
発音 IPA: tʃabu, tsabu
話される国 エチオピア
地域 南部諸民族州西部
民族 シャボ人英語版
話者数 400(2000年)
ISO 639-3 sbf
Glottolog shab1252[1]
Linguasphere 05-PEA-aa


宣教師ハーベイ・ヘクストラによって収集されたデータに基づいて、1977年にライオネル・ベンダーによって別の言語であると最初に報告された[2]。 2015年に文法が公開された(Kibebe2015)。 いくつかの初期の研究ではこの言語はナイル・サハラ語族に分類されたが(Anbessa&Unseth 1989、Fleming 1991、Blench 2010)、最近の調査(Kibebe 2015)では、ナイル・サハラ語に典型的な文法的特徴は発見されず、ナイル・サハラ語系の語彙は、スルム諸語英語版からの借用であることが示された(Dimmendaal to appear、Blench2019)。


  • Ahland, Colleen, and Roger Blench, "The Classification of Gumuz and Koman Languages",[1] presented at the Language Isolates in Africa workshop, Lyons, December 4, 2010
  • Bender, M. Lionel. 1977. "The Surma Language Group - A Preliminary Report". Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 7. pp. 11–21.
  • Roger Blench (2019), 'Chabu and Kadu: two orphan branches of Nilo-Saharan', Proceedings of Vienna Nilo-Saharan meeting
  • Gerrit Dimmendaal (to appear) On stable and unstable features in Nilo-Saharan. Nairobi Journal of Languages and Linguistics
  • Fleming, Harold C. 1991. "Shabo: presentation of data and preliminary classification", in: M. Lionel Bender (ed.), 1991, Proceedings of the Fourth Nilo-Saharan Conference Bayreuth, Aug. 30.
  • Kibebe Tshay Taye. 2015. Documentation and grammatical description of Chabu. (lexical lists omitted from online version.) Doctoral dissertation, Addis Ababa University.
  • Schnoebelen, Tyler. 2009. "(Un)classifying Shabo: phylogenetic methods and results". Peter K. Austin, Oliver Bond, Monik Charette, David Nathan & Peter Sells, eds., Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory 2. London: SOAS. [2] (long version, unpublished [3])
  • Schnoebelen, Tyler. 2009. Classifying Shabo. Presentation at the 40th Annual Conference on African Linguistics (ACAL 40), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April 9–11, 2009.
  • Schnoebelen, Tyler. 2010. Shabo is an isolate. "Language Isolates in Africa" workshop, December 3, 2010. Lyon, France.
  • Tefera Anbessa and Peter Unseth. 1989. "Toward the classification of Shabo (Mikeyir)." In M. Lionel Bender (ed.), Topics in Nilo-Saharan linguistics, 405-18. Nilo-Saharan, 3. Hamburg: Helmut Buske. ISBN 3-87118-927-8 (NISA 3). (This was the primary source for this article.)
  • Tefera Anbessa. 1991. "A Sketch of Shabo Grammar". in: M. Lionel Bender (ed.), 1991, Proceedings of the Fourth Nilo-Saharan Conference Bayreuth, Aug. 30.
  • Teferra Anbessa. 1995. "Brief phonology of Shabo (Mekeyir)". Robert Nicolaï et Franz Rottland, eds., Fifth Nilo-Saharan Linguistics Colloquium. Nice, 24-29 août 1992. Proceedings, pp. 169–193. Köln: Köppe Verlag. Sep. 2, 1989 (Nilo-Saharan 7), Hamburg: Helmut Buske. pp. 29–38. (Used in this article.)
  • Unseth, Peter. 1984. Shabo (Mekeyir). A first discussion of classification and vocabulary. [Unpublished manuscript]


  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin et al., eds (2016). “Shabo”. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. http://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/shab1252 
  2. ^ Bender 1977, p. 13f