T. S. Eliot
File, drámadóir agus criticeoir liteartha iomráiteach a bhí i Thomas Stearns Eliot (26 Meán Fómhair 1888 – 4 Eanáir 1965). I measc na rudaí is mó cáil a tháinig óna pheann ná na dánta The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, The Waste Land, The Hollow Men, Ash Wednesday and Four Quartets; na drámaí Murder in the Cathedral agus The Cocktail Party; agus an aiste Tradition and the Individual Talent. Bronnadh Duais Litríochta Nobel air sa bhliain 1948.
Rugadh Eliot sna Stáit Aontaithe, ach bhog sé go dtí an Ríocht Aontaithe sa bhliain 1914, agus é cúig bliana is fiche. Thóg sé saoránacht Bhriotanach sa bhliain 1927, ag aois naoi mbliana déag agus fiche.
- Prufrock and Other Observations (1917)
- The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
- Portrait of a Lady (poem)
- Aunt Helen
- Poems (1920)
- Gerontion
- Sweeney Among the Nightingales
- "The Hippopotamus"
- "Whispers of Immortality"
- "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service"
- "A Cooking Egg"
- The Waste Land (1922)
- The Hollow Men (1925)
- Ariel Poems (1927-1954)
- The Journey of the Magi (1927)
- Ash Wednesday (1930)
- Coriolan (1931)
- Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats (1939)
- The Marching Song of the Pollicle Dogs agus Billy M'Caw: The Remarkable Parrot (1939) i The Queen's Book of the Red Cross
- Four Quartets (1945)
- Sweeney Agonistes (foilsithe i 1926)
- The Rock (1934)
- Murder in the Cathedral (1935)
- The Family Reunion (1939)
- The Cocktail Party (1949)
- The Confidential Clerk (1953)
- The Elder Statesman (foilsithe i 1959)
- The Second-Order Mind (1920)
- Tradition and the Individual Talent (1920)
- The Sacred Wood: Essays on Poetry and Criticism (1920)
- "Hamlet and His Problems"
- Homage to John Dryden (1924)
- Shakespeare and the Stoicism of Seneca (1928)
- For Lancelot Andrewes (1928)
- Dante (1929)
- Selected Essays, 1917–1932 (1932)
- The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (1933)
- After Strange Gods (1934)
- Elizabethan Essays (1934)
- Essays Ancient and Modern (1936)
- The Idea of a Christian Society (1940)
- A Choice of Kipling's Verse (1941) déanta ag Eliot, le haiste ar Rudyard Kipling, London, Faber and Faber.
- Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (1948)
- Poetry and Drama (1951)
- The Three Voices of Poetry (1954)
- The Frontiers of Criticism (1956)
- On Poetry and Poets (1957)