Wanita dalam Kekristenan

Peran-peran wanita dalam Kekristenan beragam sejak pendiriannya. Wanita memiliki peran penting dalam Kekristenan[1] khususnya dalam pernikahan dan jabatan pelayanan resmi dalam denominasi-denominasi Kristen tertentu, dan organisasi Parachurch.

Kebanyakan peran kepemimpinan dalam gereja terorganisir dilarang dipegang oleh wanita, namun kebanyakan gereja kini memegang pandangan egalitarian (kesetaraan peran pria dan wanita) terkait peran-peran wanita dalam gereja. Dalam gereja-gereja Katolik Roma dan Ortodoks, hanya pria yang dapat menjabat sebagai imam atau penatua (uskup, presbiter dan deakon); hanya laki-laki selibat yang menjabat dalam jabatan-jabatan kepemimpinan senior seperti Sri Paus, patriark dan kardinal. Wanita dapat menjabat sebagai abdis dan perawan tahbisan.


  1. ^ "Women and Christianity". The British Library. Diakses tanggal 2021-05-20. 


  • Bechtel, Lyn M. (1996), "A Symbolic Level of Meaning: John 2.1-11 (The Marriage in Cana)", dalam Athalya Brenner, A Feminist Companion to the Hebrew Bible in the New Testament (edisi ke-1st), Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic Press 
  • Fiddes, Paul S. ' "Woman's head is man": a doctrinal reflection upon a Pauline text.' Baptist Quarterly 31.8, 1986. 370-83
  • Fiddes, Paul S. (1990), "'The status of women in the thought of Karl Barth'", dalam Janet Martin Soskice, After Eve [alternative title After Eve: women, theology and the Christian tradition] (edisi ke-1st), London: Marshall Pickering 
  • Fontaine, Carole R. (1996), "Disabilities and Illness in the Bible: A Feminist Perspective", dalam Athalya Brenner, A Feminist Companion to the Hebrew Bible in the New Testament (edisi ke-1st), Sheffield, U.K.: Sheffield Academic Press 
  • Kripal, Jeffrey John. (2007), The Serpent's Gift: Gnostic Reflections on the Study of Religion, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press 
Catholic references
  • "Declaration Inter Insigniores on the question of the Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood." Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, October 15, 1976.
  • Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (On Ordination to the Priesthood)." Pope John Paul II, May 22, 1994.
  • "Apostolic Letter Mulieris Dignitatem (On the Dignity of Women)." Pope John Paul II, August 15, 1988.
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church. Many Christians also see Mary as the prototypical Christian, as in the Bible she was the first to hear the Good News of Jesus' coming. She is one of the few of Jesus' followers reported to be present at his crucifixion. Thus she is a woman who is most imitated among Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox saints.
  • The voice of Catholic theologians who believe that neither Scripture nor Tradition excludes the ordination of women can be heard on www.womenpriests.org, an academic website founded by John Wijngaards.
References on the history of women in the early Christian Church
  • Brock, Sebastian and Harvey, Susan, trans. Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, updated edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
  • Brown, Peter. The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity. New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
  • Coon, Lynda. “God’s Holy Harlots: The Redemptive Lives of Pelagia of Antioch and Mary of Egypt.” In Sacred Fictions: Holy Women and Hagiography in Late Antiquity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997.
  • Healy, John (1892). "The Ministry of Women". The ancient Irish church (dalam bahasa Inggris) (edisi ke-1). London: Religious Tract Society. hlm. 89–98. 
  • MacDonald, Margaret. "Reading Real Women through Undisputed Letters of Paul." In Women and Christian Origins edited by Ross Sheppard Kraemer and Mary Rose D'Angelo. Oxford: University Press, 1999.
  • Stagg, Evelyn and Frank. Woman in the World of Jesus. Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1978.
  • Stagg, Frank. New Testament Theology. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1962.
  • Torjesen, Karen Jo. When Women were Priests: Women's Leadership in the Early Church & The Scandal of their Subordination in the Rise of Christianity. New York, NY: Harper Collins Publisher, 1995.
  • Wiley, Tatha. Paul and the Gentile Women: Reframing Galatians New York: Continuum, 2005.
  • Witherington, Ben III. Women in the Earliest Churches. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
  • Threads of Wisdom, book published in January 2018 of the collective wisdom and journeys to marketplace leadership of 10 Christian Women Leaders
  • Cahill, Lisa Sowle. Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996
  • Cooper, Kate. The Virgin and the Bride: Idealized Womanhood in Late Antiquity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.

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