Shades of pink

This box shows the color pink.

Pink is a light reddish color. Pink paint can be made by mixing red, rose or magenta paint and white paint. Pink is an easy color to make with paint mixing red and white.

Pink tulips

Meaning of Pink

Around the world

  • Pink is the color for embarrassment, because of the pink blushing cheeks.
  • Around the world, pink is used to represent love and eroticism.
  • Pink means one is in a good condition of health. That is why there is an idiom, "in the pink" — example: "These animals are in the pink today".

In particular regions

  • In the west nowadays, pink is the color for the female gender. (In the past, however, it was associated with the male gender.)
  • In India, pink is the color of masculinity.
  • In Japan, pink is the color most associated with springtime, and loosely associated with young men.

Other occurrences of Pink

Tones of pink color comparison chart

Light Amour (Pink Mist) ( color list “Amour Light”) (Hex: #FDF6FA) (RGB: 253, 246, 250)
Light Pink Lace ( color list "Pink Lace Light") (Hex: #FFF1FB) (RGB: 255, 241, 251)
Amour (Red Mist) ( color list) (Hex: #F9EAF3) (RGB: 249, 234, 243)
Bubble Gum (Crayola Magic Scents) (Hex: #FFD3F8) (RGB: 255, 211, 248)
Pink Lace ( color list) (Hex: #FFDDF4) (RGB: 255, 221, 207)
Champagne Pink (Pantone TPX 12-1107) (Hex: #F1DDCF) (RGB: 241, 221, 207)
Light Cupid ( color list “Cupid Light”) (Hex: #FDE3F0) (RGB: 253, 227, 240)
Light Chantilly ( color list “Chantilly Light”) (Hex: #FCE5F2) (RGB: 252, 229, 242)
Pale Light Pink ( color list “Pink Light”) (Hex: #FFE4E9) (RGB: 255, 228, 233)
Piggy Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FDDDE6) (RGB: 253, 221, 230)
Pale Pink (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #F9CCCA) (RGB: 249, 204, 202)
Baby Pink (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #F4C2C2) (RGB: 244, 194, 194)
Pink (X11 color) (Tamarisk) (Hex: #FFC0CB) (RGB: 255, 192, 203)
Cotton Candy (Crayola) (Hex: #FFB7D5) (RGB: 255, 183, 213)
Orchid Pink (Pantone TPX 13-2010) (Hex: #F2BDCD) (RGB: 239, 187, 204)
Chantilly ( color list) (Hex: #F8C3DF) (RGB: 248, 195, 223)
Cupid ( color list) (Hex: #FBBEDA) (RGB: 251, 190, 218)
Cameo Pink (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #EFBBCC) (RGB: 239, 187, 204)
Spanish Pink (Pink (Gallego & Sanz)) (Hex: #F7BFBE) (RGB: 247, 191, 150)
Light Pink (web color "Light Pink") (Hex: #FFB6C1) (RGB: 255, 182, 193)
Cherry Blossom Pink ( (Hex: #FFB7C5) (RGB: 255, 183, 197)
Nadashiko Pink (Hex: #F6ADC6) (RGB: 246, 173, 198)
Carnation Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FFA6C9) (RGB: 246, 166, 201)
Lavender Pink (Crayola color "Lavender [Pink]") - (Hex: #FBAED2) (RGB: 251, 174, 210)
Light Hot Pink ( color list “Hot Pink Light”) (Hex: #FFB3DE) (RGB: 255, 179, 222)
Lavender Rose (Hex: #FBA0E3) (RGB: 251, 160, 227)
Light Fuchsia Pink (Pale Magenta) (Hex: #F984EF) (RGB: 249, 132, 229)
Light Deep Pink ( color list “Deep Pink Light”) (Hex: #FF5CCD) (RGB: 255, 92, 205)
Rose Pink (Hex: #FF66CC) (RGB: 255, 102, 204)
Persian Pink ( (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #F77FBE) (RGB: 247, 127, 190)
Tickle Me Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FC80A5) (RGB: 252, 128, 165)
Baker-Miller Pink (Schauss Pink) (Internet) (Hex: #FF91AF) (RGB: 255, 145, 175)
Pink Sherbet (Crayola) (Hex: #F78FA7) (RGB: 247, 143, 167)
Mauvelous (Crayola) (Hex: #F091A9) (RGB: 240, 145, 169)
Amaranth Pink (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #F19CBB) (RGB: 241, 156, 187)
Charm Pink (Plochere) (Hex: #E68FAC) (RGB: 230, 143, 172)
China Pink (Plochere) (Hex: #DE6FA1) (RGB: 222, 111, 161)
Turkish Rose ( color list) (Hex: #B57281) (RGB: 181, 114, 129)
Solid Pink ( color list) (Hex: #893843) (RGB: 137, 56, 67)
Mountbatten Pink (Royal Navy) (Hex: #997A8D) (RGB: 153, 122, 141)
Silver Pink (Plochere) (Hex: #C4AEAD) (RGB: 190, 174, 123)
