List of adjectivals and demonyms of astronomical bodies
The adjectival forms of the names of astronomical bodies are not always easily predictable. Attested adjectival forms of the larger bodies are listed below, along with the two small Martian moons; in some cases they are accompanied by their demonymic equivalents, which denote hypothetical inhabitants of these bodies.
For Classical (Greco-Roman) names, the adjectival and demonym forms normally derive from the oblique stem, which may differ from the nominative form used in English for the noun form. For instance, for a large portion of names ending in -s, the oblique stem and therefore the English adjective changes the -s to a -d, -t, or -r, as in Mars–Martian, Pallas–Palladian and Ceres–Cererian;[note 1] occasionally an -n has been lost historically from the nominative form, and reappears in the oblique and therefore in the English adjective, as in Pluto–Plutonian and Atlas–Atlantean.
Many of the more recent or more obscure names are only attested in mythological or literary contexts, rather than in specifically astronomical contexts. Forms ending in -ish or -ine, such as "Puckish", are not included below if a derivation in -an is also attested. Rare forms, or forms only attested with spellings not in keeping with the IAU-approved spelling (such as c for k), are shown in italics.
- Note on pronunciation
The suffix -ian is always unstressed: that is, /iən/. The related ending -ean, from an e in the root plus a suffix -an, has traditionally been stressed (that is, /ˈiːən/) if the e is long ē in Latin (or is from ⟨η⟩ ē in Greek); but if the e is short in Latin, the suffix is pronounced the same as -ian. In practice forms ending in -ean may be pronounced as if they were spelled -ian even if the e is long in Latin. This dichotomy should be familiar from the dual pronunciations of Caribbean as /ˌkærɪˈbiːən/ KARR-ə-BEE-ən and /kəˈrɪbiən/ kə-RIB-i-ən.
Generic bodies
Name | Adjective | Demonym |
asteroid | asteroidal, asteroidic | Asterite |
comet | cometary | |
cosmos, universe | cosmic, cosmian, universal | |
ecliptic | ecliptical, zodiacal | |
galaxy | galactic, galactian | |
meteoroid | meteoroidal | |
nebula | nebular | |
planet | planetary, planetic | |
planetoid | planetoidal | |
quasar | quasaric, quasarian | |
sky | celestial | |
star | astral, sidereal, siderean, stellar | |
supernova | supernovan |
Derivative forms of constellations are used primarily for meteor showers. The genitive forms of the constellations are used to name stars. (See List of constellations.) Other adjectival forms are less common.
Name | Adjective | Derivative |
Andromeda | Andromedan | Andromedid |
Aquarius | Aquarian | Aquariid |
Aries | Arian | Arietid |
Auriga | Aurigal | Aurigid |
Bootes | Bootid | |
Cancer | Cancerian | Cancrid |
Carina | Carinal | Carinid |
Capricorn | Capricornian | Capricornid |
Centaurus | Centaurean, Centaurian | Centaurid |
Cetus | Cetid | |
Coma Berenices | Comal | Coma Berenicid |
Corona Austrina | Coronal | Corona Austrinid |
Crux | Crucial | Crucid |
Cygnus | Cygnean | Cygnid |
Dorado | Doradid | |
Draco | Draconic | Draconid |
Eridanus | Eridanid | |
Gemini | Geminian | Geminid |
Hydra, Hydrus | Hydrid | |
Leo | Leonic, Leonian, Leonean | Leonid |
Leo Minor | Leo Minorid | |
Libra | Libran | Librid |
Lyra | Lyrid | |
Monoceros | Monocerotid | |
Norma | Normid | |
Ophiuchus | Ophiuchid | |
Orion | Orionid | |
Pavo | Pavonid | |
Pegasus | Pegasean, Pegasarian | Pegasid |
Perseus | Perseid | |
Phoenix | Phoenicean | Phoenicid |
Pisces | Piscean, Piscian | Piscid |
