Vincentius Cable

Wikidata Vincentius Cable
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Vincentius Cable: imago
Vincentius Cable: imago
Vincentius Cable: subscriptio
Vincentius Cable: subscriptio
Nativitas: 9 Maii 1943; Eboracum
Patria: Britanniarum Regnum

Vincentius Cable, praenominibus plenis John Vincent sed communiter Vince Cable (Eboraci natus die 9 Maii 1943), est eruditus oeconomiae orbis terrarum et politicus Britannicus factionis liberalis democraticae.

Alumnus est Collegii Fitzwilliam apud Cantabrigienses. A die 1 Maii 1997 legatus apud Parlamentum munere populi Twickenham functus est. Factionibus Conservativa et Liberali post Comitia anni 2010 ad gubernandum consociatis, Vincentius Cable a die 12 Maii 2010 usque ad 11 Maii 2015 fuit minister a negotio, primo ministro Davide Cameron.[1]

Comitiis nationalibus die 30 Martii 2015 ab electoribus circuli Twickenham eiectus est, victrice Tania Mathias, sed die 9 Iunii 2017 iterum electus est. Die 20 Iulii 2017 Vincentius Cable sine aemulo dux factionis liberalis democraticae factus est, eo officio a Timotheo Farron renuntiato.


Iacobus Straw et Vincentius Cable die 20 Iunii 2013 colloquentes
Aung San Suu Kyi et Vincentius Cable die 22 Iunii 2012 apud domum Chathamensem disputantes
  • The Storm: The World Economic Crisis and What it Means (Atlantic Books, 2009) ISBN 1-84887-057-4
  • The Orange Book: Reclaiming Liberalism edited by David Laws and Paul Marshall; contributions by Vincent Cable and others (Profile Books, 2004) ISBN 1-86197-797-2
  • Regulating Modern Capitalism (Centre for Reform Papers) (Centre for Reform, 2002) ISBN 1-902622-36-7
  • Commerce (Liberal Democrat Consultation Papers) (Liberal Democrat Publications, 2002) ISBN 1-85187-688-X
  • Globalization: Rules and Standards for the World Economy (Chatham House Papers) Vincent Cable, Albert Bressand (Thomson Learning, 2000) ISBN 1-85567-350-9
  • Globalisation & Global Governance (Thomson Learning, 1999) ISBN 0-8264-6169-7
  • Preparing for EMU: A Liberal Democrat Response (Centre for Reform Papers) Vincent Cable (Centre for Reform, 1999) ISBN 1-902622-06-5
  • China and India: Economic Reform and Global Integration Vincent Cable (Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1995) ISBN 1-899658-00-9
  • Global Superhighways: The Future of International Telecommunications Policy (International Economics Programme Special Paper) Vincent Cable, Catherine Distler (Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1995) ISBN 0-905031-97-0
  • The World's New Fissures Vincent Cable (Demos, 1995) ISBN 1-898309-35-3
  • Trade Blocs: The Future of Regional Integration edited by Vincent Cable and David Henderson (The Brookings Institution, 1994) ISBN 0-905031-81-4
  • Commerce of Culture: Experience of Indian Handicrafts, Vincent Cable (Lancer International, 1990) ISBN 81-7062-004-X
  • Developing with Foreign Investment edited by Vincent Cable and Bishnodat Persaud (Routledge, 1987) ISBN 0-7099-4825-5
  • Economics and the Politics of Protection: Some Case Studies of Industries (World Bank Staff Working Papers Number 569) Vincent Cable (World Bank, 1984) ISBN 0-8213-0199-3
  • Education and Social Action Programming for Cable: Conference Report edited by Vincent Thompson (Council for Educ. Technology, 1984) ISBN 0-86184-131-X
  • World Textile Trade and Production Trends Vincent Cable, Betsy Baker (Economist Intelligence Unit, 1983) ISBN 0-86218-084-8
  • Case Studies in Development Economics Vincent Cable (Heinemann Educ., 1982) ISBN 0-435-33937-0
  • The Role of Handicrafts Exports: Problems and Prospects Based on Indian Experience (ODI Working Paper) Vincent Cable (Overseas Development Institute, 1982) ISBN 0-85003-086-2
  • British Electronics and Competition with Newly Industrialising Countries Vincent Cable, Jeremy Clarke (Overseas Development Institute, 1981) ISBN 0-85003-076-5
  • Evaluation of the Multifibre Arrangement and Negotiating Options Vincent Cable (Commonwealth Secretariat, 1981) ISBN 0-85092-204-6
  • British Interests and Third World Development Vincent Cable (Overseas Development Institute, 1980) ISBN 0-85003-070-6
  • Britain's Pattern of Specialization in Manufactured Goods With Developing Countries and Trade Protection (World Bank Staff Working Paper No 425/8 Oct) Vincent Cable, Ivonia Rebelo (World Bank, 1980) ISBN 0-686-36204-7
  • World Textile Trade and Production Vincent Cable (Economist Intelligence Unit, 1979) ISBN 0-900351-85-3
  • South Asia's Exports to the EEC: Obstacles and Opportunities Vincent Cable, Ann Weston (Overseas Development Institute, 1979) ISBN 0-85003-068-4
  • World Textile Trade and Production Vincent Cable (Economist Intelligence Unit, 1979) ISBN B0000EGG8M
  • Import Controls: The Case Against Vincent Cable (Fabian Society, 1977) ISBN 0-7163-1335-9
  • Whither Kenyan Emigrants? Vincent Cable (Fabian Society, 1969) ISBN 0-7163-2018-5



