Maire rauriki
Ko te Maire rauriki he momo maire, he rākau whakaruruhau o Aotearoa. He rite anō tēnei rākau ki te te Maire raunui engari he whāiti ake ngā rau, he paku iho anō ngā hua. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao he Nestegis lanceolata, ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he White maire.
Hoto ki waho
- New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, URL: Nestegis lanceolata, he mea kite i te 23 o ngā rā o Haratua, 2007.
- He whakaahua, he konae mō Maire rauriki kei te Wikimedia Commons.
- Metcalf, Laurie, 2002. A Photographic Guide to Trees of New Zealand. Tāmaki-makau-rau: New Holland.
- Salmon, J.T., 1986. The Native Trees of New Zealand. Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara: Heinneman Reed.
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