Tartar Rayon

Cairt o Azerbaijan showin Tartar (red an dark green) rayon. The dark green is unner control o the NKR.

Tartar (Tərtər) is a rayon o Azerbaijan. Maist o it haes been unner the control o the brakawa Nagorno-Karabakh Republic syne the Nagorno-Karabakh War, as pairt o Martakert Province.

IDP's frae Nagorno-Karabakh an surroondin occupeed regions wur muivit tae Tartar rayon frae tent settlements aroond the kintra. The IDPs live in new hooses biggit bi the govrenment.[1]


  1. "Azerbaijan: Life on the Frontlines". Eurasia.net. 5 Julie 2007. Retrieved 7 October 2010.

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