Weddell Sea
Weddell Sea as pairt o the Soothren Ocean
Weddell Sea
The Weddell Sea is pairt o the Soothren Ocean an contains the Weddell Gyre.
Arctic Ocean | - Amundsen Gulf
- Barents Sea
- Beaufort Sea
- Bering Strait
- Chukchi Sea
- East Siberian Sea
- Fram Strait
- Greenland Sea
- Gulf o Boothia
- Kara Sea
- Kara Strait
- Laptev Sea
- Lincoln Sea
- Prince Gustav Adolf Sea
- Pechora Sea
- Wandel Sea
- White Sea
Atlantic Ocean | |
Indie Ocean | |
Paceefic Ocean | - Arafura Sea
- Bali Sea
- Banda Sea
- Bering Sea
- Bismarck Sea
- Bohai Sea
- Bohol Sea
- Camotes Sea
- Celebes Sea
- Ceram Sea
- Chilean Sea
- Coral Sea
- East Cheenae Sea
- Flores Sea
- Gulf o Alaska
- Gulf o Californie
- Gulf o Carpentaria
- Gulf o Fonseca
- Gulf o Thailand
- Gulf o Tonkin
- Halmahera Sea
- Java Sea
- Koro Sea
- Mar de Grau
- Makassar Strait
- Molucca Sea
- Moro Gulf
- Philippine Sea
- Salish Sea
- Savu Sea
- Sea o Japan
- Sea o Okhotsk
- Seto Inland Sea
- Sibuyan Sea
- Solomon Sea
- Sooth Cheenae Sea
- Sulu Sea
- Tasman Sea
- Visayan Sea
- Yellow Sea
Soothren Ocean | - Amundsen Sea
- Bellingshausen Sea
- Cooperation Sea
- Cosmonauts Sea
- Davis Sea
- D'Urville Sea
- King Haakon VII Sea
- Lazarev Sea
- Riiser-Larsen Sea
- Mawson Sea
- Ross Sea
- Scotia Sea
- Somov Sea
- Weddell Sea
Laundlocked seas | |
Coordinates: 75°S 45°W / 75°S 45°W / -75; -45