Chinua Achebe
Is údar agus úrscéalaí an-thorthúil Nigéarach é Chinua Achebe a rugadh ar an 16 Samhain 1930 in Ogidi, Coimirceas na Nigéire (Béarla: Nigeria Protectorate - An Nigéir anois). Scríobh sé a chéad úrscéal sa bhliain 1958, mar atá Things Fall Apart. Duine den ghrúpa eitneach Igbo, scríobh sé de ghnáth sa Bhéarla.
- Things Fall Apart (1958)
- No Longer at Ease (1960)
- Arrow of God (1964)
- A Man of the People (1966)
- Anthills of the Savannah (1987)
- Marriage Is A Private Affair (1952)
- Dead Men's Path (1953)
- The Sacrificial Egg and Other Stories (1953)
- Civil Peace (1971)
- Girls at War and Other Stories (including "Vengeful Creditor") (1973)
- African Short Stories (editor, with C. L. Innes) (1985)
- The Heinemann Book of Contemporary African Short Stories (editor, with C. L. Innes) (1992)
- The Voter
- Beware, Soul-Brother, and Other Poems (1971) (published in the US as Christmas at Biafra, and Other Poems, 1973)
- Don't Let Him Die: An Anthology of Memorial Poems for Christopher Okigbo (editor, with Dubem Okafor) (1978)
- Another Africa (1998)
- Collected Poems Carcanet Press (2005)
- Refugee Mother And Child
- Vultures
Aistí, léirmheastóireacht, neamhfhicsean agus tráchtaireacht pholaitiúil
- The Novelist as Teacher (1965) – faoin Hopes and Impediments
- An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's "Heart of Darkness" (1975) – faoin Hopes and Impediments
- Morning Yet on Creation Day (1975)
- The Trouble With Nigeria (1984)
- Hopes and Impediments (1988)
- Home and Exile (2000)
- The Education of a British-Protected Child (6 October 2009)
- There Was A Country: A Personal History of Biafra (11 October 2012)
Children's books
- Chike and the River (1966)
- How the Leopard Got His Claws (le John Iroaganachi) (1972)
- The Flute (1975)
- The Drum (1978)
Naisc sheachtracha
- Chinua Achebe Curtha i gcartlann 2017-09-06 ar an Wayback Machine ar an Bunachar Sonraí Leabhar Idirlín de Ficsin