
Cerium,  58Ce
silvery white
Kî-pún sin-sit
Miàng, fù-ho Cerium, Ce
ngoi-hìn silvery white
Cerium chhai chû-khì-péu ke vi-chi
Khiâng (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Hoi (hî-yù hi-thí)
Lithium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Beryllium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Phìn (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Than (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Tham (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Yông (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Fuk (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Nái (hî-yù hi-thí)
Na̍p (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Magnesium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lî (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Si̍t (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Lìn (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liù-vòng (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Liu̍k (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Argon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Kap (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Koi (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Scandium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Titanium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Vanadium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Chromium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Manganese (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thiet (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cobalt (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nickel (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thùng (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Â-yèn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Gallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Germanium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Phî (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Selenium (tô-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Chhiu (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Krypton (hî-yù hi-thí)
Rubidium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Strontium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Yttrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Zirconium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Niobium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Molybdenum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Technetium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ruthenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhodium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Palladium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Cadmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Indium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Siak (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Antimony (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tellurium (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Tién (sûng-ngièn-chṳ́ fî-kîm-su̍k)
Xenon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Caesium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Barium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Lanthanum (lanthanum-hi)
Cerium (lanthanum-hi)
Praseodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Neodymium (lanthanum-hi)
Promethium (lanthanum-hi)
Samarium (lanthanum-hi)
Europium (lanthanum-hi)
Gadolinium (lanthanum-hi)
Terbium (lanthanum-hi)
Dysprosium (lanthanum-hi)
Holmium (lanthanum-hi)
Erbium (lanthanum-hi)
Thulium (lanthanum-hi)
Ytterbium (lanthanum-hi)
Lutetium (lanthanum-hi)
Hafnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tantalum (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Tungsten (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Rhenium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Osmium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Iridium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Pha̍k-kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Kîm (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Súi-ngiùn (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Thallium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Yèn (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bismuth (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Polonium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Astatine (lui-kîm-su̍k)
Radon (hî-yù hi-thí)
Francium (kán-kîm-su̍k)
Radium (kán-thú kîm-su̍k)
Actinium (actinium-hi)
Thorium (actinium-hi)
Protactinium (actinium-hi)
Uranium (actinium-hi)
Neptunium (actinium-hi)
Plutonium (actinium-hi)
Americium (actinium-hi)
Curium (actinium-hi)
Berkelium (actinium-hi)
Californium (actinium-hi)
Einsteinium (actinium-hi)
Fermium (actinium-hi)
Mendelevium (actinium-hi)
Nobelium (actinium-hi)
Lawrencium (actinium-hi)
Rutherfordium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Dubnium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Seaborgium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Bohrium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Hassium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Meitnerium (unknown chemical properties)
Darmstadtium (unknown chemical properties)
Roentgenium (unknown chemical properties)
Copernicium (ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Nihonium (unknown chemical properties)
Flerovium (heu-ko-thu kîm-su̍k)
Moscovium (unknown chemical properties)
Livermorium (unknown chemical properties)
Tennessine (unknown chemical properties)
Oganesson (unknown chemical properties)


ngièn-chṳ́ sì-sú 58
ngièn-chṳ́-liòng (±) 140.116(1)[1]
ngièn-su lui-phe̍t   lanthanum-hi
Chhu̍k, fûn-khî n/a, f-block
chû-khì period 6
thien-chṳ́ phài-lie̍t [Xe] 4f1 5d1 6s2[2]
per shell 2, 8, 18, 19, 9, 2
vu̍t-lî sin-chṳt
Siông ku-thí
yùng-tiám 1068 K ​(795 °C, ​1463 °F)
pui-tiám 3716 K ​(3443 °C, ​6229 °F)
Me̍t-thu near Sit-vûn 6.770 g·cm−3
6.55 g·cm−3
Yùng-fa-ngie̍t 5.46 kJ·mol−1
Chîn-fat-ngie̍t 398 kJ·mol−1
Ngie̍t-yùng-liong 26.94 J·mol−1·K−1
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1 k 10 k 100 k
chhai T (K) 1992 2194 2442 2754 3159 3705
Ngièn-chṳ́ sin-chṳt
Yông-fa-su 4, 3, 2, 1 ​(a mildly basic oxide)
Thien-fu-sin Pauling scale: 1.12
Thien-lì-nèn 1st: 534.4 kJ·mol−1
2nd: 1050 kJ·mol−1
3rd: 1949 kJ·mol−1
Ngièn-chṳ́ pan-kang empirical: 181.8 pm
Khiung-ka pan-kang 204±9 pm
Chîn-thí keu-chho ​double hexagonal close-packed (dhcp)
Double hexagonal close packed crystal structure for Cerium

Chîn-thí keu-chho ​face-centered cubic (fcc)
Face-centered cubic crystal structure for Cerium

Sâng-suk thin rod 2100 m·s−1 (at 20 °C)
Ngie̍t-phàng-chong γ, poly: 6.3 µm·m−1·K−1 (at r.t.)
Ngie̍t-chhòn-thô-li̍t 11.3 W·m−1·K−1
Thien-chú-li̍t β, poly: 828 nΩ·m (at r.t.)
Chhṳ̀-sin paramagnetic[3]
Young's modulus γ form: 33.6 GPa
Shear modulus γ form: 13.5 GPa
Bulk modulus γ form: 21.5 GPa
Poisson ratio γ form: 0.24
Mohs hardness 2.5
Vickers hardness 210–470 MPa
Brinell hardness 186–412 MPa
CAS Registry Number 7440-45-1
Hí-miàng after dwarf planet Ceres, itself named after Roman deity of agriculture Ceres
Fat-hien Martin Heinrich Klaproth, Jöns Jakob Berzelius, Wilhelm Hisinger (1803)
First isolation Carl Gustaf Mosander (1839)
Chui vún-thin ke thùng-vi-su
Chú vùn-chông: Cerium ke thùng-vi-su
iso NA half-life DM DE (MeV) DP
134Ce syn 3.16 d ε 0.500 134La
136Ce 0.185% >3.8×1016 y (β+β+) 2.419 136Ba
138Ce 0.251% >1.5×1014 y +β+) 0.694 138Ba
139Ce syn 137.640 d ε 0.278 139La
140Ce 88.450% (SF) <43.633
141Ce syn 32.501 d β− 0.581 141Pr
142Ce 11.114% >5×1016 y (β−β−) 1.417 142Nd
(α) 1.298 138Ba
144Ce syn 284.893 d β 0.319 144Pr
Decay modes in parentheses are predicted, but have not yet been observed

Cerium (Hon-ngî: shì) he yit-chúng fa-ho̍k ngièn-su, fa-ho̍k fù-ho vì Ce, ngièn-chṳ́ su-muk he 58.

Chhâm-kháu chṳ̂-liau

  1. Standard Atomic Weights 2013. Commission on Isotopic Abundances and Atomic Weights
  2. Ground levels and ionization energies for the neutral atoms, NIST
  3. Lide, D. R., pian. (2005). "Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds". CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (PDF) (86th pán.). Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-0486-5. Archived from the original on 2011-03-03. 2018-06-10 chhà-khon.