Piscis Austrinus | Piscis Austrinid | |
Puppis | Puppid | |
Sagittarius | Sagittarian | Sagittariid |
Scorpius | Scorpian, Scorpionic | Scorpiid |
Taurus | Taurean, Taurian | Taurid |
Ursa Major, Ursa Minor | Ursal | Ursid |
Vela | Velar, Velic | Velid |
Virgo | Virginal, Virginian | Virginid |
zodiac | zodiacal |
Name | Adjective | Demonym |
Sun, Sol, Helios | Solar, Heliacal, Phoebean, Phebean | Solarian |
Name | Adjective | Demonym |
Ceres | Cererian,[1] Cererean[2] | Cererian |
Earth, Terra, Tellus, Gaia, Gaea | earthly, Terran, Terrestrial, Terrene, Tellurian,[3] Telluric, Gaian, Gaean | Earthling, Terran, Terrestrial, Tellurian, Earthian, Earther, Earthican |
Eris | Eridian[4] | |
Haumea | Haumean[5] | |
Jupiter | Jovian, Jupiterian, Zeusian | Jovian |
Makemake | Makemakean[6] | |
Mars | Martian, Martial, Arean[7] | Martian |
Mercury; Hermes (in the evening), Apollo (in the morning) | Mercurian, Mercurial, Hermean/Hermeian, Cyllenian,[8] Cyllenean | Mercurian, Hermean |
Neptune | Neptunian, Neptunial, Poseidean[9] | Neptunian |
Orcus | Orcean,[10] Orcan | |
Pallas | Palladian | |
Pluto | Plutonic, Plutonian | Plutonian |
Saturn | Saturnian, Saturnine, Cronian,[9] Kronian,[11] Saturnial[12] | Saturnian |
Sedna | Sednian[13] | |
Uranus | Uranian, Caelian | Uranian |
Vesta | Vestian,[14][15] Vestan,[16][17] Vestalian | Vestan, Vestian |
Venus; Hesperus, Vesper (in the evening), Eosphorus, Phosphorus, Phosphor (in the morning), Lucifer (in the day) | Venerian, Venusian, Cytherean,[18] Cytherian,[19] Hesperian,[20] Luciferian,[21] Phosphorian,[22] Aphroditan[23] | Venusian, Cytherean |
Name | Adjective | Demonym |
Moon (Luna, Selene) | Lunar, Selenian, Cynthian | Lunarian, Selenite |
Deimos | Deimian[24] | |
Phobos | Phobian[25] |
Name | Adjective, demonym |
Callisto | Callistoan,[26] Callistonian[27] |
Europa | Europan[28] |
Ganymede | Ganymedean,[29] Ganymedian |
Io | Ionian[30] |
Name | Adjective, demonym |
Dione | Dionean[31][32] |
Enceladus | Enceladean,[33][34] Enceladan[35][36] |
Hyperion | Hyperionian[37] |
Iapetus | Iapetian,[38] Japetian |
Mimas | Mimantean,[34] Mimantian[39] |
Rhea | Rhean[40][41] |
Tethys | Tethyan[42][43] |
Titan | Titanian /taɪˈteɪniən/,[44] Titanean[45] |
Name | Adjective, demonym |
Ariel | Arielian[46] |
Miranda | Mirandan,[47] Mirandian[48] |
Oberon | Oberonian[49] |
Titania | Titanian /tɪˈtɑːniən/[50] |
Umbriel | Umbrielian[50] |
Name | Adjective, demonym |
Triton | Tritonian[51] |
Charon | Charonian[52] |
Dysnomia | Dysnomian |
Name | Adjective |
Milky Way Galaxy | Galactic,[53] Lacteal[54] |
Andromeda Galaxy | Andromedan |
Magellanic Clouds | Magellanic |
See also
- ^ This is reflected in Russian Паллада Pallada 'Pallas' and Церера Tserera 'Ceres', as well as in Italian Pallade 'Pallas' and Cerere 'Ceres', as in these (and several other) languages the nominal forms of the names often also reflect the oblique. This is not always the case, however – for Mars, Italian Marte parallels the English adjective but Russian Марс Mars parallels the English noun.
- ^ Rüpke (2007) A companion to Roman religion
- ^ Booth (1923) Flowers of Roman poesy
- ^ "Definition of tellurian". Retrieved 2024-06-06.
- ^ "David Morrison (2008) Ask an Astrobiologist". Archived from the original on April 25, 2009.
- ^ E.g. Giovanni Vulpetti (2013) Fast Solar Sailing, p. 333.
- ^ Parker, A. H.; Buie, M. W.; Grundy, W. M.; Noll, K. S. (2016-04-25). "Discovery of a Makemakean Moon". The Astrophysical Journal. 825 (1): L9. arXiv:1604.07461. Bibcode:2016ApJ...825L...9P. doi:10.3847/2041-8205/825/1/L9. S2CID 119270442.
