
بنو هوية
Meelaha ay ku badan yihiin



Ahlu sunno waljamaaca, Sunni, Wahaabi

Dadka ay dhalyo wadagaan

Dir, Isaaq, Daarood, Raxanweyn iyo qabiilo Soomaali kale

Hawiye (Af Carabi : ar‎) waa beel ka mida qabiilada Soomaalida, kuwaasi oo ku dhaqan deegaano ka tirsan wadanka Soomaaliya, Itoobiya, iyo Kiinya. Sida lagu xusay taariikhda, beesha Hawiye waxay walaalo yihiin Beesha Dir iyagoo ku wada abtirsada odayga Irir oo ka mid ah sagaalka Samaale. Hawiye ayaa kow[1][2] ama laba[3][4] kaga jira badnaanta tirada qabiilooyinka Soomaalida, waxay degaan caasimada Muqdisho[5].


Sida uu qoraa Al-Idriisi oo sanadka 12aad, qabiilka Hawiye waxay ku dhaqaaqeen degmooyinka badweynta ka dhaxeysa Xaafuun ilaa Marka, iyadoo xiriir la leeyahay webiga hoose ee webiga Shabeelle hoose. Waxa uu sheegayaa Al-Idriisi Hawiye inay ahayd qabiilka Soomaaliga ugu horaysa ee laga wada hadlayo Geeska Afrika. Qorayaasha carabka ee soo baxay ka dib, waxay sidoo kale qiraayaan qabiilka Hawiye oo la xiriira Marka iyo dhulka hoose ee Shabeelle. Cibnu Saacid (1214-74), tusaale ahaan, waxa uu ka dhigayaa Marka in ay tahay caasimada Hawiye, kuwaas oo noqonaya ciidamada shan todobaadood oo ku yaal dheelmiyo webiga ay dhigato "Niyilka Muqdisho", tixraac wanaagsan oo la xiriira Shabeelle.[6]


Beelweynta Hawiye waxay wadanka Soomaaliya ka degtaa gobolo badan oo ka mid tahay:

  • Gobolada dhexe kuna badanyihiin
  • gobolada koofureed ku badanyihiin
  • Gobolada woqooyi ku yaryihiin
  • Gobolada bari ku yaryihiin

Sidoo kale, waxaa beesha laga helaa wadanka Itoobiya, gaar ahaan:

  • Godey
  • Jigjiga

Sidoo kale, wadanka Kiinya waxay degaan ku yihiin:

  • wajir
  • Mandera

Shaxda Beesha

Cali Jimcaale Axmad waa aqoonyahan Hawiye wuxuu sharxay kitaabka la yiraahdo “The Invention of Somalia” laguna daabacay 1995 “The Red Sea Press, Inc. – Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 ee dalka Maraykanka, wuxuu bogiisa ku wariyay oo yiri Hawiye abtirsigeedu waa sidatan:[7]

  • Samaale
    • Irir
      • Hawiye
        • karanle
            • Gidir
            • sexowle
            • murusade
            • kaariye
        • Gugundhabe
          • Baadicade
          • Jijeele
            • Reer Faqay
        • Gorgate
      • Maxamuud
      • Mayle
        • Xawaadle
          • Hiraab
            • Mudulood
              • Abgaal
                • Maxamuud Hiraab
                  • Angonyar
                  • Abokor
                • Wabudhan
                  • Da'oud
                  • Rer Mattan
                  • Mohamed Muse
                • Wa'esli
              • Wacdaan
              • Moobleen
              • Ujajeen
            • Duduble
            • Habar Gidir
              • Sacad
              • Saleebaan
              • Cayr
              • Saruur

Dadka caanka ah Hawiye


  • Aaden Abdulle Osman Daar , President of Somalia, 1960–67
  • Ali Mahdi Muhammad, President of Somalia, 1991–1995
  • CAbdiqaasim salaad xasan, President of Somalia, 2000–2004
  • Cabdullaahi ciise, Prime Minister of Somalia, 1954–1960
  • Ali Mohammed Ghedi, Prime Minister of Somalia, 2004–2007
  • Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, current President of Somalia
  • Mohamed Farrah Aidid, self declare President of Somalia 1995-1996
  • Nur Hassan Hussein, Prime Minister of Somalia, 2007–2009
  • Sharif Ahmed, President of Somalia, 2009-2012
  • Abdirahman Janaqow, Somali leader, deputy chairman of the Islamic Courts Union of Somalia (ICU), Minister of Justice
  • Abdullahi Ahmed Addow, former Somalia Ambassador to the United States (1970–80)
  • Abukar Umar Adani, Islamist, businessman who used to control the El-ma`an beach area which served as Mogadishu's port since the closure in 1995 of the city's main port
  • Bashir Raghe Shiiraar, secular faction leader; member of the US-backed Alliance for Peace and the Fight Against International Terrorism
  • Hassan Mohamed Hussein Mungab, Mayor of Mogadishu
  • Mohamed Abdi Hassan, entrepreneur and faction leader
  • Mohamed Afrah Qanyare, politician who was based to the south of Mogadishu and member of TFG parliament
  • Mohamed Nur, former Mayor of Mogadishu

