

保持佔有拉丁語uti possidetis),亦稱佔领地保有,是国际法中的一项原则,主张除非條約另行規定,否則交戰國英语Belligerent在戰爭結束後可以保有其在戰爭期間藉由武力所佔有的領土財產[1]

与保持佔有相对的国际法原則為战前状态拉丁語status quo ante bellum),主张交战各方恢復到战争发生前的势力状态。戰爭結束時,敵對雙方簽訂的條約可以採納保持佔有原則,或戰前狀態原則,或兩者之組合。如果條約對於藉由武力所佔領的領土和財產之歸屬沒有特別規定,則以保持佔有原則優先。[1]



  1. ^ 李明峻. 從國際法角度看琉球群島主權歸屬 (PDF). 台灣國際研究季刊. 2005年6月, 1 (2): 59 [2016-06-20]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-01-06). 
  2. ^ Fozia Lone. Uti Possidetis Iuris. Oxford Bibliographies英语Oxford Bibliographies. March 23, 2012 [June 20, 2016]. doi:10.1093/obo/9780199796953-0065. (原始内容存档于2020-11-21) (英语). However, with the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945, uti possidetis no longer served as a justified principle to seal title to territory acquired by conquest. 
  3. ^ Giuseppe Nesi義大利語Giuseppe Nesi. Uti possidetis Doctrine需要付费订阅. Oxford Public International Law. January 2011 [June 20, 2016]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30) (英语). This notion of uti possidetis is no longer viable since the well-established principles on the use of force do not allow for any acquisition of territory that is in violation of the United Nations Charter. 


  • Sebastian Anstis and Mark Zacher (June 2010). "The Normative Bases of the Global Territorial Order." Diplomacy and Statecraft 21: 306–323.
  • Helen Ghebrewebet: "Identifying Units of Statehood and Determining International Boundaries: A Revised Look at the Doctrine of Uti Possidetis and the Principle of Self-Determination", Verlag Peter Lang 2006, ISBN 3-631-55092-8.