- ^ "Schiaparelli on Mars" (1895 [1894]) Nature, v. 51
- ^ Lewis (1888) A Latin dictionary for schools
- ^ a b "Enabling Exploration with Small Radioisotope Power Systems" (PDF). NASA. September 2004. Archived from the original (PDF) on 22 December 2016. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
- ^ Angley (1847) De Clifford, the philosopher
- ^ Müller et al. (2010) Azimuthal plasma flow in the Kronian magnetosphere, J. Geophys. Res. 115, A08203
- ^ Pennsylvania school journal, v. 29 (1880)
- ^ E. N. Slyuta; M. A. Kreslavsky (1990). Intermediate (20-100 KM ) Sized Volcanic Edifices on Venus (PDF). Lunar and planetary science XXI. Lunar and Planetary Institute. p. 1174(for Sedna Planitia)
{cite conference}
: CS1 maint: postscript (link) - ^ Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2010) Dawn Journal, March 28
- ^ Tsiolkovsky (1960) The call of the cosmos
- ^ Meteoritics & planetary science, Volume 42, Issues 6–8, 2007
- ^ Origin and evolution of Earth, National Research Council et al., 2008
- ^ Raitala (1993) "Crustal tectonic zone on Venus", Earth, Moon, and Planets, v. 64, no. 2
- ^ "A theoretical study of the martian and cytherian ionospheres", NASA Technical Reports Server, JPL-TR-32-398
- ^ Goodsell Observatory (1909) Popular astronomy, v. 17
- ^ Duffy (2009) The Constitution of Shelley's Poetry
- ^ Boardman (2001) The poems of Francis Thompson
- ^ Patricia Brace (2011) The Broadview Anthology of Sixteenth-Century Poetry and Prose, p. 607
- ^ Harry Shipman (2013) Humans in Space: 21st Century Frontiers, p. 317
- ^ The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia (1911)
- ^ Harland (2000) Jupiter odyssey: the story of NASA's Galileo mission
- ^ Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v.71, 1911
- ^ Greenberg (2005) Europa: the ocean moon
- ^ Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 95 (1990)
- ^ "Electron Beams and Ion Composition Measured at Io and in Its Torus", Science, 1996 October 18
- ^ Anthon (1849) The Aeneïd of Virgil
- ^ "JPL (2007) Cassini Equinox Mission: Dionean Linea". Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ JBIS: journal of the British Interplanetary Society, v. 36 (1983)
- ^ a b "JPL (ca. 2009) Cassini Equinox Mission: Mimas". Archived from the original on 2015-09-05. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ Lebowitz (1970) Progress into silence: a study of Melville's heroes
- ^ "JPL (2010) Cassini Equinox Mission: Enceladan Tectonics". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ "JPL (ca. 2008) Cassini Equinox Mission: Hyperion".
- ^ "JPL (ca. 2008) Cassini Equinox Mission: Iapetus". Archived from the original on 2015-03-26. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ Harrison (1908) Prolegomena to the study of Greek religion, ed. 2
- ^ The Westminster review, v. 140 (1893)
- ^ "JPL (ca. 2008) Cassini Equinox Mission: Rhea". Archived from the original on 2016-04-12. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ Şengör & Atayman (2009) The Permian extinction and the Tethys
- ^ "Cassini Solstice Mission: Tethys". Archived from the original on 2016-04-04. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ JPL (ca. 2008) Cassini Equinox Mission: Huygens Landed with a Splat"Cassini Equinox Mission: Huygens Landed with a Splat". Archived from the original on 2010-06-20. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
- ^ Milton, Hughes (2003) Complete poems and major prose
- ^ DeKoven (1991) Rich and strange: gender, history, modernism
- ^ Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 93 (1988)
- ^ Robertson (1929) The life of Miranda
- ^ Normand (1970) Nathaniel Hawthorne
- ^ a b James Hall III (2015) Moons of the Solar System, p. 150
- ^ Bunbury (1883) A history of ancient geography
- ^ Kathryn Bosher (2012) Theater outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy, pp 100, 104–105
- ^ When capitalized, "Galactic" refers specifically to the Milky Way galaxy.
- ^ The Independent, v. 55, p. 964 (1903)
External links
- Naming The Planets, Part I