Linguas tai

Linguas tai
Falado en: Sur da China, Vietnam, Laos, Tailandia, Myanmar e a India
Total de falantes:
Familia: Linguas kra-dai
 Linguas tai
Códigos de lingua
ISO 639-1: --
ISO 639-2: ---

As linguas tai forman unha rama da familia lingüística kra-dai. Fálanse na República Popular da China, Vietnam, Laos, Tailandia, Myanmar e a India.[1]


As linguas tai son as seguintes:


  1. Diller, A., J. Edmondson, & Yongxian Luo, ed., (2005). The Tai–Kadai languages. Londres [etc.]: Routledge. ISBN 0-7007-1457-X

Véxase tamén


  • Diller, A., J. Edmondson, & Yongxian Luo, ed., (2005). The Tai–Kadai languages. Londres [etc.]: Routledge. ISBN 0-7007-1457-X
  • Gedney, William J., and Thomas J. Hudak. William J. Gedney's Southwestern Tai Dialects: Glossaries, Texts and Translations. [Ann Arbor, Mich.]: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan, 1994. Print.
  • Li, Fang-kuei. 1977. Handbook of Comparative Tai. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaiʼi Press.
  • Pittayaporn, Pittayawat. (2009a). The Phonology of Proto-Tai (Doctoral dissertation). Department of Linguistics, Cornell University.