maka kuzulj sa italj a siniuljayan
aicu a maka kuzulj sa italj a siniuljayan a sinantjaucikelan nua searabik (Arabic) nu i natemaliduan a zitay nua arabik. qadjav a kasi 1706 a caviljan a patje 1721 a caviljan, izua a tja sikeljangan tazua tjaucikel a sinipaumaljan a kai nua amilika itua vengin nua searabik (Arabian Nights).
inika macidilj a navenecik tazua tjaucikelan. qau kemasi maljian a qinaljan aza navenecik.
puzugaan tua tjaucikel
aicu a sultan (The Sultan)
aicu a sinansunatj tua "maka kuzulj sa italj a siniuljayan"
Harun ar-Rashid, a leading character of the 1001 Nights
sikamasanlimalj a sipasamaza ni sindbad (Sindbad)
pinatjezan tua vecik a "sikamasanlimalj a sipasamaza ni sinbad (Es-Sindbad) a makaljavek" ni wiliam harvi (William Harvey) nu i caviljan a 1838–40
pinatjezan tua vecik a "sitjaucikelan tua lizuk a bras (Brass)" ni wiliam harvi (William Harvey) nu i caviljan a 1838–40
William Harvey, The Story of the Two Princes El-Amjad and El-As'ad, 1838–40, woodcut
vecik ni wiliam harvi (William Harvey) a pakata milimilingan nua kadjunangan katua kaljavekan ni abd allah (Abd Allah)
wiliam harvi (William Harvey), tjaucikel tua rusankiciqaw (The Story of the Fisherman), 1838–40, vinecikan (woodcut)
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Friedrich Gross, ante 1830, woodcut
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Abon-Hassan the Wag ("He found himself upon the royal couch"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, "tjinaucikel tua rusanpaveli" (Story of the Merchant) ni siherizadj (Sheherezade), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Ansal-Wajooodaud, Rose-in-Bloom ("The daughter of a Visier sat at a lattice window"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Gulnare ("The merchant uncovered her face"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Beder Basim ("Whereupon it became eared corn"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Abdalla ("Abdalla of the sea sat in the water, near the shore"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of Mahomed Ali ("He sat his boat afloat with them"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard
Frank Brangwyn, Story of the City of Brass ("They ceased not to ascend by that ladder"), 1895–96, watercolour and tempera on millboard