Celtic leids

The Celtic leids is a faimlie o leids spak bi Celtic fowk. The Celtic leids that's aye still tae the fore the day is Erse (Gaelige), Scots Gaelic (Gàidhlig) an Manx (Gaelg) that maks up the Goidelic brainch, an Welsh (Cymraeg), Cornish (Kernewek (an ither spellins)) an Breton (Brezhoneg) that maks up the Brythonic brainch. At ae time there wis mony ither Celtic leids spak athort Europe sic as Gaulis an Pecht but they hae syne dee'd oot.[1]

The Celtic Leids cam frae the Proto-Celtic leid. The history o the leids an whaur exactly they cam fae is gey contreversial the nou, wi ae side threapin fir a Spanish oreegin, an the ither fir a Central European ain, but naetheless, the leids that cam frae Proto-Celtic were tae be fun ower aw o Europe fae Spain in the Wast till Turkey in the East durin the period o the Roman Empire. At ae time there wis mony ither Celtic leids spak athort Europe sic as Gauls an aiblins een Pecht (though thon is no kent fer siccar tae be pairt o the Celtic linguistic faimlie) that hae syne dee'd oot, while the day, the anerly survivin descendants are tae be fund in Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall (as a revived leid), Mann, Brittany, an Wales.

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  1. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language (David Crystal, editor); Cambridge University Press, 1987; p. 302