^[a] About 12,300 men of which 1,800 were stationed in Narva with 297 artillery pieces and 10,537 (5,889 infantry, 4,314 cavalry, 37 cannons with 334 crew) assaulting the Russians.[4]
^[b] Up to 37,000 men of which 4,000 were deployed at the siege-works with 125 artillery pieces and 33,000 (23,652 infantry, 9,000 cavalry, 70 cannons with 321 crew) facing the Swedes.[5][6][7]
^[c] Reports of 31 officers and 636 privates dead, 66 officers and 1,181 privates wounded.[8] Another report claims almost 900 dead Swedish troops[9]
^[d] Almost the entire Russian force was either killed or captured during the battle (except for some 4,000 cavalry who managed to escape over the kamperholm bridge).[10] 8,000 Russians were reported killed and another 1,000 drowned.[8] Over 20,000 were captured and disarmed but later set free and allowed march to Russia (except for 700 men [134 officers] who were set prisoners).[8][11][12] 23,000 out of initially 37,000 Russians managed to reach back to Russian land, estimating the Russian final casualties to about 14,000 either dead during the battle or the harsh march back to Russia.[8] The Swedes also seized 171 standards and banners, 145 cannons, 28 mortars and four howitzers as well as 24,000 muskets.[9][13]