Michael Bedard

Michael Bedard

Michael Bedard (Toronto, 26 giugno 1949) è uno scrittore e illustratore canadese.

Creatore di romanzi e fiabe per bambini come Sitting Ducks.[1] Bedard vive attualmente a Toronto con la moglie Martha. Ha quattro figli e cinque nipoti.[2]


Premi ed eventi

  • Governor General's Literary Award, Canada, 1990
  • Canadian Library Association Book of the Year Award for Children, 1991
  • IODE Violet Downey Book Award, 1991
  • National Chapter of Canada, and runner-up, 1991
  • Young Adult Canadian award, 1991
  • IODE Book Award (Toronto chapter), 1991


  1. ^ The Storymakers: Writing Children's Books: 83 Authors Talk about Their Work
  2. ^ Curtis, Sir William Michael, (11 Nov. 1859–19 Dec. 1916), in Who Was Who, Oxford University Press, 1º dicembre 2007. URL consultato il 21 novembre 2022.

Collegamenti esterni

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