Prefecturs o Japan

Prefecturs o Japan

The prefecturs o Japan is the kintra's 47 first-order subnational jurisdictions on a state or provincial level: ane "metropolis" (, to), Tokyo; ane "circuit"/territory (, ), Hokkaido; twa urban prefecturs (, fu), Osaka an Kyoto; an 43 ither prefecturs (, ken). Prefecturs is govrenmental bodies lairger than ceeties, towns, an veelages. The umwhile provinces o Japan wur convertit intae prefecturs in the 1870s.[1]

The chief executive o ilka prefectur is a directly electit governor (知事, chiji). Ordinances an budgets is enactit bi a unicameral (single chamber) assembly (議会, gikai) whase electit members ser fower-year terms.

Unner the current Local Autonomy Law, ilka prefectur is further subdividit intae ceeties (, shi) an destricts (, gun). Ilka destrict is further subdividit intae touns (, chō/machi) an veelages (, son/mura). Fur insaumple, Hokkaido haes 14 subprefecturs whilk acts as branch affices (支庁, shichō) o the prefectur. Some ither prefecturs hae branch offices an aa, whilk cairry oot prefectural admeenistrative functions ootwi the caipital. Tokyo, the caipital, is a merged ceety-prefectur; it haes featurs o baith ceeties an prefecturs.


  1. Nussbaum, Louis-Frédéric. (2002). "Provinces and prefectures" in Japan encyclopedia, p. 780.