bombers off Kuantan, South China Sea, 10 Dec 1941
Prinz Eugen (1912) 1912-11-30 Tegetthoff class Dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to France 1920, sunk as target off Toulon, 28 June 1922
Prinzregent Luitpold 1912-02-17 Kaiser class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled in Scapa Flow, 21 June 1919, raised for scrap 1931
Provence 1913-04-20 Bretagne class Super-dreadnought  French Navy Scuttled at Toulon, 27 Nov 1942, raised by Italy 1943, sunk again as blockship, raised again for scrap 1949
Queen 1902-03-08 London class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Queen Elizabeth 1913-10-16 Queen Elizabeth class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Radetzky 1909-07-03 Radetzky class Semi-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to Italy 1920, scrapped 1920–21
Ramillies (1892) 1892-03-01 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Ramillies (07) 1916-09-12 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Reinier Claeszen 1891-11-21 Coastal defence monitor  Royal Netherlands Navy
Regina Elena 1904 Regina Elena class Semi-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Regina Margherita 1901 Regina Margherita class Pre-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Renown 1895-05-08 Centurion class (modified) Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
République 1902 République class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Repulse 1892-02-27 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Reşadiye 1913-09-03 Reşadiye class Super-dreadnought  Ottoman Navy Seized by UK near completion, 31 July 1914, renamed Erin
Resolution (1892) 1892-05-28 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Resolution (09) 1915-01-14 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Retvizan 1900-10-23 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Lost to Japan after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905, renamed Hizen
Revenge (1892) 1892-11-03 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Revenge (06) 1915-05-29 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Renown
Rheinland 1908-09-26 Nassau class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to UK 1920, scrapped 1921
Rhode Island (BB-17) 1902 Virginia class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Richelieu 1939-01-17 Richelieu class Fast battleship  French Navy Switched from Vichy Regime to Free French Naval Forces 1943
Rio de Janeiro 1913-01-22 Dreadnought  Brazilian Navy Sold incomplete to Turkey, 28 Dec 1913, renamed Sultân Osmân-ı Evvel, finally ended up as British Agincourt
Rivadavia 1911-08-26 Rivadavia class Dreadnought  Argentine Navy
Rodney (29) 1925-12-17 Nelson class Treaty battleship  Royal Navy
Roma (1907) 1909 Regina Elena class Semi-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Roma (1940) 1940-06-09 Littorio class Fast battleship  Regia Marina Sunk by German Fritz X radio-controlled bomb in the Strait of Bonifacio, 9 Sep 1943
Rostislav 1896 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Royal Oak (1892) 1892-11-05 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Royal Oak (08) 1914-11-17 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Torpedoed by German U-47 at Scapa Flow, 14 Oct 1939
Royal Sovereign (1891) 1891-02-26 Royal Sovereign class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Royal Sovereign (05) 1915-04-29 Revenge class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy Transferred to Soviet Union 1944–49, renamed Arkhangelsk
Russell 1901-02-19 Duncan class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Sachsen (1916) 1916-11-21 Bayern class Super-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Incomplete at end of World War I, scrapped 1921
Sagami 1898-05-19 Peresvet class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Ex-Russian Peresvet, captured after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905 – sold back to Russia 1916, regained old name, sunk off Port Said 1917
Saint Louis 1896 Charlemagne class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
São Paulo 1909-04-19 Minas Geraes class Dreadnought  Brazilian Navy Lost under tow to scrap north of the Azores, 4 Nov 1951
Satsuma 1906-11-15 Satsuma class Semi-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Sunk as target off Bōsō Peninsula, 7 Sep 1924
Scharnhorst 1936-10-03 Scharnhorst class Fast battleship  Kriegsmarine Sunk by British forces at the Battle of North Cape, 26 Dec 1943
Schlesien 1906-05-28 Deutschland class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Scuttled after mine strike at Swinemünde, 3 May 1945, broken up in situ 1949–56
Schleswig-Holstein 1906-12-17 Deutschland class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Fired first shots of World War II – foundered after British air attack at Gotenhafen, 18 Dec 1944, raised and used as target by Soviet Navy till the 1960s
