Banner o Bangladesh

Ceevil ensign. Banner Ratio: 1:2
Air Force Ensign. Banner Ratio: 1:2
Naval ensign. Banner Ratio: 1:2
The first banner o an Independent Bangladesh wi the kintra cairt that daes no exist in the current banner.

The naitional banner o Bangladesh (Bengali: বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় পতাকা) wis adoptit offeecially on 17 Januar 1972. It is based on a seemilar banner uised durin the Bangladesh Liberation War o 1971. The cairt wis later deletit frae the banner bi the order o General Abul Manzur, maist likely tae simplify the design. A reid disc is on tap o the green field, affset slichtly toward the hoist sae that it appears centred when the banner is flyin. The reid disc represents the sun risin ower Bengal, an an aa the bluid o those who dee'd for the unthrildom o Bangladesh. The green field staunds for the lushness o the land o Bangladesh. The reid disc is a socialist seembol o the risin Sun o unthirldom efter the daurk nicht o a bluid-drenched struggle against Pakistan.[1]

The ceevil ensign an naval ensign place the naitional banner in the canton o a reid or white field, respectively.


  1. Flag of Bangladesh, Flags of the World.