
Logo of Pepper&Carrot
Author(s)David Revoy
Current status / scheduleEvery month
Launch date10 May 2014

Pepper&Carrot is an open source webcomic series. Its author is the French artist David Revoy.[1][2] The series consists of small episodes about teenage witch Pepper and her cat Carrot.[1] The comic is translated into more than 28 different languages. The stories do not contain violence. That's because Revoy wants Pepper&Carrot to be accessible for everyone.[1][2][3]

Revoy says he makes the series only with free software, such as Krita and Inkscape.[4] You can download Krita source files for every image.


Anyone can use the images. They are available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Revoy says he likes fanart and other works based on Pepper&Carrot.

List of episodes

Revoy aims to draw one episode every month.[5]

No. Title Original title Release date Number of patrons[6]
1 The Potion of Flight 2014-05-10 0
2 Rainbow Potions 2014-07-25 21
3 The Secret Ingredients 2014-10-03 93
4 Stroke of Genius 2014-11-21 156
5 Special holiday episode 2014-12-19 170
6 The Potion Contest Le concours de potion 2015-03-28 245
7 The Wish Le souhait 2015-04-30 245
8 Pepper's Birthday Party L'anniversaire de Pepper 2015-06-28 354
9 The Remedy Le remède 2015-07-31 406
10 Summer Special Spécial été 2015-08-29 422
11 The Witches of Chaosah Les sorcières de Chaosah 2015-09-30 502
12 Autumn Clearout Rangement d'Automne 2015-10-31 575
13 The Pyjama Party La Soirée Pyjama 2015-12-08 602
14 The Dragon's Tooth La Dent de Dragon 2016-01-29 671
15 The Crystal Ball La Boule de Cristal 2016-03-25 686
16 The Sage of the Mountain Le Sage de la Montagne 2016-04-30 671
17 A Fresh Start Un Nouveau Départ 2016-06-30 719
18 The Encounter La Rencontre 2016-08-05 720
19 Pollution Pollution 2016-10-26 755
20 The Picnic Le Pique-nique 2016-12-17 825
21 The Magic Contest Le Concours de Magie 2017-02-23 816
22 The Voting System Le système de vote 2017-05-30 864
23 Take a Chance Saisir la chance 2017-08-10 879
24 The Unity Tree L'Arbre de l'unité 2017-12-15 810
25 There Are No Shortcuts 2018-05-17 909
26 Books Are Great 2018-07-28 1,098
27 Coriander's Invention 2018-10-31 1,060
28 The Festivities 2019-01-24 960
29 Destroyer of Worlds 2019-04-25 960
30 Need a Hug 2019-09-03 973
31 The Fight 2019-12-20 971
32 The Battlefield 2020-03-31 1121
33 Spell of War 2020-06-29 1190
34 The Knighting of Shichimi 2021-03-31 1096


Revoy wants to change the comic book industry by removing intermediate steps in the production process. Pepper&Carrot is free, but Revoy lets people support him on the Patreon crowdfunding platform. You can sign up to give a small amount of money per episode that he makes. Patreon takes 5% of the money. The credit card companies take another part.[7] This is still less than a traditional comic production, where the publisher, distributors and retailers want money.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Revoy, David. "Philosophy - Pepper&Carrot". Archived from the original on 10 October 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2015.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Pepper & Carrot - red tabula". red tabula. Archived from the original on 10 October 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2015.
  3. Revoy, David. "How to add a translation or a correction - Pepper&Carrot". Archived from the original on 10 October 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2015.
  4. Revoy, David. "Episode 11: The Witches of Chaosah - Pepper&Carrot". Retrieved 10 October 2015.
  5. Moeller, Eric (17 July 2015). "The case of the witch and her cat: crowdfunding free culture - Creative". Archived from the original on 5 September 2015. Retrieved 10 October 2015.
  6. The respective comic pages on
  7. "Patreon Help Center". Patreon. Retrieved 19 August 2015.