"Der er et yndigt land" (say: dair AIR it IN-deet LAN, meaning "There is a Lovely Land") is one of the two national anthem of Denmark. The melody of this song was created by Hans Ernst Krøyer in 1835, and the words of the song were written by Adam Oehlenschläger in 1819.
Der er et yndigt land,
Det står med brede bøge
𝄆 Nær salten østerstrand. 𝄇
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal,
Det hedder gamle Danmark
𝄆 Og det er Frejas sal. 𝄇
Der sad i fordums tid
De harniskklædte kæmper,
𝄆 Udhvilede fra strid. 𝄇
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén,
Nu hvile deres bene
𝄆 Bag højens bautasten. 𝄇
Det land endnu er skønt,
Thi blå sig søen bælter,
𝄆 Og løvet står så grønt. 𝄇
Og ædle kvinder, skønne møer
Og mænd og raske svende
𝄆 Bebo de danskes øer. 𝄇
Hil drot og fædreland!
Hil hver en danneborger,
𝄆 Som virker, hvad han kan! 𝄇
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå,
Så længe bøgen spejler
𝄆 Sin top i bølgen blå.[3][4] 𝄇
There is a land we love
with shady beech-trees aspread
𝄆 The briny shores above. 𝄇
Its hills and valleys gently fall,
'Tis the name of ol' Denmark,
𝄆 'Tis good ol' Freya's hall. 𝄇
There in the days of yore
Sat armoured giants rested
𝄆 'Tween their frays of gore 𝄇
Then they went forth the foe to face,
Now found in stone-set barrows,
𝄆 Their final resting place. 𝄇
This land is still as fair,
The sea is blue around it,
𝄆 And peace is cherished there. 𝄇
Strong men and noble women still
Uphold their country's honour
𝄆 With faithfulness and skill. 𝄇
Hail king and fatherland!
Hail citizens of honour,
𝄆 Who do the best they can. 𝄇
Our ancient Denmark shall remain,
As long as beech tops mirror
𝄆 In waves of blue their chain! 𝄇