Schwaben 1901-08-19 Wittelsbach class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Settsu 1911-03-10 Kawachi class Dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Converted to target ship, 1924 – grounded after US air attack on Kure, 24 July 1945, raised and scrapped 1946–47
Sevastopol (1895) 1895 Petropavlovsk class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Sevastopol (1911) 1911-07-10 Gangut class Dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Later Soviet Parizhskaya Kommuna
Shikishima 1898-11-01 Shikishima class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy scrapped in 1948
Shinano 1944-10-08 Yamato class Fast battleship  Imperial Japanese Navy Converted to aircraft carrier, sunk by USS Archerfish 1944
Siegfried 1889-08-10 Siegfried class Coastal defence ship  Imperial German Navy
Sissoi Veliky 1894 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Slava 1903-08-29 Borodino class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Scuttled during the Battle of Moon Sound, 17 Oct 1917, scrapped 1935
South Carolina (BB-26) 1908 South Carolina class Dreadnought  United States Navy
South Dakota (BB-57) 1941-06-07 South Dakota class Fast battleship  United States Navy Broken up 1962, parts preserved at Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Sri Ayudhya 1937-07-31 Thonburi class Coastal defence ship  Royal Thai Navy Sunk by loyal aircraft on Chao Phraya River during the Manhattan Rebellion, 1 July 1951
St. Vincent 1908-09-10 St. Vincent class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Strasbourg 1936-12-12 Dunkerque class Fast battleship  French Navy Scuttled at Toulon, 27 Nov 1942, sold for scrap 1955
Suffren 1899 Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Superb (1907) 1907-11-07 Bellerophon class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Sultân Osmân-ı Evvel 1913-01-22 Dreadnought  Ottoman Navy Ex-Brazilian Rio de Janeiro, purchased 28 Dec 1913, seized by UK near completion, 31 July 1914, renamed Agincourt
Suwo 1900-05-10 Peresvet class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Ex-Russian Pobeda, captured after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905
Swiftsure (1903) 1903-01-12 Swiftsure class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Chilean Constitución, purchased 1903
Szent István 1914-01-17 Tegetthoff class Dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Torpedoed by Italian MAS 15 off Premuda, 10 June 1918 – sinking was filmed
Tango 1894-11-06 Petropavlovsk class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Ex-Russian Poltava, captured after the Siege of Port Arthur 1905 – sold back to Russia 1916, renamed Chesma
Tegetthoff 1912-03-21 Tegetthoff class Dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to Italy 1920, scrapped 1924–25 under terms of Washington Naval Treaty
Temeraire (1907) 1907-08-24 Bellerophon class Dreadnought  Royal Navy
Tennessee (BB-43) 1919-04-30 Tennessee class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Marginally damaged during the Attack on Pearl Harbour, 7 Dec 1941, returned to duty 1942, rebuilt 1942–43
Texas (1892) 1895 Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Texas (BB-35) 1912-05-18 New York class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Museum ship at San Jacinto Battleground State Historic Site, only preserved dreadnought
Thonburi 1937-07-31 Thonburi class Coastal defence ship  Royal Thai Navy Wrecked in Battle of Koh Chang, 17 Jan 1941, refitted in Japan, used as training vessel
Thunderer (1911) 1911-02-01 Orion class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Thüringen 1909-11-27 Helgoland class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to France 1920, sunk off Gavres as a target, broken up 1923–33
Tirpitz 1939-04-01 Bismarck class Fast battleship  Kriegsmarine Sunk by British bombers near Tromsø, 12 Nov 1944, broken up 1948–57
Tosa 1921-12-18 Tosa class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Cancelled under terms of Washington Naval Treaty 1922 – scuttled in the Bungo channel, 9 Feb 1925
Tri Sviatitelia 1893 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy
Triumph 1903-01-15 Swiftsure class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy Ex-Chilean Libertad, purchased 1903 – torpedoed by German U-21, 25 May 1915
Tsesarevich 1901-02-23 Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Russian Navy Renamed Grazhdanin 1917, inoperative at Kronstadt 1918
Turgut Reis 1891-12-14 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Ottoman Navy Ex-German Weissenburg, purchased 12 Sep 1910
Utah (BB-31) 1909-12-23 Florida class Dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk at Pearl Harbor
Väinämöinen 1932-04-29 Väinämöinen class Coastal defence ship  Finnish Navy Handed over to Soviet Navy as war reparation, 29 May 1947, renamed Vyborg
Valiant (1914) 1914-11-04 Queen Elizabeth class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Vanguard (1909) 1909-02-22 St. Vincent class Dreadnought  Royal Navy Blew up at Scapa Flow, 9 July 1917