Nexus externi

Consilium ministrorum Britannicum Davidis Cameron 2010–2016

Daniel Alexander (2010–2015) • Vincentius Cable (2010–2015) • Alun Cairns (2016) • David Cameron • Alexander Carmichael (2013–2015) • Gregorius Clark (2015–2016) • Kenethus Clarke (2010–2012) • Nicolaus Clegg (2010–2015) • Stephanus Crabb (2014–2016) • Eduardus Davey (2012–2015) • Ioannes Duncan Smith • Michael Fallon (2014–2016) • Gulielmus Fox (2010–2011) • Cheryl Gillan (2010–2012) • Michael Gove (2010–2014, 2015–2016) • Christophorus Grayling • Iustina Greening (2011–2016) • Gulielmus Hague (2010–2014) • Philippus Hammond • Ionathan Hill (2010–2014) • Christophorus Huhne (2010–2012) • Ieremias Hunt • Sajid Javid (2014–2016) • David Jones (2010–2014) • Andreas Lansley (2010–2012) • David Laws (2010) • Oliverius Letwin (2015–2016) • Patricius McLoughlin (2012–2016) • Theresa May • Maria Miller (2012-2014) • Andreas Mitchell (2010–2012) • Michael Moore (2010–2013) • Nicola Morgan (2014–2016) • David Mundell (2015–2016) • Georgius Osborne • Owen Paterson (2010–2014) • Ericus Pickles • Amber Rudd (2015–2016) • Grant Shapps (2010–2015) • Carolina Spelman (2010–2012) • Tina Stowell (2015–2016) • Thomas Strathclyde (2010–2013) • Elisabetha Truss (2014–2016) • Theresia Villiers (2012–2016) • Sayeeda Warsi (2010–2012) • Ioannes Whittingdale (2015–2016)

Secretarii civici a negotio Britannici (1983–)

Caecilius Parkinson • Normannus Tebbit • Leo Brittan • Paulus Channon • David Young • Nicolaus Ridley • Petrus Lilley • Michael Heseltine • Ian Lang • Margarita Beckett • Petrus Mandelson • Stephanus Byers • Patricia Hewitt • Alanus Johnson • Alexander Darling • Ioannes Hutton • Petrus Mandelson • Vincentius Cable • Sajid Javid • Gregorius Clark • Andrea Leadsom • Alok Sharma • Kwasi Kwarteng • Iacobus Rees-Mogg • Grant Shapps

Ductores factionis liberalis democraticae Britannicae