Der er et yndigt land
Der er et yndigt land (Ima jedna divna zemlja) je građanska nacionalna himna Danske. U prisusutvu kraljevske obitelji, koristi se kraljevska himna, Kong Kristian stod ved højen mast.
Stihove je 1819. napisao Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger pod motom "Ille terrarum mihi praeter omnes angulus ridet" (Horacije; "Ovo mi se mjesto smiješi više od drugih". Glazbu je 1835. skladao H.E. Krøyer, a kasnije prepravke su izveli Th. Laub i Carl Nielsen.
Stihovi na danskom
- Der er et yndigt land,
- det står med brede bøge
- nær salten østerstrand
- Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
- det hedder gamle Danmark
- og det er Frejas sal
- Der sad i fordums tid
- de harniskklædte kæmper,
- udhvilede fra strid
- Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
- nu hvile deres bene
- bag højens bautasten
- Det land endnu er skønt,
- ti blå sig søen bælter,
- og løvet står så grønt
- Og ædle kvinder, skønne mø'r
- og mænd og raske svende
- bebo de danskes øer
- Hil drot og fædreland!
- Hil hver en danneborger,
- som virker, hvad han kan!
- Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
- så længe bøgen spejler
- sin top i bølgen blå
Slobodni prijevod na engleski
- There is a lovely land
- with spreading, shady beeches
- Near Baltic's salty strand
- Its hills and valleys gently fall,
- its ancient name is Denmark,
- And it is Freya's hall
- There in the ancient days
- the armoured Vikings rested
- Between their bloody frays
- Then they went forth the foe to face,
- now found in stone-set barrows,
- Their final resting place
- This land is still as fair,
- the sea is blue around it,
- And peace is cherished there
- Strong men and noble women still
- uphold their country's honour
- With faithfulness and skill
Doslovni prijevod na engleski
- There is a lovely country
- it stands with broad beech
- near the salty eastern beach
- It winds itself in hill, valley,
- it is called old Denmark
- and it is Freja's hall
- There sat in former times,
- the armour-suited giants,
- rested from confict
- Then they journeyed forwards to their enemies' injury,
- now their bones are resting
- behind the small hill's menhir
- That country is still lovely,
- because the sea waves so blue frolic,
- and the foliage stands so green
- And noble women, beautiful maidens,
- and men and brisk swains
- inhabit the Danes' islands
- Hail king and fatherland!
- Hail every a townsman,
- that works, what he can
- Our old Denmark shall endure,
- as long the beech reflects
- its top in the wave so blue
Vanjske poveznice