Vanguard (23) 1944-11-30 Fast battleship  Royal Navy Last battleship launched, sold for scrap in 1960
Venerable 1899-11-02 London class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Vengeance 1899-07-25 Canopus class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Vergniaud 1910-04-12 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
Vérité 1907-05-08 Liberté class Pre-dreadnought  French Navy
Vermont (BB-20) 1905-08-31 Connecticut class Semi-dreadnought  United States Navy
Victorious 1895-10-19 Majestic class Pre-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Virginia (BB-13) 1904-04-06 Virginia class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Viribus Unitis 1911-06-24 Tegetthoff class Dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Handed over to Yugoslav National Council, 31 Oct 1918, renamed Jugoslavija, sunk by Italian limpet mine, 01 Nov 1919
Vittorio Emanuele 1904-10-12 Regina Elena class Semi-dreadnought  Regia Marina
Vittorio Veneto 1937-07-25 Littorio class Fast battleship  Regia Marina As war prize to UK, scrapped 1951–54
Voltaire 1909-01-16 Danton class Semi-dreadnought  French Navy
Vyborg 1932-04-29 Väinämöinen class Coastal defence ship  Soviet Navy Ex-Finnish Väinämöinen, received as war reparation, 29 May 1947
Warspite 1913-11-26 Queen Elizabeth class Super-dreadnought  Royal Navy
Washington (BB-47) 1921-09-01 Colorado class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Cancelled under terms of Washington Naval Treaty 1922 – sunk as gunnery target, 25 Nov 1924
Washington (BB-56) 1940-06-01 North Carolina class Fast battleship  United States Navy Sold for scrap, 1961
Weissenburg 1891-12-14 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Sold to Turkey, 12 Sep 1910, renamed Turgut Reis
West Virginia (BB-48) 1921-11-19 Colorado class Super-dreadnought  United States Navy Sunk during the Attack on Pearl Harbour, 7 Dec 1941, raised and rebuilt 1943–44, Sold for scrap 1959
Westfalen 1908-07-01 Nassau class Dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Surrendered to UK 1920, scrapped 1924
Wettin 1901-06-06 Wittelsbach class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Wien 1895-07-07 Monarch class Coastal defence ship  Austro-Hungarian Navy Torpedoed by Italian MAS 9 near Trieste, 10 Dec 1917
Wisconsin (BB-9) 1898-11-26 Illinois class Pre-dreadnought  United States Navy
Wisconsin (BB-64) 1943-12-07 Iowa class Fast battleship  United States Navy Museum ship at Nauticus in Norfolk, Virginia
Wittelsbach 1900-07-03 Wittelsbach class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Wörth 1892-08-06 Brandenburg class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy
Württemberg (1917) 1917-06-20 Bayern class Super-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Incomplete at end of World War I, scrapped 1921
Wyoming (BB-32) 1911-05-25 Wyoming class Dreadnought  United States Navy Sold for scrap in 1947
Yamashiro 1915-11-03 Fusō class Super-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Sunk during the Battle of Surigao Strait, 25 Oct 1944
Yamato 1940-08-08 Yamato class Fast battleship  Imperial Japanese Navy One of the two most powerful battleships in naval history – sunk by US air attacks west of Kagoshima, 7 Apr 1945
Yashima 1896-02-28 Fuji class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial Japanese Navy Mined off Port Arthur, 15 May 1904
Zähringen 1901-06-12 Wittelsbach class Pre-dreadnought  Imperial German Navy Converted to radio-controlled target ship 1926–28 – scuttled as blockship at Gotenhafen, 26 Mar 1945, broken up in situ 1949–50
Zrínyi 1910-04-12 Radetzky class Semi-dreadnought  Austro-Hungarian Navy Awarded to Italy 1920, scrapped 1920–21

See also


  • Gardiner, Robert; Chesneau, Roger; Kolesnik, Eugene M., eds. (1979). Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1860–1905. London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-133-5.
  • Gardiner, Robert; Gray, Randal, eds. (1985). Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1906–1921. London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-245-5.
  • Gardiner, Robert; Chesneau, Roger, eds. (1980). Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922–1946. London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-146-7.
  • Gomm, Bernhard (1992). Die russischen Kriegsschiffe 1856–1917. Band I [The Russian Warships 1856–1917. Vol. I] (in German). Wiesbaden.{cite book}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Hildebrand, Hans H.; Röhr, Albert; Steinmetz, Hans-Otto (1979). Die deutschen Kriegsschiffe. Biographien – ein Spiegel der Marinegeschichte von 1815 bis zur Gegenwart [The German Warships. Biographies – a Mirror of Naval History from 1815 to Present] (in German). Ratingen: Mundus. ISBN 3-88385-028-4.
  • Langensiepen, Bernd; Güleryüz, Ahmet (1995). The Ottoman Steam Navy 1828–1923. London: Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 0-85177-610-8.

External links