
Vulva wi pubic hair remuived an labia separatit tae shaw the appenin o the vagina
1: Clitoral huid
2: Clitoris
3: Labia minora
4: Urethral appenin
5: Vaginal appenin
6: Perineum
7: Anus
Precursorurogenital sinus an paramesonephric ducts
Arterysuperior pairt tae uterine artery, middle an inferior pairts tae vaginal artery
Veinuterovaginal venous plexus, vaginal vein
NerveSympathetic: lumbar splanchnic plexus
Parasympathetic: pelvic splanchnic plexus
Lymphupper pairt tae internal iliac lymph nodes, lawer pairt tae superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Anatomical terminology

In mammals, the vagina is the feebromuscular, tubular pairt o the female genital tract extendin, in humans, frae the vulva tae the cervix. The ooter vaginal appenin is normally pairtly covered bi a membrane cried the hymen. At the deep end, the cervix (neck o the uterus) bulges intae the vagina. The vagina allous for sexual intercoorse an bairnbirth, an channels menstrual flowe (menses), that occurs as pairt o the monthly menstrual cycle.

The vagina's location an structur varies amang species, an can vary in size. Female mammals uisually hae twa fremmit appenins in the vulva, the urethral appenin for the urinary tract an the vaginal appenin for the genital tract. This is different frae male mammals, that uisually hae a single urethral appenin for baith urination an reproduction. The vaginal appenin is muckle lairger than the nearbi urethral appenin, an baith are pertectit bi the labia in humans. In amphibians, birds, reptiles an monotremes, the cloaca is the single freemit appenin for the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary, an reproductive tracts.

Tae accommodate smuither penetration o the vagina in sexual intercoorse or ither sexual activity, vaginal moistur increases in sexual arousal in human females an an aa in ither female mammals. This increase in moistur provides vaginal lubrication, that reduces friction. The textur o the vaginal waws creates friction for the penis in sexual intercoorse an stimulates it taewart ejaculation, enablin fertilisation. Alang wi pleisur an bondin, weemen's sexual behaviour wi ithers can result in sexually transmittit infections (STIs), the risk o that can be reduced bi recommended safe sex practices. Ither disorders mey an aw affect the human vagina.

The vagina an vulva hae evoked strang reactions in societies ootthrou history, includin negative perceptions an leid, cultural taboos, an their uise as seembols for female sexuality, speerituality, or regeneration o life. In common speech, the wird vagina is eften uised tae refer tae the vulva or tae the female genitals in general. Bi its dictionar an anatomical defineetions, houiver, vagina refers exclusively tae the speceefic internal structur, an understandin the distinction can impruive knawledge o the female genitalia an aid in heal care communication.