Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter
Sexo mascule
Nascentia 1924-10-01 (Lillian G. Carter Nursing Center)
Decesso 2024-12-29 (Jimmy Carter House)
Loco de reposo Jimmy Carter National Historical Park[*]
Citatania Statos Unite de America
Educate in Georgia Southwestern State University[*], Georgia Tech[*], United States Naval Academy[*], Union College[*]
Occupation naval officer[*], diplomate[*], romancero[*], politico[*], agricultor[*], autobiographo[*], submariner[*], homine de stato[*], environmentalist[*], homine de affaires[*], ingeniero[*], activista pro le pace[*], human rights activist[*], scriptor, humanitarian[*], Nobel Prize winner[*]
Partito politic Partito Democratic
Religion Christianismo
Conjuge Rosalynn Carter[*]
Infantes Jack Carter[*], Amy Carter[*], James Earl Carter III[*], Jeff Carter[*]
Parentes matre Lillian Gordy Carter[*] patre James Earl Carter Sr.[*]
Fratres/sorores Billy Carter[*], Gloria Carter Spann[*], Ruth Carter Stapleton[*]
Premios Premio Nobel del Pace, Medalia Presidential del Libertate[*], United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights[*], Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize[*], Indira Gandhi Peace Prize[*], Four Freedoms Award – Freedom Medal[*], Philadelphia Liberty Medal[*], American Peace Award[*], Delta Prize for Global Understanding[*], International Mediation medal[*], Ansel Adams Award[*], Catalonia International Prize[*], Fulbright Prize[*], Hoover Medal[*], Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism[*], Ellis Island Medal of Honor[*], National Defense Service Medal[*], American Campaign Medal[*], World War II Victory Medal[*], Order of the Nile[*], Order of Vasco Núñez de Balboa[*], Order of Manuel Amador Guerrero[*], Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown[*], Order of the Liberator General San Martín[*], Audubon Medal[*], Honorary doctor at the Nanjing University[*], honorary doctorate from the University of Alberta[*], honorary doctorate of Haifa University[*], Financial Times Person of the Year[*], American Library Association Honorary Membership[*], Grammy Award for Best Audio Book, Narration & Storytelling Recording[*], Grammy Award for Best Audio Book, Narration & Storytelling Recording[*], Grammy Award for Best Audio Book, Narration & Storytelling Recording[*]
Lingua anglese, espaniol
ISNI 0000000369603101
VIAF 247888433
IMDB nm0141699
Commons Jimmy Carter

James Earl Carter Jr. (Plains, Georgia, SUA, le 1 de octobre 1924 – Plains, Georgia, le 29 de decembre 2024), plus cognoscite como Jimmy Carter, esseva un politico statounitese qui esseva le 39ne Presidente del Statos Unite de America, de 1977 usque 1981. Ille recipeva le Premio Nobel del Pace del anno 2002, e ille es le sol Presidente qui ha recipite le Premio post le fin de su termino presidential.

Ante ille deveniva Presidente, Jimmy Carter serviva como un officiero de marina statounitese, e ille esseva un agricultor de arachides. Ille serviva duo terminos in le senato del stato de Georgia inter 1963 e 1967 pro le Contato de Sumter, e un termino como le Governator de Georgia de 1971 usque 1975. Ille deveniva le Presidente Statounitese in 1977, post ille e le candidato pro le vice-presidentia de su partito, Walter Mondale, battite Gerald Ford in le Election Presidential de 1976.

Durante su presidentia, Carter prosequeva le Accordos de Pace de Camp David, le Tractatos del Canal de Panama, le Tractato de SALT II, e ille restitueva le Zona de Canal de Panama a Panama. Carter presideva de un periodo de stagnation economica international e inflation. Su termino presidential habeva multe incidentes, tal como le Crise de Hostages Iranian, le Accidente a Three Mile Island, e le Invasion de Afghanistan per le Union Sovietic. Per 1980, su popularitate esseva erodite. Ille supervivite un defia primari de Ted Kennedy pro le nomination presidential del Partito Democratic. Ille esseva battite per Ronald Reagan, le candidato del Partito Republican ille anno. Carter obteneva 49 votos electoral a 489 pro Reagan.

Post su presidentia, Carter e su sposa fundava le Centro Carter pro avantiar le justitia e democratia in tote le mundo.

Le 1 de octobre 2024 ille attengiva le etate de 100 annos, deveniente le presidente le plus longeve in le historia del SUA e le prime centenario.

Octanta-novem dies depost, le 29 de decembre, ille moriva in su domo in Plains, Grorgia.

Ligamines externe

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Precedite per
Gerald Ford
Presidente del
Statos Unite de America

20 de januario 197720 de januario 1981
Succedite per
Ronald Reagan