
El limonero.

Citrus x limon, el limonero, es un arvoliko ke krese fina 4 metros. La su fruta es el limon (del arabo ليمون), una fruta ke se puede komer i ke tiene un savor ázido i kon muncho parfum i ke es uzada en la kuzina. El arvole de limon tiene una madera dura, muy bushkada para lavorar. Es una meskla jenetika entre Citrus medica (limon fransez) i Citrus aurantium (portokalero amargo).[1] Anke otros akademikos kreyen ke es el produkto de munchas mesklas entre Citrus medica i Citrus × aurantiifolia.[2]


En 2013, world production of lemons (data combined with limes) was 15.2 million tonnes, led by India, Mexico and China as the main producers (table).[3] Argentina and Brazil also had significant production (table).[3]

Top lemon* producing countries (in tonnes)
Paiz 2010 2011 2014
 India align=right |2 629 200 2 108 000 no data
 Meksiko align=right |1 891 400 2 147 740 2 255 000
 Arjentina align=right |1 113 380 1 228 660 1 100 000
 Repuvlika Popular Kina align=right |1 058 105 1 313 394N no data
 Brasil align=right |1 020 350 1 126 740 no data
 Estados Unidos align=right |800 137 834 610 806 000
 Turkia align=right |787 063 790 211 680 000
Xablón:IRI 706 800F 560 052F no data
 Espanya align=right |578 200F 700 000F no data
 Italia align=right |522 377 483 088 no data
World 13 032 388F 13 861 411A
Without footnote — official data, F = FAO estimation, A =aggregated data (includes official, and estimated data), N = unofficial data;

Source: UN Food & Agriculture Organization[3] *Includes both lemons and limes


  1. Gulsen, O.; M. L. Roose (2001). "Lemons: Diversity and Relationships with Selected Citrus Genotypes as Measured with Nuclear Genome Markers". Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science, 126:309–317
  2. A classification for edible Citrus (Rutaceae) D.J. Mabberley [1]
  3. a b c «Production/Crops of Lemons and Limes, World by Countries». Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Statistics Division (FAOSTAT) (2014). Consultado el 22 November 2015.

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