Nodyn: Foddee vel cowraghyn sheeanagh ASE ayns Unicode er yn duillag shoh.
She çhengey ta goll er loayrt ec y Lught Shooyl ayns Nerin as 'sy Vretyn Vooar[1] ee Sheltish. T'ee er enney ec çhengoaylleeyn myr Sheltish,[2] ny loayreyderyn pene myr Gammon, agh ta sleih elley cur the Cant urree 'sy Vaarle, as ta Yernisheyryn cur Gaimis,[3]Seiltis[4] as Caintis[5] urree. V'ee er ymmyd myr çhengey follit ec y lught shooyl dy chur joarree fud nyn geilley as y lught shooyl co-loayrt rish nyn geilley,[1] agh ta trimmid ro-vooar currit er yn aght shen.[2] Cha nel fys shickyr ayn mychione earroo ny loayreyderyn er oyr cooishyn sheshengoaylleeagh[2] agh ta Ethnologue gooley dy vel eddyr 6,000 Sheltisheyryn ayns Nerin as 86,000 Sheltisheyryn er feie ny Cruinney.[6]
Claare lioaragh
The Secret Languages of Ireland liorish R. A. Stewart Macalister. Craobh Rua Books
↑ abMcArthur, T. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to the English Language (1992) Oxford University Press ISBN 0-19-214183-X
↑ abcKirk, J. & Ó Baoill (eds.), D. Travellers and their Language (2002) Queen's University Belfast ISBN 0-85389-832-4