Abraxas grossulariata

Abraxas grossulariata
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Olam: Eukariotlar
Tip: Boʻgʻimoyoqlilar
Sinf: Hasharotlar
Oila: Odimchilar
Binar nomi
Abraxas grossulariata

Abraxas grossulariata – Geometridae oilasiga mansub kuya turi. Bu tur birinchi marta Karl Linney tomonidan 1758-yilda Systema Naturaening 10-nashrida tasvirlangan.


  • G. Evelyn Hutchinson, 1969 Some continental European aberrations of Abraxas grossulariata Linn. (Lepidoptera) with a note on the theoretical significance of the variation in the species Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences v. 43, p. 1-24.
  • G. Evelyn Hutchinson, 1974 New and inadequately described aberrations of Abraxas grossulariata (Linn.) (Lep. Geometridae). Entomological Record 86:199–206.