George R. R. Martin

George R. R. Martin
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1948-09-20 (Bayonne)
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Northwestern University[*], Medill School of Journalism[*], Marist High School[*]
Occupation scenarista[*], scriptor, productor de television[*], romancero[*], dramaturgo, blogger[*], scriptor de scientia-fiction[*], prosaista[*], editing staff[*], productor de cinema[*]
Obras notabile A Song of Ice and Fire[*], A Song for Lya and Other Stories[*], The Armageddon Rag[*], Dying of the Light[*]
Partito politic Partito Democratic[*]
Religion agnosticismo
Premios Nebula Award for Best Novelette[*], Hugo Award for Best Novelette[*], Hugo Award for Best Novella[*], Hugo Award for Best Short Story[*], Nebula Award for Best Novelette[*], Seiun Award for Best Translated Short Story[*], Locus Award for Best Collection[*], Locus Award for Best Collection[*], Locus Award for Best Novelette[*], Locus Award for Best Novella[*], Locus Award for Best Short Story[*], Locus Award for Best Novella[*], Locus Award for Best Novelette[*], Locus Award for Best Novelette[*], Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel[*], Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel[*], Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel[*], Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel[*], Hugo Award for Best Novella[*], Premio Gigamesh[*], Geffen Award[*], Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel[*], Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel[*], Ignotus Award for Best Foreign Novel[*], Inkpot Award[*], Carl Sandburg Literary Award[*], Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, Long Form[*]
Lingua anglese
ISNI 0000000077784510
VIAF 98636170
IMDB nm0552333
Commons George R. R. Martin

George Raymond Richard Martin (Bayonne, New Jersey, SUA le 20 de septembre 1948 – ) es un scriptor statounitese. Su obras plus famose es le serie de romances phantastic epic Canto de Glacie e Foco, que esseva adaptate in le popular serie de television Joco de Thronos.

Un graduato de jornalismo, al initio Martin scribeva novellas de scientia-fiction durante le annos 1970. Ille travaliava etiam a un universitate, torneos de chacos, e un syndicato de scriptores. Le annos 1980, ille habeva un successo moderate con le romance de vampires Sonio de Fevre e travaliava in le industrias de television e de film. Ille retornava al scriptura de romances durante le annos 1990, e comenciava le serie Canto de Glace e Foco. Le prime libro Joco de Thronos esseva un successo commercial e critic. Martin ha scribite quatro continuationes in le serie e intende scriber duo plus. Le popularitate del serie se augmentava con le adaptation de television, que esseva diffundite 2011-19. Le serie es cogniscite pro su tono obscur e su complexe intrigas, personages, e mundo.

Lev Grossman, un scriptor e critico litterari, appellava Martin "le Tolkien statounitese" in 2005. In 2011, Martin esseva includite in le Time 100 lista del personas plus influente.