Absheron Rayon

Map o Azerbaijan showin Absheron Rayon
Map o Azerbaijan showin Absheron Rayon
 • Total1,360 km2 (530 sq mi)
 • Total101,300
Telephone code012

Absheron Rayon (Azerbaijani: Abşeron, Roushie: Апшерон), spelt as Apsheron anaw, is a rayon o Azerbaijan demarkated in 1963. Awtho it shares the same name as the Absheron Peninsulae, the aurie covered bi the rayon is no conterminous, bein further wast an maistly inland.

History o the rayon

Absheron wis foondit in 1963 bi the Soviet govrenment tae assur enough labour force, heichlie educatit professional staff an necessary provisions is gien tae enterprises an firms, kolkhozs an collective ferms, poultry an agrarian industries, construction centres, scienteefic-research institutes an laboratories present on the territories o Baku an Sumgait. Thare are lots o historical monuments on the territory o Absheron. For example, in the veelage Aşağı Güzdək thare are agricultural tuils frae the 19t century. In Goradile veelage, thare is Abdurrahman mosque pertainin tae 19t century which wis biggit bi the veelager Haji Gurban, mosques frae 18t century in Məmmədli biggit bi Garadaglilar faimily, mosque-madrasa biggit in 19t century bi Haji Safarali in Novxani, Albattin mosque in Fatmai which goes back tae 18t century. Aside frae releegious monuments, thare are mony monuments pertainin tae social life o fowk in last centuries. For example, hamams biggit in Middle Ages bi Haji Kazim in Qobu veelage an anither ane biggit bi Meshadi Imam Baxish in Xirdalan. Auncient wells which providit watter supply tae fowk livin in this territory are still uised in Aşağı Güzdək an Xirdalan. Tombs frae 8t - 18t centuries are an aw preservit: in Fatmai, Digah, Masazir, Hökməli an Saray.[1]

Geography an economy

Absheron is situatit pairtially on Absheron Peninsulae an pairtially inland. The basic pairt o its economy is agricultural production which develops in twa directions: plant growin an cattlebreedin. Mair attention in plant growin is gien tae gardenin an olive growin. In the sheep breedin, raisin local stock o "Gala" wi semi-haurd or haurd skin prevails.[1]


  • Azeris 96.2% (86,592)
  • Ither 3.8% (3,608)

Oreegin o the name

The name Absheron comes frae the wirds 'ap shuran', meanin 'place o salty watter', frae the auncient Iranian Azeri leid.


  1. a b Cite warning: <ref> tag wi name book canna be previewed acause it is defined ootside the current section or nae defined at aw.

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