Salade niçoise

Salade niçoise
Traditional version served at a French Riviera restaurant
Panggonan asalFrance
Tlatah utawa prajaNice
Woworan pokokTomatoes, tuna or anchovies, Niçoise olives, egg

Salade niçoise (pocaping cara Prancis: [niˈswaz]), la salada nissarda ing Niçard dialect saka basa Occitan, iku salad sing ngrembaka ing kutha Perancis saka Nice . Punika tradisional saka tomat, hard-nggodhok endhog, olives Niçoise lan anchovies utawa tuna, disandangi karo lenga zaitun . Wis misuwur ing saindenging jagad wiwit wiwitan abad kaping 20, lan wis disiapake lan dirembug dening koki. Delia Smith ngarani "salah sawijining kombinasi bahan salad sing paling apik sing durung tau ditemokake" [1] lan Gordon Ramsay ujar manawa "salad paling apik kanggo mangsa panas". [2]


Pratuduh rujukan

  1. Smith, Delia. "Salade Nicoise". Dibukak ing December 12, 2016. This is one of the best combinations of salad ingredients ever invented. Slick restaurants often attempt to do trendy versions with salmon, char-grilled tuna and the like, but the original reigns supreme. In Provence lettuce was sometimes used, sometimes not, but I now like to abandon the lettuce in favour of a few rocket leaves.
  2. Ramsay, Gordon. "Salad Nicoise". BBC. Dibukak ing December 12, 2016. I learned to make the classic Salad Niçoise when I cooked on a yacht off the South of France. Over the past decade, I've evolved this salad and it now appears frequently on my menus, sometimes as a simple starter or, as I've done here, with a whole piece of beautifully fresh fish as a main course. Whatever guise this dish takes, it must be the finest summer salad of all.