Asahi-ku, Osaka

Location o Asahi-ku in Osaka Ceety

Asahi (旭区, Asahi-ku) is ane o 24 wairds o Osaka, Japan. It is locatit in the northeast o the ceety, near the satellite toun o Moriguchi. It wis split aff frae Higashinari in 1932. Asahi-ku itself is further dividit intae the follaein auries (touns); Shimizu, Morishoji, Omiya, Nakamiya, Takadono, Akagawa, Ikue, Shinmori, Senbayashi, Taishibashi, an Imaichi.

Asahi-ku borders the Osaka wairds o:

an the ceety o Moriguchi.


Asahi-ku is servit bi the Tanimachi Line, an the Imazatosuji Line o the Osaka Municipal Subway an bi the Keihan Main Line.


  • Tanimachi subwey line: Sekime-Takadono Station, Sembayashi-Omiya Station, Taishibashi-Imaichi Station
  • Imazato Suji subway line: Shimmori-Furuichi Station, Shimizu Station, Taishibashi-Imaichi Station
  • Keihan Main Line: Morishoji Station, Sembayashi Station


Thare are 10 elementary schuils (years ane tae sax), fower junior heich schuils (three year), twa public an ane private heich schuil (three year), an ane private varsity.

Elementary Schuils: Furichi, Takadono, Takadono Minami, Shirokita, Shin Morishoji, Shimizu, Taishibashi, Omiya, Omiya Nishi.

Junior Heich Schuils: Kyokuyo, Kyokuto, Imaichi, Omiya.

Heich Schuils: Asahi, Yodogawa Kogyo, Osaka Kogyo Varsity Heich Schuil (private).

Varsity: Osaka Kogyo Varsity.

Places o interest

Places o interest include the Shirokita Park wi its Iris Garden, the Yodogawa Wando (puils formit bi the Yodogawa River, the Osaka Municipal Space o Airt, an Senbayashi Shotengai (shoppin arcade).

Senbayashi Shotengai is famous for its lang covered shoppin street. The shoppin street even haes a theme sang that can be heard as you walk alang the covered pairt o the street. Sembayashi-Omiya subway station can be foond at the ither end o the shoppin street. The first Daiei store opened near this station. Some o the favorite stores hae been the Kadoya Ice Cream Parlor, a popular hangoot for students o the nearbi heich schuil, an Enomoto Confectionary Gift Shop. Thare is a fish mercat that specializes in whaul meat an aw.

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