Magnus Koivisto

Wikidata Magnus Koivisto
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Magnus Koivisto: imago
Magnus Koivisto: imago
Magnus Koivisto: subscriptio
Magnus Koivisto: subscriptio
Nativitas: 25 Novembris 1923; Aboa
Obitus: 12 Maii 2017; Meilahti Tower Hospital
Patria: Finnia
Nomen nativum: Mauno Henrik Koivisto


Officium: Praeses Finniae, Primus minister Finniae, Primus minister Finniae, Minister of Finance, Minister of Finance, Deputy Prime Minister of Finland, Governor of the Bank of Finland
Munus: politicus, oeconomus, bank manager


Factio: Social Democratic Party of Finland
Religio: Lutheranismus


Coniunx: Tellervo Koivisto
Proles: Assi Koivisto


Laurae: Ordo Aquilae Albae, Order of Lenin, Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Grand Collar of the Order of Prince Henry, Ordo Elephantis, Gold Olympic Order, Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Polish People's Republic, Grand Star of the Decoration for Services to the Republic of Austria, Ordo Regius Seraphinorum, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St Michael and St George, Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the Falcon, Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana, 1st Class, Order of Stara Planina, Order of the Flag of the People's Republic of Hungary, Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of Hungary, Crux magna Legionis Honoris, Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit, Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum, Order of Ojaswi Rajanya, Order of the Yugoslavian Great Star, Knight Grand Cross in the Order of the Netherlands Lion, Collar of the Order of the White Lion, Star of People's Friendship, Collar of the Order of Charles III, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎, Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, Grand Cross of the Order of the White Rose of Finland, Grand Cross of the Order of the Lion of Finland, Grand Cross of the Order of the Cross of Liberty, Order of the Flag of the People's Republic of Hungary, Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Saint Olav‎, Order of the Gold Lion of the House of Nassau, Order of al-Hussein bin Ali, Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Order of San Marino, Order of San Carlos, Medal for Military Merits, Medal of Liberty, 2nd Class, Memorial medal of the Winter War, Memorial medal of the Continuation War, Grand Cross of the Order of the Holy Lamb, The medal of merit of traffic safety branch
Sepultura: Sepulcretum Hietaniemi

Insignia heraldica

Magnus Koivisto: insigne
Magnus Koivisto: insigne
Magnus Koivisto cum muliere Dresdam visitans anno 1987, hospite (ad dextram partem) Wolfgango Berghofer magistro civium

Magnus Henricus Koivisto sive vulgo Mauno Henrik Koivisto (natus 25 Novembris 1923 Aboae; mortuus 12 Maii 2017 Helsingiae), alumnus universitatis Turkuensis, fuit praeses nonus Finniae. Duodecim annos praeses fuit ab 1982 usque ad 1994, minister primarius autem ab 1968 usque ad 1970 iterum annisque 1979-1982. Sub eius tutela Finlandia se ad Unionem Europaeam adhaerere parabat, cui anno 1995 coniuncta est. Coniux Magni Koivisto fuit Tellervo Koivisto; qui unam habuerunt filiam.


Nexus externi

Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Magnum Koivisto spectant.
Primi ministri Finniae

Pehr Evind Svinhufvud • Ioannes Paasikivi • Lauri Ingman • Carolus Castrén • Juho Vennola • Raphael Erich • Juho Vennola • Aimo Cajander • Gustavus Kallio • Aimo Cajander • Lauri Ingman • Antti Tulenheimo • Gustavus Kallio • Väinö Tanner • Juho Sunila • Anscharius Mantere • Gustavus Kallio • Pehr Evind Svinhufvud • Juho Sunila • Toivo Kivimäki • Gustavus Kallio • Aimo Cajander • Christopher Ryti • Carolus Rudolphus Walden • Iohannes Gulielmus Rangell • Edwin Linkomies • Antti Hackzell • Urho Castrén • Ioannes Paasikivi • Mauno Pekkala • Carolus Augustus Fagerholm • Urho Kekkonen • Sakari Tuomioja • Radulphus Törngren • Urho Kekkonen • Carolus Augustus Fagerholm • Vieno Sukselainen • Berndt Rainer von Fieandt • Reino Iisakki Kuuskoski • Carolus Augustus Fagerholm • Vieno Sukselainen • Aemilius Luukka • Martinus Miettunen • Ahti Karjalainen • Reino Ragnar Lehto • Iohannes Virolainen • Raphael Paasio • Magnus Koivisto • Teuvo Aura • Ahti Karjalainen • Teuvo Aura • Raphael Paasio • Kalevi Sorsa • Keijo Liinamaa • Martinus Miettunen • Kalevi Sorsa • Magnus Koivisto • Eino Uusitalo • Kalevi Sorsa • Harri Holkeri • Esko Aho • Paavo Lipponen • Anneli Jäätteenmäki • Matthias Vanhanen • Maria Iohanna Kiviniemi • Jyrki Katainen • Alexander Stubb • Juha Sipilä • Antti Rinne • Sanna Marin