AD 1102

Millennium: 2nd millennium
Centuries: 11th century12th century13th century
Decades: 1070s  1080s  1090s  – 1100s –  1110s  1120s  1130s
Years: 1099 1100 110111021103 1104 1105


  • Valencia is captured by the Almoravids.
  • Henry I of England orders the tomb of Edward the Confessor opened; the body is found undecayed.
  • Henry I of England takes possession of Arundel Castle.
  • The Hohenbaden castle is built in Baden-Baden, Germany.
  • Boleslav III becomes king of Poland.
  • coronation of Coloman of Hungary in the town of Biograd, adding the Croatian duchies of Slavonia and Dalmatia to the crown of Hungary.
  • Crusaders capture Caesarea Palaestina.
  • Crusaders defeat an Egyptian invasion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem near Ascalon.
  • Dagobert of Pisa is briefly deposed as Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem (and restored later in the year).
  • Raymond IV of Toulouse begins to besiege Tripoli, and takes the nominal title of count of Tripoli.
  • Raymond IV of Toulouse is imprisoned by Tancred, regent of the Principality of Antioch.