Republika (Platoni)
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Autor | Platoni |
Shteti | Greqia e lashtë |
Gjuha | Greqisht |
Republika (greqishtja e lashtë: Πολιτεία, Politeia; Latinisht: Res Publica) [1] në disa variante e përkthyer edhe me titullin Shteti, është një dialog sokratik, i shkruar nga Platoni rreth vitit 375 p.e.s. në lidhje me drejtësinë (δικαιοσύνη - dikaiosýni), rendin dhe karakterin e qytetit-shtet të drejtë si edhe njeriut të drejtë. [2] Kjo është vepra më e njohur e Platonit dhe ka dëshmuar se është një nga veprat më me ndikim në botë të filozofisë dhe teorisë politike, si intelektualisht, ashtu edhe historikisht. [3] [4]
Në dialogje, Sokrati bisedon me Athinas dhe të huaj të ndryshëm për kuptimin e drejtësisë si dhe nëse njeriu i drejtë është më i lumtur se njeriu i padrejtë. Ata i trajtojnë natyrat e regjimeve ekzistuese dhe më pas propozojnë një seri hipotetike të qyteteve të ndryshme, në krahasim, duke arritur kulmin me Kallipolis (Καλλίπολις), një qytet-shtet i qeverisur nga një mbret filozof. Ata diskutojnë gjithashtu teorinë e formave, pavdekësinë e shpirtit dhe rolin e filozofit dhe të poezisë në shoqëri . [5] Vendosja e dialogut duket se është gjatë Luftës Peloponeziane .
Shih edhe
- Sachs, Joe (2007). Plato: Republic. Newburyport: Focus Publishing.
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(Ndihmë!) - Allen, R.E. (2006). Plato: The Republic. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Reeve, C.D.C. (2004). Plato: The Republic. Indianapolis: Hackett.
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(Ndihmë!) - Griffith, Tom (2000). Plato: The Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Waterfield, Robin (1994). Plato: Republic. Translated, with notes and an introduction. Oxford: Oxford World's Classics.
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(Ndihmë!) - Grube, G.M.A. (1992). Plato: The Republic. Revised by C.D.C. Reeve. Indianapolis: Hackett.
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(Ndihmë!) - Bloom, Allan (1991) [1968]. The Republic of Plato. Translated, with notes and an interpretive essay. New York: Basic Books.
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(Ndihmë!) - Lee, Desmond (1987) [1974, 1955]. Platoni: Republika. Përkthyer me një hyrje. London: Libra Penguin.
- Sterling, Richard W.; Scott, William C. (1985). Plato: Republic. London: W. W. Norton & Company.
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(Ndihmë!) - Larson, Raymond (1979). Plato: The Republic. Wheeling: Harlan Davidson.
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(Ndihmë!) - Cornford, F.M. (1941). The Republic of Plato. New York & London: Oxford University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Shorey, Paul (1930). Plato: Republic. Edited, translated, with notes and an introduction. London: W. Heinemann.
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(Ndihmë!) - Davies, John L.; Vaughan, David J. (1929). The Republic of Plato. Translated into English, with an analysis and notes. London: Macmillan and Co.
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(Ndihmë!) - Lindsay, A.D. (1906). Plato: The Republic. London: J.M. Dent.
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(Ndihmë!) - Jowett, Benjamin (1871). Plato: The Republic.
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(Ndihmë!) - Burges, George (1854). Plato: The Republic, Timaeus and Critias. New and literal version. London: H.G. Bohn.
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(Ndihmë!) - Taylor, Thomas (1804). The Republic. London: R. Wilks.
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(Ndihmë!) - Spens, Harry (1763). The Republic of Plato in Ten Books. Glasgow: Robert and Andrew Foulis.
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- ^ Henri Estienne (ed.), Platonis opera quae extant omnia, Vol. 2, 1578, p. 327.
- ^ Brickhouse, Thomas and Smith, Nicholas D. Plato (c. 427–347 BC), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, cf. Dating Plato's Dialogues.
- ^ National Public Radio (August 8, 2007). Plato's 'Republic' Still Influential, Author Says. Talk of the Nation.
- ^ Plato: The Republic Arkivuar 20 shtator 2018 tek Wayback Machine. Plato: His Philosophy and his life,
- ^ Baird, Forrest E.; Walter Kaufmann (2008). From Plato to Derrida. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-158591-1.
