Sri Lanka

Artikel ieu ngandung téks Indik.
Tanpa pangrojong rendering, anjeun meureun ningali tanda tanya, kotak atawa lambang-lambang tibatan karakter Indik; atawa posisi vokal nu teu tangtu jeung tanpa konjungsi.

இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சமத்துவ குடியரசு
Républik Sosialis Démokratik Sri Langka
Bandéra Sri Langka Lambang Sri Langka
"Sri Lanka Matha"
[[:Media:|Musik]]  , [[:Media:|Nyanyi]] 
Location of Sri Langka
Location of Sri Langka
Ibu kotaSri Jayawardenapura-Kotte
6°54′N 79°54′E
Kota panggedéna Kolombo
Basa resmi Sinhala, Tamil
Pamaréntah Républik Sosialis Démokratik
 -  Présidén Gotabaya Rajapaksa
 -  Perdana Mentri Mahinda Rajapaksa
Kamerdikaan ti United Kingdom 
 -  Didéklarasikeun 4 Pébruari 1948 
 -  Républik 22 Méi 1972 
 -  Total 65,610 km² (ka-122)
25,332 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 4.4
 -  Perkiraan  2005 19,668,000[1] (ka-52)
 -  Sénsus 2001 18,732,255 
 -  Kapadetan 310 /km² (ka-35)
818 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2005
 -  Total $86.72 miliar (ka-61)
 -  Per kapita $4,600 (ka-111)
GDP (nominal) Perkiraan 2006
 -  Total $26.794 miliar (ka-78)
 -  Per kapita $1,355 (ka-119)
Gini? (1999–00) 33.2 (sedeng
HDI (2004) 0.755 (sedeng) (ka-93)
Mata uang Rupee Sri Langka (LKR)
Zona wanci (UTC+5:30)
TLD Internét .lk
Kode telepon +94

Sri Langka, ngaran resmina Républik Sosialis Démokratik Sri Langka (Basa Sinhala: Gambar:Sri lankava.jpg, Basa Tamil: இலங்கை; nu katelah Ceylon saméméh taun 1972) mangrupa nagara pulo di Asia Kidul, perenahna 31 kilometer (18½ mi) kiduleun basisir India. Kawentar minangka Mutiara Samudra India,[2] nagara ieu mangrupa tempat cicingna kurang leuwih dua puluh yuta urang pangeusi.


  1. Department of Census and Statistics Estimated mid year population by sex and age, 2003 - 2005
  2. Pearl of the Indian Ocean, The Sunday Tribune
  • Brow, James: Vedda villages of Anuradhapura: The historical anthropology Of a community in Sri Lanka, University Of Washington Press, Séattle, 1978.
  • Codrington, H. W.: A Short History of Ceylon, New Delhi 1994 (Reprint. Asian Educational Services)
  • De Silva, Chandra Richard: Sri Lanka - A History, New Delhi 1987 (2nd, revised ed. 1997)
  • De Silva, K. M.: A History of Sri Lanka. New Delhi, Penguin, xvii, p. 782, 2005.
  • Devendra, T. and D. Gunasena: Sri Lanka: The Emerald Island, (New Delhi 1996), Roli Books.
  • Domroes, Manfred: After the Tsunami: Relief and rehabilitation in Sri Lanka, New Delhi, Mosaic Books, 1st ed. 2006.
  • Gunaratne, Shelton A.: The Taming of the Press in Sri Lanka. Journalism Monographs No. 39, May 1975.
  • Johnson, B. L. C., and M. Le M. Scrivenor.: Sri Lanka Land, People and Economy, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd, London, 1981.
  • Knox, Robert: An Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon in the East Indies, New Delhi 2004 (Reprint. Asian Educational Services)
  • Mendis, G.C.: Ceylon Today and Yesterday, Colombo 1957 (3rd edition 1995)
  • Sedere, Upali M.: Context of Educational Reforms Then and Now: 121st C. W. W. Kannangara *Memorial Address, Ministry of Education, Isurupaya, Battaramulla, October 13, 2005
  • Smith, Vincent A.: The Oxford History of India, Oxford 1958 (4th edition 1981)
  • Williams, Harry: Ceylon Pearl of the East, Robert Hale Limited, London, Great Britain, 1950.
  • Williams, H.: Ceylon : Pearl of the East Delhi, Surjeet, 2002
  • Philippe Gilbert: Les Larmes de Ceylan Ed. des Equateurs, France, 2005

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