This template, {'-} or Template:Single+space, uses the decimal code for the apostrophe or single-quote character so that it does not become interpreted with adjacent italics (''
) or bold ('''
) wiki markup, or visually confused with other quotation marks.
This template leaves trailing space after the single quotation mark/apostrophe, unlike the similar {`} (no spacing), {-'} (leading space before the single quote) and {'} (smaller leading space before the apostrophe). It does not insert any semantically-invalid space characters, but does all the spacing visually-only, in CSS.
This template is intended for use with double-quote-providing templates when the content quoted ends on the right-hand side with an apostrophe/single quote, whereas {-'} is for the left-hand side, {'} is intended for use with italic text, and {`} is for non-italic text.
- Do not use these templates in the
parameter of Citation Style 1 templates. Doing so corrupts the COinS metadata produced by the citation.
"Critical Review of 'My Two Front Teeth{'-}"
results in:
- "Critical Review of 'My Two Front Teeth'"
compared to:
- "Critical Review of 'My Two Front Teeth'"
produced by:
"Critical Review of 'My Two Front Teeth'"
Note the slight visual spacing difference between these two:
- Teeth'"
- Teeth'"
The equivalent template when manually placing double quotes around a single-quoted passage is {' "}; see also {-'} and {" '} for the left-hand side equivalents (parameter and manual, respectively).
See also
- {'} (Template:Apostrophe) – for use with adjacent italic markup
- {`} – for use with adjacent bold markup
- {'s} – for inserting an apostrophe and "s" immediately following italic markup
- {`s} – for inserting an apostrophe and "s" immediately following bold markup
- {′} (Template:Prime)
- {''}
- {' "} (Template:Single+double)
- {" '} (Template:Double+single)
- {' '} (Template:Single+single)
- {" ' "} (Template:Double+single+double)
- {' " '} (Template:Single+double+single)
- {-"} (Template:Space+double)
- {"-} (Template:Double+space)
- {-'} (Template:Space+single)
- {'-} (Template:Single+space)
- {--)} (Template:Space+parenthesis) (it's
were already used by other templates) - {(-} (Template:Parenthesis+space) (using
also works, for consistency with the one above)