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- Annas, Julia (1981). An Introduction to Plato's Republic. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Benardete, Seth (1989). Socrates' Second Sailing: On Plato's Republic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Blackburn, Simon (2007). Plato's Republic: A Biography. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Bosanquet, B. (1895). A Companion to Plato's Republic. London: Rivington, Percival & Co.
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(Ndihmë!) - Cairns, Douglas, red. (2007). Pursuing the good. University of Edinburgh Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Craig, Leon (1994). The War Lover: A Study of Plato's Republic. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Cross, R.C. (1964). Plato's Republic: A Philosophical Commentary. London: Macmillan.
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(Ndihmë!) - dixsaut, monique (2005). études sur la république de platon. france: vrin.
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(Ndihmë!) - Ferrari, G.R.F. (2007). The Cambridge Companion to Plato's Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Howland, Jacob (1993). The Republic: The Odyssey of Philosophy. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books.
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(Ndihmë!) - Hyland, Drew (1995). Finitude and transcendence in the Platonic dialogues.
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(Ndihmë!) - Kraut, Richard, red. (1997). Plato's Republic: Critical Essays. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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(Ndihmë!) - Levinson, Ronald (1953). In Defense of Plato. Cambridge: Harvard.
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(Ndihmë!) - lisi, francisco (2007). the ascent to the good. London: ACADEMIA VERLAG.
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(Ndihmë!) - Mayhew, Robert (1997). Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Republic. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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(Ndihmë!) - McNeill, David (2010). An Image of the Soul in Speech. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Mitchell, Basil; Lucas, J.R. (2003). An Engagement with Plato's Republic: A Companion to Plato's Republic. Aldershot: Ashgate.
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(Ndihmë!) - Murphy, N.R. (1951). The Interpretation of Plato's Republic. Oxford: Oxford U.P.
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(Ndihmë!) - Nettleship, Richard. (1898). Lectures on The Republic of Plato. London.
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(Ndihmë!)Mirëmbajtja CS1: Mungon shtëpia botuese te vendodhja (lidhja) - Nettleship, Richard. (1935). The Theory of Education in Plato's Republic. London: Oxford.
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(Ndihmë!) - Ophir, Adi (1991). Plato's Invisible Cities. London: Routledge.
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(Ndihmë!) - Pappas, Nikolas (1995). Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Republic. London: Routledge.
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(Ndihmë!) - Piechowiak, Marek (2019). Plato's Conception of Justice and the Question of Human Dignity. Berlin: Peter Lang.
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(Ndihmë!) - Purshouse, Luke (2007). Plato's Republic. London: Continuum.
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(Ndihmë!) - Reeve, C.D.C. (1988). Philosopher-Kings: The Argument of Plato's Republic. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Rice, Daryl H. (1998). A Guide to Plato's Republic. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Roochnik, David (2003). Beautiful City. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Rosen, Stanley (2005). Plato's Republic: A Study. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Santas, Gerasimos, red. (2006). The Blackwell Guide to Plato's Republic. Oxford: Blackwell.
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(Ndihmë!) - Santas, Gerasimos, red. (2010). understanding Plato's Republic. Oxford: wiley-Blackwell.
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(Ndihmë!) - Sayers, Sean (1999). Plato's Republic: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Sesonske, Alexander, red. (1966). Plato's Republic: Interpretation and Criticism. Belmont: Wadsworth.
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(Ndihmë!) - Sinaiko, Herman (1998). Reclaiming the Canon. New Haven: Yale University Press.
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(Ndihmë!) - Strauss, Leo (1964). The City and Man. Chicago: Rand McNally.
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(Ndihmë!) - White, Nicholas P. (1979). A Companion to Plato's Republic. Indianapolis: Hackett.
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(Ndihmë!) - Wild, John (1946). Plato's Theory of Man. Cambridge: Harvard.
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(Ndihmë!) - Wild, John (1953). Plato's Modern Enemies and the Theory of Natural Law. Chicago: University of Chicago.
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Lidhje të jashtme
- Texts of the Republic:
- At Plato's Republic: Translated by Benjamin Jowett (1892) with running comments & Stephanus numbers
- At Plato's Republic Arkivuar 11 prill 2011 tek Wayback Machine: Translated by Benjamin Jowett
- At Perseus Project: Plato's Republic: Translated by Paul Shorey (1935) annotated and hyperlinked text (English and Greek)
- At Project Gutenberg: e-text Plato's Republic: Translated by Benjamin Jowett with introduction. The same translation with Stephanus numbers, side notes and full index.
- Approaching Plato: A Guide to the Early and Middle Dialogues
- "Plato's Republic". Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on Ethics and Politics in The Republic