Millennium: 1st millennium
Centuries: 1st century BC – 1st century – 2nt century
Decades: 20s BC  10s BC  0s BC  – 0s –  10s  20s  30s
Years: 3 BC 2 BC 1 BC – AD – 2 AD 3 AD 4 AD
The warld in 1 AD

Year 1 (I) wis a common year stairtin on Setturday or Sunday o the Julian calendar (the soorces differ) an a common year stairtin on Setturday o the Proleptic Julian calendar. It is a Common year stairtin on Monday, in the Proleptic Gregorian calendar seestem.


By place

Roman Empire

  • Tiberius, unner order o Augustus, quells revolts in Germanie (1–5).
  • Gaius Caesar an Lucius Aemilius Paullus are appyntit consuls.
  • Gaius Caesar marries Livilla, dauchter o Antonia Minor an Nero Claudius Drusus, in an effort tae gain prestige.
  • Quirinius becomes a chief advisor tae Gaius in Armenie. Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, whose faither Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus haed served as consul in 16 BCE, serves in the Armenie campaigns as weel.
  • Areius Paianeius becomes Archon o Athens.


  • The Yuanshi era o the Cheenese Han dynasty begins.
  • Confucius is gien his first ryal title (posthumous name) o Lord Baochengxun Ni.
  • Emperor Ping o Han Cheenae begins his ring an Wang Mang is re-instatit as regent bi Grand Empress Dowager Wang.
  • Sapadbizes, Yuezhi prince an Keeng o Kush (Bactrie), dies. Heraios succeeds him as keeng.


  • The Kinrick o Aksum, centered in modren day Ethiopie an Eritrea, is foondit (approximate date).
  • Amanishakheto, Queen o Kush (Nubia), dees. Her son, Natakamani, becomes Keeng o Kush.


  • Moxos ceases tae be a signeeficant releegious aurie in Sooth Americae (approximate date).
  • The Teotihuacan cultur in Mesoamericae begins (approximate date).
  • The Maya practice sacrifice an mutilation.
  • The Olmec 2 phase o the Olmec ceevilization begins; San Lorenzo an La Venta grow in population.*

Bi topic

Airts an sciences

  • The poem Metamorphoses is written bi Ovid.
  • Livy continues writin his monumental History o Roum (Ab Urbe Condita).


  • Birth o Jesus, as assignt bi Dionysius Exiguus in his anno Domini era accordin tae at least ane scholar.[1][2] However, maist scholars think Dionysius placed the birth o Jesus in the previous year, 1 BC.[1][2] Despite this, maist modren scholars dinna conseider Dionysius' calculations authoritative, placin the event several year afore (see Chronology o Jesus).[3]


  • Lucius Annaeus Gallio, Roman proconsul (d. 65)
  • Quinctilius Varus, son o Publius Quinctilius Varus an Claudia Pulchra (d. c. 27)
  • Pallas, Greek Freedman an poleetical advisor (d. 63)


  • Arshak II o Iberie, king o Iberie o the Nimrodid Dynasty
  • Sapadbizes king o the Kushan Empire
  • Amanishakheto, Queen o Kush


  1. a b Georges Declercq, Anno Domini: The origins of the Christian Era (Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2000), pp.143–147.
  2. a b G. Declercq, "Dionysius Exiguus and the introduction of the Christian Era", Sacris Erudiri 41 (2002) 165–246, pp.242–246. Annotated version of a portion of Anno Domini.
  3. James D. G. Dunn, Jesus Remembered, Eerdmans Publishing (2003), page 324.