Huchi (honey) chikafu chinokohwewa kubva pamukoko wenyuchi. Huchi hunogadzirwa nenyuchi dzichisveta muto kubva pamaruva.
Namo (beeswax) ndiyo inovakiswa chizinga chinozoiswa huchi nenyuchi.
- Huchi hunoyerera (liquid) hunonzi mondo kana musi.
- Dendende kana matendende (1. small ground bee, 2. honey of this bee).
- Izwi rokuti tota (mend or seal a hole using some beeswax) rinotaurwa kuKalanga richireva kunama nenamo yenyuchi. Mutota izita raShe ainzi Nyatsimba Mutota.
- Izwi rokuti thonongola (honey made by another type of small bees which is usually found in trees hollows high on the tree) rinotaurwa kuKalanga richireva huchi hunogadzirwa nenyuchi dzisingarume dzinogara mumuti. KuShona nyuchi idxi dzinonzi nhonongora.
Kurerutsa Mutauro
- Mhoozira (mark left after a liquid has dribbled over a surface).
- Musvisvi wakaita mhoozira dzokuerera pasi: the honey left streaks where it flowed down.
- Dendu (n. Bee’s wax).
Mazwi eBantu
- Zigula inoti uchi (honey) kureva huchi. VaWanga vanoti obushi (Honey). Digo inoti luchi (sweetness) kueva kutapira.
- Baila neMaZulu ku tapa (extract honey from a nest) vachireva kumora huchi. AmaZulu vanoti umtapo (source of supply of honey, clay etc).
- VaHerero oru-nanga (n. best thick honey) kureva huchi hukobvu hwakanakisa.
- VaGanda vanoti kizinga (honeycomb) kureva chizinga chehuchi. Kidawida inoti uki (honey) kureva huchi.
- Chewa inoti masa a njuchi (1. bee bread - pollen stored buried in a honeycomb; 2. honeycomb). Lozi inoti bulota (n. beeswax) kureva ndamo.
- VaChewa vanoti chisa (a nest of a bird, hive of bees). VaChewa vanoti zisa (plural of chisa - the cells of the honeycomb).
- Zigula inoti zana (n. bee brood; honeycomb) kureva chizinga chehuchi. Teso inoti esike (n. honey) kureva huchi.
- BaKalanga vanoti monga (n. honey made underground by small black bees which do not sting).