
Osmium,  76Os
silvery, blue cast
Kî-pún sin-sit
Miàng, fù-ho Osmium, Os
ngoi-hìn silvery, blue cast
Osmium chhai chû-khì-péu ke vi-chi
Khiâng (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Hoi (hî-yù hi-thí)
Lithium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Beryllium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Phìn (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Than (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Tham (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Yông (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Fuk (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Nái (hî-yù hi-thí)
Na̍p (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Magnesium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lî (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Si̍t (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Lìn (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liù-vòng (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liu̍k (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Argon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Kap (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Koi (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Scandium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Titanium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Vanadium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Chromium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Manganese (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thiet (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cobalt (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nickel (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thùng (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Â-yèn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Gallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Germanium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Phî (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Selenium (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Chhiu (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Krypton (hî-yù hi-thí)
Rubidium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Strontium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Yttrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Zirconium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Niobium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Molybdenum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Technetium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ruthenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhodium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Palladium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cadmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Indium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Siak (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Antimony (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tellurium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tién (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Xenon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Caesium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Barium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lanthanum (lanthanum-hi)
Cerium (lanthanum-hi)
Praseodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Neodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Promethium (lanthanum-hi)
Samarium (lanthanum-hi)
Europium (lanthanum-hi)
Gadolinium (lanthanum-hi)
Terbium (lanthanum-hi)
Dysprosium (lanthanum-hi)
Holmium (lanthanum-hi)
Erbium (lanthanum-hi)
Thulium (lanthanum-hi)
Ytterbium (lanthanum-hi)
Lutetium (lanthanum-hi)
Hafnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tantalum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tungsten (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Osmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Iridium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Pha̍k-kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Súi-ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Yèn (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bismuth (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Polonium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Astatine (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Radon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Francium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Radium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Actinium (actinium-hi)
Thorium (actinium-hi)
Protactinium (actinium-hi)
Uranium (actinium-hi)
Neptunium (actinium-hi)
Plutonium (actinium-hi)
Americium (actinium-hi)
Curium (actinium-hi)
Berkelium (actinium-hi)
Californium (actinium-hi)
Einsteinium (actinium-hi)
Fermium (actinium-hi)
Mendelevium (actinium-hi)
Nobelium (actinium-hi)
Lawrencium (actinium-hi)
Rutherfordium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Dubnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Seaborgium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bohrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Hassium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


ngièn-chṳ́ sì-sú 76
ngièn-chṳ́-liòng (±) 190.23(3)[1]
ngièn-su lui-phe̍t   ko-thu kîm-su̍k
Chhu̍k, fûn-khî 8 chhu̍k, d-block
chû-khì period 6
thien-chṳ́ phài-lie̍t [Xe] 4f14 5d6 6s2
per shell 2, 8, 18, 32, 14, 2
vu̍t-lî sin-chṳt
Siông ku-thí
yùng-tiám 3306 K ​(3033 °C, ​5491 °F)
pui-tiám 5285 K ​(5012 °C, ​9054 °F)
Me̍t-thu near Sit-vûn 22.59 g·cm−3
20 g·cm−3
Yùng-fa-ngie̍t 31 kJ·mol−1
Chîn-fat-ngie̍t 378 kJ·mol−1
Ngie̍t-yùng-liong 24.7 J·mol−1·K−1
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
chhai T (K) 3160 3423 3751 4148 4638 5256
Ngièn-chṳ́ sin-chṳt
Yông-fa-su 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, −1, −2, −4 ​(a mildly acidic oxide)
Thien-fu-sin Pauling scale: 2.2
Thien-lì-nèn 1st: 840 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 1600 kJ·mol−1
Ngièn-chṳ́ pan-kang empirical: 135 pm
Khiung-ka pan-kang 144±4 pm
Chîn-thí keu-chho ​hexagonal close-packed (hcp)
Hexagonal close packed crystal structure for Osmium
Sâng-suk thin rod 4940 m·s−1 (at 20 °C)
Ngie̍t-phàng-chong 5.1 µm·m−1·K−1 (at 25 °C)
Ngie̍t-chhòn-thô-li̍t 87.6 W·m−1·K−1
Thien-chú-li̍t 81.2 nΩ·m (at 0 °C)
Chhṳ̀-sin paramagnetic[2]
Shear modulus 222 GPa
Bulk modulus 462 GPa
Poisson ratio 0.25
Mohs hardness 7.0
Brinell hardness 3490–4000 MPa
CAS Registry Number 7440-04-2
Hoat-kiàn kap siōng chá ê tông-ūi-sò͘ Smithson Tennant (1803)
Chui vún-thin ke thùng-vi-su
Chú vùn-chông: Osmium ke thùng-vi-su
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
184Os 0.02% >5.6×1013 y (β+β+) 1.451 184W
(α) 2.963 180W
185Os syn 93.6 d ε 1.013 185Re
186Os 1.59% 2.0×1015 y α 2.822 182W
187Os 1.96% (α) 2.7202 183W
188Os 13.24% (α) 2.1426 184W
189Os 16.15% (α) 1.9757 185W
190Os 26.26% (α) 1.3784 186W
191Os syn 15.4 d β− 0.314 191Ir
192Os 40.78% >9.8×1012 y (β−β−) 0.4135 192Pt
(α) 0.3622 188W
193Os syn 30.11 d β 1.141 193Ir
194Os syn 6 y β 0.097 194Ir
Decay modes in parentheses are predicted, but have not yet been observed

Osmium (Hon-ngî: é) he yit-chúng fa-ho̍k ngièn-su, fa-ho̍k fù-ho vì Os, ngièn-chṳ́ su-muk he 76.

Chhâm-kháu chṳ̂-liau

  1. Standard Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  2. Lide, D. R., pian. (2005). "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (86th pán.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5. Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. 2018-06-10 chhà-khon.