معاونت:بین الاقوامی اصواتی ابجدیہ برائے روسی

IPA Examples IPA Examples[1] English approximation
حرف صحیحs
b бок; небо беглый; воробей boot; beautiful
d дом; деда делает; Владимир do; adieu
f фата; выставка;[2] Чехов;[3] шурф фея; червь[3] fool; few
ɡ говорю; другой ɡʲ гербарий; ноги goo; argue
ɣ Господи;[4] interj. ага, ого[4]
j есть; юла; я; толстый[5] yes, boy
k кость; книга; рука; бок кишки; короткий cool; cute
l луна; стула ; ствол[6] лес; колено; мысль pill; least
m мыло; думать; там мясо; доме moot; mute
n нос; он нёс; они; корень noon; newt (for some dialects)
p пыль; тропа; скрип; зуб[3] пепел; зыбь[3] pool; pew
r рыба; широкий; орла; жир река; четыре; три; зверь trilled r, like in Spanish
s собака; писать; нос; глаз[3] синий; здесь; есть; грызть[2] soup; assume (for some dialects)
ʂ широкий; наш; хороший; муж;[3] что ɕː щегол; считать; мужчина; вращать[7] shop; fish show, fresh cheese
t тот; читаю; водка;[2] лёд[3] тереть; дитя; грудь[3] tool; tune (for some dialects)
t͡s цель; птица; отец t͡ɕ чай; печень; течь tsunami, cats; chip
v ваш; давать; его[8] вести; человек voodoo; view
x ходить; ухо; Бог[4] хина; лёгкий[2][4] German Bach or Scottish loch;
huge (for some dialects).
z заезжать; язык зелёный; озеро; просьба;[2] zoo; azure (for some dialects)
ʐ жест; тяжёлый ʑː дрожжи; заезжать[9] rouge; asia
IPA Examples English approximation
Stressed مصوتs
a трава́ father
æ пять pat
ɑ па́лка[10] palm
e пень (after palatalized consonants) pay
ɛ жест; э́то met
i си́него meet
ɨ ты; ши́шка roses (for some dialects)
o о́блако chore
ɵ тётя audio
u пу́ля pool
ʉ чуть; ю́жный choose
Unstressed vowels
ɐ паро́м; сообража́ть; тропа́ bud
ə ко́жа; ше́я; о́блако about
ɪ тяжёлый; эта́п; четы́ре bit
ɨ дыша́ть; жена́; го́ды dinner
ʉ юти́ться youth
ʊ мужчи́на put
Other symbols used in transcription of Russian pronunciation
IPA Explanation
ˈ Stress (placed before the stressed syllable),
for example этап [ɪˈtap]


  1. Russian makes contrasts between palatalized ("soft") and unpalatalized ("hard") consonants. Palatalized consonants, denoted by a superscript j, ‹ ʲ› , are pronounced with the body of the tongue raised toward the hard palate, in a manner similar to the articulation of the y sound in yes. /j/, /ɕː/, /tɕ/, /ʑː/ are also considered "soft".
  2. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ In consonant clusters, the voicing or devoicing is determined by that of the final obstruent in the sequence (Halle 1959:31)
  3. ^ ا ب پ ت ٹ ث ج چ Voiced obstruents (/b/, /bʲ/, /d/, /dʲ/ /ɡ/, /v/, /vʲ/, /z/, /zʲ/, /ʐ/, and /ʑː/) are devoiced word-finally unless the next word begins with a voiced obstruent (Halle 1959:22).
  4. ^ ا ب پ ت In some religious words and colloquial derivatives from them, such as "Господи!", "Бог", as well as interjections, ‹г› is more often pronounced [ɣ] and [x]. When /ɡ/ loses its voicing, it is also lenited (a form of dissimilation) before plosives in the word roots -мягк-/-мягч-, -легк-/-легч-, -тягч-, and also in the old-fashioned pronunciation of -ногт-, -когт-, кто.
  5. The "soft" vowel letters <е> <ю> and <я> represent a /j/ plus a vowel when initial or following other vowels or a yer. When such vowels are unstressed, the /j/ may be deleted.
  6. /l/ is often strongly pharyngealized [ɫ] but this feature is nondistinctive (Ladefoged & Maddieson 1996:187-188).
  7. While many speakers pronounce words with ‹щ› as [ɕɕ] and others as [ɕtɕ], none contrast the two pronunciations. This generally includes words spelled with other letters, though speakers with the [ɕɕ] pronunciation may still pronounce words like считывать with [ɕtɕ] because of the morpheme boundary between ‹с› and ‹ч›.
  8. Intervocalic <г> can represent /v/ in certain words and affixes
  9. In many dialects, the phoneme /ʑː/ is replaced with /ʐ/.
  10. [ɑ] appears between a hard consonant (or a pause) and /l/


  • Morris Halle (1959)، Sound Pattern of Russian، MIT Press 
  • Peter Ladefoged، Ian Maddieson (1996)، The Sounds of the World's Languages، Blackwell Publishing، ISBN 0-631-19815-6