Saraakii milatari

  • Odowaa Yuusuf Rageh , He is the incumbent Chief of the Somali Armed Forces .
  • Ahmed Maxamed Xasan, Lieutenant colonel who defused Mig-17 jet fighter bombs
  • Daud Abdulle Hirsi, Commander-in-chief of the Somali national forces, 1960–67
  • Hassan Dahir Aweys, leader of Islamist revolution in Somalia, 2006–09
  • Hussein Kulmiye Afrah, vice-president of Somalia under the Siad Barre regime
  • Mohamed Farrah Aidid, Chairman of the United Somali Congress, 1991–1994
  • Mohammed Hussein Ali, Commissioner of the Kenyan police; 2004–08
  • Muuse Suudi Yalahow, politician who served as Trade Minister in the Transitional Federal Government
  • Salaad Gabeyre Kediye, Father of the 1969 revolution


  • Abdi Mohamed Ulusso, 2003 presidential candidate
  • Abdirahman Yabarow, Editor-in-Chief of the VOA Somali Service
  • Abdulkadir Yahye Ali, peace activist, co-director and founder of the Center for Research and Dialogue [8]
  • Abukar Umar Adani, businessman who operates the Elman port services
  • Ali Jimale, educator at the City University of New York
  • Ali Sheikh Ahmed, dual president of Mogadishu University and Al-Islaah
  • Elman Ali Ahmed, entrepreneur and social activist
  • Hilowle Imam Omar, co-chairman of the reconciliation program 1995-2000
  • Hussein Ali Shido, founding member of the United Somali Congress
  • Hussein Sheikh Ahmed Kaddare, author of the Kaddariya script, 1952
  • Dr Abdullahi Qoryoooley , founder of Hubaal specialist hospital in Mogadishu .
  • Ibrahim Hassan Addou, Former Professor of Washington University. Foreign Minister of the Union of Islamic courts in 2006
  • Omar Iman Abubakar, professor and researcher in Hadith Sunna, Chairman of Hisbi Islam[9][10]

Ugaasyada iyo Wadaadada

  • Imaam Mahamud , imam of Mudulood Hiraab
  • Ugaas Mohamed Ali Ugaas , ugaas of Abgaal
  • Imam Axmed Gurey, Conqueror of Abyssinia
  • Ahmed Diriye Ali, spokesman of the Hawiye traditional elders.
  • Olol Diinle, last king of the Ajuran empire
  • Sheikh Hassan Barsane, Ahmaddi anti-colonialist scholar
  • Sheikh Ali Dhere, founder of the first Islamic Court in Mogadishu

Fanka iyo suugaanta

  • Khadiija Ciise Faracadde, poemist, leadership and peacebuilder.
  • Maxamed Cali Kaariye, Song writer
  • C/Kariin Farax Qaareey (Jiir), Music writer
  • Magool (Halima Khalif Omar), Singer
  • Hasan Adan Samatar, Singer
  • Salaad Derbi, Singer
  • C/Qaadir Jubba, Singer
  • Shamso Cumar Xaydar, Singer
  • Hanuuniye, Singer & Song writer
  • Sulfe, Singer & musician
  • Cumer Shooli, Singer & musician
  • Abdi Bashiir Indhobuur, poet and composer, writer of several patriotic songs
  • Abdulle Geedannaar, poet
  • C/Qaadir Xasan Nageeye, Singer
  • Binti Cumar Gacal, Singer
  • Xabiiba Xasan Tooxoow, Singer
  • K'naan, Somali-Canadian poet, rapper and musician
  • Sheekh Ahmed Gabyow, 19th-century poet

Sidoo kale fiiri


  1. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/africa/somalia_ethnic_grps_2002.jpg
  2. "Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 2016-08-18. Soo qaatay 2016-03-08.  Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
  3. "Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 2005-11-12. Soo qaatay 2016-03-08.  Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
  4. http://www.asylumlaw.org/docs/somalia/ind01b_somalia_ca.pdf
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6483427.stm
  6. Lewis, I. M. (1999). A Pastoral Democracy: A Study of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa. James Currey Publishers. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=GWjxR61xAe0C
  7. Ali Jimale Ahmed. Red Sea. p. 123. ISBN 0-932415-98-9 https://books.google.com/books?id=XpdAzRYruCwC&lpg=PA129&dq=Mudulood&pg=PA123#v=onepage&q&f=false.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  8. . Center for Research and Dialogue. 2005-07-12 http://www.crdsomalia.org/yahya.shtml. Soo qaatay 2010-10-12.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  9. "Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 2009-06-11. Soo qaatay 2016-03-02.  Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
  10. http://allafrica.com/stories/200902080003.html
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