Queen Pink (Plochere) (Hex: #E8CCD7) (RGB: 232, 204, 215)
Pale Amaranth Pink (Hex: #DDBEC3) (RGB: 221, 190, 195)
Pink Lavender (Taro) (Pantone TPX 14-3207) (Hex: #D8B2D1) (RGB: 219, 178, 209)
Pastel Pink (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #DEA5A4) (RGB: 222, 165, 164)
New York Pink ( color list) (Hex: #D7837F) (RGB: 215, 131, 127)
Puce (Hex: #CC8899) (RGB: 204, 136, 153)
Pale Violet Red (web color) (Hex: #DB7093) (RGB: 219, 112, 147)
Light Carmine Pink (Hex: #E66761) (RGB: 230, 103, 97)
Tango Pink (Plochere) (Hex: #E4717A) (RGB: 228, 113, 122)
Light Coral (web color) (Hex: #F08080) (RGB: 240, 128, 128)
Deep Pink-Orange (Hex: #FF7077) (RGB: 255, 112, 119)
Congo Pink (ISCC-NBS) (Hex: #F88379) (RGB: 248, 131, 121)
Salmon (web color) (Hex: #FA8072) (RGB: 250, 128, 114)
Light Salmon Pink (Hex: #FF9999) (RGB: 255, 153, 153)
Salmon Pink (Crayola "Salmon") (Hex: #FF91A4) (RGB: 255, 145, 164)
Pink-Orange (Hex: #FF9966) (RGB: 255, 153, 102)
Coral (web color) (Hex: #FF7F50) (RGB: 255, 127, 80)
Carnation (Hex: #F95A61) (RGB: 249, 90, 97)
Carmine Pink ( (Hex: #EB4C42) (RGB: 235, 76, 66)
Deep Carmine Pink ( (Hex: #EF3038) (RGB: 239, 48, 36)
Strawberry (Hex: #FC5B8F) (RGB: 252, 91, 143)
Wild Watermelon (Crayola) (Hex: #F05B78) (RGB: 253, 91, 153)
Vivid Strawberry (Hex: #F70077) (RGB: 247, 0, 119)
Pink (Light Red) (web color) (Hex: #FD6C9E) (RGB: 253, 108, 158)
Brink Pink (Crayola) (Hex: #FB607F) (RGB: 251, 96, 127)
Dark Pink (Hex: #E75480) (RGB: 231, 84, 128)
Blush (Crayola) (Hex: #DB5079) (RGB: 219, 80, 127)
French Rose (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #F64A8A) (RGB: 246, 74, 138)
Violet Red (Crayola) (Hex: #F7468A) (RGB: 247, 70, 138)
Medium Pink (Hex: #FE6E9F) (RGB: 254, 110, 159)
French Pink (Pink ( (Hex: #FD6C9E) (RGB: 253, 108, 158)
Hot Pink (web color) (Hex: #FF69B4) (RGB: 255, 105, 180)
Brilliant Rose (Crayola "Magenta") (Hex: #F653A6) (RGB: 246, 83, 166)
Raspberry Pink (Hex: #E25098) (RGB: 226, 80, 155)
Wild Strawberry (Crayola) - (Hex: #FF3399) (RGB: 255, 51, 153)
Bright Pink (Rose) (Maerz and Paul) (Hex: #FF007F) (RGB: 255, 0, 127)
Sabria Pink (Hex: #FC0585) (RGB: 252, 5, 133)
Fluorescent Pink (Crayola Twistable colored pencils) (Hex: #FF008F) (RGB: 255, 0, 143)
Deep Pink (web color) (Hex: #FF1493) (RGB: 255, 20, 147)
Cerise Pink (Hex: #EC3B83) (RGB: 236, 59, 131)
Fandango Pink (Pantone TPX 17-2033) (Hex: #DE5285) (RGB: 222, 82, 133)
Barbie Pink (Pantone 219C) (Hex: #E0218A) (RGB: 224, 33, 138)
Mexican Pink (Mexican Rose) (Mexican Tourist Board) (Hex: #E4007C) (RGB: 228, 0, 124)
Cerise (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #DE3163) (RGB: 218, 49, 99)
Tyrian Pink (Bright Tyrian Purple) (Hex: #B80049) (RGB: 184, 0, 73)
Amaranth Cerise (Hex: #CD2682) (RGB: 205, 38, 130)
Deep Cerise (Cerise (Crayola)) (Hex: #DA3287) (RGB: 218, 50, 135)
Vivid Cerise (Hex: #DA1D81) (RGB: 218, 29, 129)
Hollywood Cerise (Venus colored pencils) (Fashion Fuchsia) (Hex: #F400A1) (RGB: 244, 0, 161)
Persian Rose (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #FE28A2) (RGB: 254, 40, 162)
Shocking Pink (Elsa Schiaparelli) (Hex: #FC0FC0) (RGB: 252, 15, 192)
Razzle Dazzle Rose (Crayola) (Hex: #FF33CC) (RGB: 255, 51, 204)
Purple Pizzaz (Crayola) (Hex: #FE4EDA) (RGB: 254, 78, 218)
Fuchsia Pink (Light Magenta) ( (Hex: #FF77FF) (RGB: 255, 119, 255)
Ultra Pink (Crayola) (Crayola "Shocking Pink") (Hex: #FF6FFF) (RGB: 255, 111, 255)
Pink Flamingo (Crayola) (Hex: #FF66FF) (RGB: 255, 102, 255)
Magenta (web color Fuchsia) (Hex: #FF00FF) (RGB: 255, 0, 255)
Hot Magenta (Crayola) (Hex: #FF00CC) (RGB: 255, 0, 204)
Amaranth Magenta (Hex: #ED3CCA) (RGB: 237, 60, 202)
Steel Pink (Crayola Ultra colored pencils) (Hex: #CC33CC) (RGB: 204, 51, 204)
Sky Magenta (Venus colored pencils) (Medium Lavender Pink) (Hex: #CF71AF) (RGB: 207, 113, 175)
Super Pink (Pantone TPX 17-2625) (Hex: #CF6BA9) (RGB: 207, 107, 169)
Fandango (Maerz & Paul) (Hex: #B55489) (RGB: 181, 84, 137)