Niðerlendisc onginntramet LibreOffices | |
Gegyld/Wyrcend | The Document Foundation |
Ǣrost forþyppung | 25 Faoilleach 2011 |
Licence | LGPL v3 / Mozilla Public License |
Weorcwritu on | C++ / XML / Python / JAVA |
Operating system | Windows / Linux / OS X / Android |
Gearwa sprǣca | Mænigsprǣcisc |
Webbsīde | |
LibreOffice is wrītunge weorcwrithyrste hord þe is geworht fram The Document Foundation, and is gedōn for Microsoft Windowse, OS X, Linuxe, and Androide. LibreOffice wæs geworht of and is efenlīce frēo and unboht.
His dǣlas sind:
- Writer for trahtwritum
- Calc for reccingtrametum
- Base for cȳþþuhordum
- Draw for biliðum
- Impress for cȳþþu īwungum
- Math for rīmcræfte