Charles de Gaulle

Charles de Gaulle
President tar-Repubblika Franċiża

8 Jannar 1959 - 28 April 1969
René Coty (en) Translate - Alain Poher (en) Translate
Ko-Prinċep Franċiż ta' Andorra

8 Jannar 1959 - 28 April 1969
René Coty (en) Translate - Alain Poher (en) Translate
Prime Minister of France (en) Translate

8 Jannar 1959 - 8 Jannar 1959
Pierre Pflimlin (mul) Translate - Michel Debré (mul) Translate
Ministru għad-Difiża Nazzjonali

1 Ġunju 1958 - 8 Jannar 1959
Pierre de Chevigné (mul) Translate - Pierre Guillaumat (mul) Translate
President tal-Kunsill

1 Ġunju 1958 - 8 Jannar 1959
Pierre Pflimlin (mul) Translate - Michel Debré (mul) Translate
Ko-Prinċep Franċiż ta' Andorra

20 Awwissu 1944 - 20 Jannar 1946
Philippe Pétain (en) Translate - Félix Gouin (mul) Translate
1. President tal-Gvern Proviżorju tar-Repubblika Franċiża

3 Ġunju 1944 - 20 Jannar 1946
Philippe Pétain (en) Translate, Pierre Laval (en) Translate - Félix Gouin (mul) Translate

18 Ġunju 1940 - 3 Lulju 1944
← no value - no value →
Isem propju Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle
Twelid Lille, 22 Novembru 1890
Nazzjonalità Franza
Residenza Palazz Eliżew
L-ewwel lingwa Franċiż
Mewt Colombey-les-Deux-Églises (en) Translate, 9 Novembru 1970
Post tad-dfin qabar ta' Charles de Gaulle
Kawża tal-mewt kawżi naturali (anewriżma)
Missier Henri de Gaulle
Omm Jeanne Maillot
Konjuga/i Yvonne de Gaulle (mul) Translate  (1921 -  1970)
  • Anne de Gaulle (mul) Translate
    Philippe de Gaulle (en) Translate
    Élisabeth de Gaulle (en) Translate
  • Marie-Agnès de Gaulle (en) Translate
    Jacques de Gaulle (en) Translate
    Xavier de Gaulle (en) Translate
    Pierre de Gaulle (mul) Translate
Tribù familja de Gaulle
Alma mater École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr (en) Translate
Collège Stanislas de Paris (en) Translate
École supérieure de guerre (en) Translate
Lingwi Franċiż
Okkupazzjoni statista
kittieb tal-memorji
teoriku militari
uffiċjal militari
Post tax-xogħol Ingolstadt
Xogħlijiet importanti Mémoires de guerre (en) Translate
  • Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit Grand Cross of the National Order of Merit
    Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour
    Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic Knight Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic  (16 Ġunju 1959)
    Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order
    Companion of the Liberation Companion of the Liberation  (1940)
    Godfather promotion of Special Military School of Saint-Cyr
    Royal Order of Cambodia Royal Order of Cambodia
    Order of the Dragon of Annam Order of the Dragon of Annam
    Royal Victorian Chain Royal Victorian Chain  (1960)
    Knight of the Order of the Elephant Knight of the Order of the Elephant  (5 April 1965)
    Order of the Royal House of Chakri Order of the Royal House of Chakri
    Croix de guerre 1939–1945 Croix de guerre 1939–1945
    Croix de guerre 1914–1918 Croix de guerre 1914–1918  (1915)
    Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Cedar‎ Grand Cordon of the National Order of the Cedar‎
    Grand Master of the Legion of Honour Grand Master of the Legion of Honour
    honorary doctor of the University of Brasília
    Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany Grand Cross Special Class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany  (1961)
    Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari
    Victory Medal Victory Medal
    Order of the Redeemer Order of the Redeemer
    honorary citizen of Brussels  (11 Ottubru 1945)
    Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta Grand Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta
    Marcelin Guérin Prize  (1939)
    Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland Grand Cross with Collar of the Order of the White Rose of Finland  (19 Ottubru 1962)
    honorary citizen of Mons
    Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎ Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Olav‎
Nominat għal
  • [[Premju Nobel għal-Letteratura]]
Influwenzat minn Philippe Pétain (en) Translate
Charles Maurras (mul) Translate
Sħubija Ordre Nouveau (en) Translate
Psewdonomu Charles de Lugale
Servizz militari
Fergħa militari French Army (en) Translate
Free France (en) Translate
Grad brigadier ġeneral
Iġġieldu L-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija
Algerian War (en) Translate
It-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija
Battalja ta' Verdun
Polish–Soviet War (en) Translate
Battle of France (en) Translate
Battle of Dakar (en) Translate
Battle of Gabon (en) Translate
Liberation of Paris (en) Translate

Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (Lille, 22 ta' Novembru 1890) kien l-President ta' Franza mit-8 ta’ Jannar 1959 sat-28 ta’ April 1969. Kien ukoll mexxej ta’ Franza Ħielsa matul it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija.