Ko te Tītoki he rākau whakaruruhau nō te ngahere o Aotearoa. Ko ngā rau he tāwhera. He wherowhero ngā hua. He pango te karihi, ka taona i ōna rā, ka whakawiria hoki, kia taea ai te hinu. Ki ētahi, he ingoa reo Māori anō, arā he Tītongi. Ko te ingoa pūtaiao he Alectryon excelsus, ko te ingoa reo Pākehā he New Zealand Ash, engari kāore tērā ingoa e tino rangona ana i ēnei rā.
Hoto ki waho
- New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, URL:Alectryon excelsus, he mea kite i te 10 o ngā rā o Haratua, 2007.
- He whakaahua, he konae mō Tītoki kei te Wikimedia Commons.
- Metcalf, Laurie, 2002. A Photographic Guide to Trees of New Zealand. Tāmaki-makau-rau: New Holland.
- Salmon, J.T., 1986. The Native Trees of New Zealand. Te Whanga-nui-a-Tara: Heinneman Reed.
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