Hercule Poirot
Hercule Poirot | |
Agatha Christie's fictional universe (en) ![]() | |
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Argitalpena | |
Sortzailea | Agatha Christie |
Ageri den obrak | ikusi
Interpretatzailea | ikusi
Datu biografikoak | |
Jaiotza | Spa (Belgika), 1870(e)ko hamarkada eta 1880(e)ko hamarkada |
Heriotza | , 1949ko urria eta 1970(e)ko hamarkada |
Herrialdea | Belgika |
Sexua | gizonezkoa |
Jarduera | detektibea private investigator (en) ![]() |
agathachristie.com… | |
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Hercule Poirot Agatha Christieren eleberrietako fikziozko detektibe belgikarra da. Miss Marple pertsonaiarekin batera, Christiren eleberrietako pertsonaiarik famatuena da. Guztira, egilearen 33 eleberritan eta 54 istorio laburretan agertu zen.
Liburuez gain, Poirot, telebistan egokitutako hainbat filmetan agertu da, Albert Finney, Peter Ustinov, Ian Holm, Tony Randall, Alfred Molina, David Suchet eta Kenneth Branagh aktoreek antzeztuta.
Hercule Poirot pertsonaia moduan agertutako Agatha Christieren eleberriak:
- (1920) The Mysterious Affair at Styles (Stylesko gertaera misteriotsua)
- (1923) Murder on the Links
- (1924) Poirot Investigates
- (1926) The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Roger Ackroyden Hilketa)
- (1927) The Big Four
- (1928) The Mystery of the Blue Train
- (1932) Peril at End House
- (1933) Lord Edgware Dies
- (1934) Murder on the Orient Express (Orient Expresseko Hilketa)
- (1935) Three Act Tragedy
- (1935) Death in the Clouds
- (1936) The A.B.C. Murders
- (1936) Cards on the Table
- (1936) Murder in Mesopotamia
- (1937) Death on the Nile (Heriotza Nilo ibaian)
- (1937) Dumb Witness or Poirot Loses a Client
- (1937) Murder in the Mews
- (1938) Appointment with Death
- (1939) Hercule Poirot's Christmas
- (1940) One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
- (1940) Sad Cypress
- (1941) Evil under the Sun
- (1942) Five Little Pigs
- (1946) The Hollow
- (1947) The Labours of Hercules
- (1948) Taken at the Flood
- (1951) The Under Dog
- (1952) Mrs McGinty's Dead
- (1953) After the Funeral or Funerals are Fatal
- (1955) Hickory, Dickory, Dock or Hickory, Dickory, Death
- (1956) Dead Man's Folly
- (1959) Cat Among the Pigeons (Katua Usategian)
- (1960) The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding
- (1963) The Clocks
- (1966) Third Girl
- (1969) Hallowe'en Party
- (1972) Elephants Can Remember
- (1974) Poirot's Early Cases
- (1975) Curtain: Hercule Poirot's Last Case
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